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摘 要 水资源的人为污染日趋严重.植被过滤带被认为是降低水体污染、特别是非点源污


关键词 植被过滤带 植被缓冲带 非点源污染 最佳经营措施文章编号 1001-9332(2008)09-2074-07 中图分类号 Q948 文献标识码 A

R esearch and applicati o n advances on veget ative filter stri p .WANG L iang m i n 1

,WANG Y an hu i 2(1C ollege of F orestry ,Shanx iAgricult u ral Un iversit y ,Tai g u 030801,Shanx i ,China;2Chinese Acade my of Forestr y,B eijing 100091,China ). Chin.J.App l .E col .,2008,19(9):2074-2080.A bstract :W ater resources have been i n creasi n gly po lluted ,wh ile vegetati v e filter strip (VFS)is accepted as one o f the best m anage m ent practices to reduce w ater body po ll u ti o n ,especia ll y non po int source pollution .A vegetati v e filter stri p is a vegetated stri p of land ,wh ich separates the r un o ff and po llutan t contributi n g areas fro m surface w ater bodies and a llo w s the runo ff and assoc iated po ll u tants to be attenuated be fore reach i n g surface w aters v ia i n filtrati o n ,adsorption ,uptake ,de cay ,filtering ,and deposition.I n this paper ,the research and application advances on VFS w ere rev ie w ed ,inc l u d i n g the h istory ,str ucture ,m echan is m s o f pollution contro,l design ,m anage m en,t and cost effecti v eness o fVFS .The stud ies on VFS in Ch i n a started recently ,and very fe w results o f experi m ents and app lications had been achieved .I n order to effic iently pro m ote and use this eco log ical technique i n Ch i n a ,mo re st u dies on VFS are needed to obta i n re lative experi m enta l data and results .

K ey words :vegetative filter stri p (VFS);vegetative buffer str i p ;non po i n t source pollution ;best m anage m ent practices .

*山西省回国留学人员资助项目(2007063).**通讯作者.E m ai:l liang m i n .w ang @g m ai.l co m 2007 12 17收稿,2008 06 19接受.

植被过滤带(vegetati v e filter stri p s ,VFS)的产生与发展是与水体污染日益加重紧密相关的.众所周

知,淡水资源是最重要最宝贵的自然资源之一,但其遭受的人为污染日趋严重.水污染包括点源污染(po i n t source po ll u ti o n)和非点源污染(non point source pollution)两类.点源污染一般容易被注意到,如工业污水、城市污水等.而非点源污染往往不易被观察到,如来自农田集水区地表径流中的氮磷钾肥料等,进入水体后可导致水体的富营养化,造成水体



对水体污染的预防和处理有工程处理和自然处理两种系统.自然处理系统可主要分为陆地系统和水体系统两类.陆地系统主要指植被过滤带(VFS ),可用来处理点源和非点源污染.水体系统则包括池塘和湿地等,主要是针对点源污染.有时两种系统并存用来处理点源污染,如城市或养畜场产生的污水先以水体系统做前处理,然后再通过陆地处理系统进一步处理.


应用生态学报 2008年9月 第19卷 第9期 Ch i nese Journa l of A pp lied E co logy ,Sep .2008,19(9):2074-2080
