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第36卷第3期黑 龙 江 水 专 学 报

Vo l.36,No.32009年9月

Journal of H eilong jiang H ydraulic Eng ineer ing


文章编号:1000 9833(2009)03 0090 07


梁 川,陈 梁,陈 建


摘 要:山地冰川森林的水文效应是陆地生态系统中森林和水的相互作用及其功能的综合体现。在不同的地区,由于气候、地势、

地质条件、土壤和地形等因素的综合影响,山地冰川森林的存在和变化呈现出不同的水文生态响应。针对山地冰川森林区的水文特点,建立了了具有物理机制的山地冰川森林流域分布式DGF SL EHM (Dis tributed Glacial For est Space Land E cology H ydrology M odel)水文模型,它在一般模型的基础上,增加了反映山地冰川森林植被截留和植被蒸散发结构、森林土壤结构以及积雪融雪计算处理的模块。并以贡嘎山典型的山地冰川森林区 黄崩溜沟流域为例,对山地冰川森林影响水文作用的复杂过程及其水文生态效应展开模拟分析。从总径流量和年径流过程模拟的统计特征来看,该模型大体上反映出山地冰川森林区的径流过程,能够对地面水文过程进行系统仿真。

关键词:分布式水文模型;DFS LEHM 模型;径流过程;;黄崩溜沟流域;冰川森林区中图分类号:S715 文献标识码:A

Simulation of Runoff Process for Glacial Forest Basin

in Gongg a M ountainous

LIANG Chuan ,CHEN Liang,C HENG Jian

(College of W ater Cons ervancy an d H ydropow er,Sich uan Un iversity,Ch engdu 610065,China)

Abstract:T he g lacial for est v eg etation w hich is a link in the w ater cy cle process in terrestrial ecosystems can not be ignored,and it plays an impo rtant regulato ry ro le in the entire pro cess of w ater movement.The hy dro logical effect of glacial for est ecosystems is an inter actio ns and their em bo diment of the integrated function of the fo rest and w ater.Therefore,in different ar eas,as a result of the effects of clim ate,topog r aphy,geolog ical conditions,soil and topographic factors,the existence and chang es o f the g lacial forests show ed different eco hydrolo gical responses.In according w ith som e r elative features o f g lacial for est basin in Go ng ga m ountainous a new distributed glacial fo rest space land ecolo gy hydro logy m odel (DGF SLE H M )based on physical characteristics w as established in this study ,w hile especially a vegetativ e evapo transpiration and soil com positio n,as w ell as so il w ater storag e hysteresis are produced.Furthermo re,som e chang es of the g lacial forest vegetation impact on hy dro logical pro cesses w er e computed in H uang beng liu Gully Water shed o f Go ng ga M ountaino us,and the r esults of DGF SLEH M are in g ood agreement w ith the histor ical runoff investigations.In additio n,the DGF SLEH M w o uld be used to simulate an inter actio n and mutual influence betw een fo rest vegetation and eco log ical enviro nm ent,hydrolo gical processes.Key words:distributed hy dro logical m odel;DGF SLEH M;r unoff processes.;H uang bengliu Gully Water shed;g lacial forest basin

收稿日期:2009 06 12


作者简介:梁 川(1957 ),男,四川成都人,教授,博士生导师,从事水文水资源与水环境教学与科研工作。




