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I know. What is your complaint? It's not as easy as it looks. I'm afraid so. Can you call me when you are free? I've make up my mind. Do me a favor? I'm responsible for sales. I agree with you partially. I'd rather you didn't. I'll accept your offer. Pardon me? Let me put it another way. We're on our way. It's a really impressive. How is your job-hunting going? Allow me to introduce myself. We'll talk about it later. My proposal was accepted at the meeting. Could you come to my office for a while? It slipped my mind. There's something to it. What are we going to do about it? I would like to make an appointment. It doesn't work. It's been a long day. That explains it. Are you working overtime tonight? It's your turn. He has already got off work. Can I take a message? Put yourself in my shoes. Your price seems a little high.
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Give me a break. We could offer you a discount. I have much experience in that field. Let me show you. Let's talk some more. I was offered the position. I'm looking for a new job now. I'd like to book a hotel room. The meeting is closed. I'll keep that in my mind. Go ahead. I'd like to make a suggestion. We'll have a meeting this afternoon. Manager thinks highly of him. Don't talk back to me! She's too talkative. Thank you for your time. I'd like to enquire about flights to New York. I need it badly. We made it! Let's call it a day. Let me know as soon as you get an answer. Do you have a minute? Just one more thing. You're to blame. As soon as possible! Would you go to the meeting in place of me? Hi, this is Roger from XXX Company? You messed it up. I'm running out of time. We've had the work done by now. Have any advice? I'm just following orders.
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Anything wrong? I'm really proud of this. I'll do it my own way. It's all over! Let's get back on track. Will it be OK if I go home early today? May I pay a visit to you next Monday? I'll put it on my credit card. Do it all over again. Don't let this get you down. He is off today. Sorry for being late. I was caught in traffic. When is this due? Keep me informed. I don't really know what is on his mind. Please contact me if there're any further questions. That would be great. I managed to sort out the problem. Since everyone is here, we should get started. Don't make any excuses! I've come across some problems. It's been nice talking to you. That's my bottom-line. I'll think about it. See what I mean? I'm really behind in my work. It's a deal. May I have a word? Sorry to have kept you waiting. Believe me. Can I get some feedback on my performance? This is a rush job.
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I'm an office worker. I have a typical 9 to 5 job. Don't forget to punch in and out. How is your project going? I can handle it myself. Give it a try! Which side are you on? I'm pressed for time. Do you have any questions? You can do it! I couldn't agree more. I'll do my best. Things happen. I think so. I can't take it anymore! Cheer up! He got a pay raise. We have to work together. I'm a workaholic. You shouldn't work so hard. Is everything OK? We will contact you within one week. I'm looking forward to it. I don't understand what you say. Do something! I'll do that. Let's figure things out together. Let me check my schedule. Can you make it on Saturday? I can't get along well with him. What a good deal! Good idea. I'll get back to you in a while.
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My computer is down again. Let me make myself clear. I quit! We'll take care of that. You can count on me. I proposed a plan at the meeting. Let me help you with your work. I need a definite answer. I doubt it. Get moving! I think you're mistaken. It never really got off the ground. Are you listening to me? May I have one day off? Good point! I couldn't help it. Let's finish it somehow. She deals with many trivial things. He has been very helpful. They are received well, both at home and abroad. You're wasting your time. When is the deadline? I have some bad news. Did you have any problem finding this place? It makes no difference. I'm with you. How can I help you? What seems to be the problem? Why did you leave your last job? Let's get the ball rolling. May you succeed! It's up to you. You may ask me any question you have.
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I really enjoy my work. Don't mention it. I can't make ends meet on my small salary. The job pays well. He's very hard on me. How can I ever thank you? How can I reach/contact you? Let's wait and see. We're in the same boat. I'll fill you in. I've had a change in my schedule. It's up in the air. It has a look that would sell. Mr. Wang is in charge of the whole project. Who's calling please? I'm under a lot of pressure. I have to use a sick day today. It's fine with me. I'm sorry to have troubled you. I did the best I could. I got promoted. John has the floor. I'll check it out. I'm sorry, but I have a different thought. What is the real issue? I'm an easy-going man. Call me whenever necessary. Please hold on one second. I'll give you a call to confirm later. How much are you asking? He is not available right now. If you say so. Good job! !