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专业自动化(工程方向) 年级 2008级

学号 222008322042027 姓名赵华远





摘要: (1)


0 文献综述 (3)

0.1物联网现状 (3)

0.2物联网研究的意义 (4)

1 引言 (6)

1.1基本内涵 (6)

1.2物联网定义 (6)

1.3物联网的鲜明特征 (8)

1.4物联网分类 (8)

1.5物联网发展史 (9)

2 感知识别 (9)

2.1自动识别技术与RFID (9)

2.1.1 自动识别技术 (9)

2.1.2 RFID的历史和现状 (9)

2.1.3 RFID系统分析 (10)

2.1.4 RFID和物联网 (12)

2.2传感器技术 (12)

2.2.1 传感器的感念 (12)

2.2.2 传感器的组成 (13)

2.2.3 传感器的性能指标 (13)

2.3定位系统 (13)

2.3.1 定位系统种类 (14)

2.3.2 定位技术 (15)

2.3.3 物联网环境下定位技术的挑战和发展前景 (15)

2.4智能信息设备 (16)

3 网络构建 (16)

3.1互联网 (16)

3.2无线宽带网络 (18)

3.3无线低速网络 (18)

3.4移动通信网络 (18)

4 管理服务 (19)

4.1数据库系统 (19)

4.2海量信息存储 (20)

4.3搜索引擎 (21)

4.4物联网中的智能决策 (21)

4.5物联网中的信息安全与隐私保护 (22)

5 综合应用 (23)

5.1智能物流 (23)

5.2智能交通 (23)

5.3绿色建筑 (23)

5.4智能电网 (24)

5.5环境监测 (24)

6结论 (24)

参考文献 (26)

致谢 (27)



西南大学工程技术学院,重庆 400716


关键词:物联网;RFID;传感器; 互联网;数据库

The Internet of things technology research

ZHAO HuaHuan

College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China Abstract:In recent years, things networking technology is more and more attention by people, the thing

was also called all the network computer, Internet after, the world of the information industry's third big wave. This article mainly from the perception identification, network construction, management service, integrated application of the four major aspects of the physical introduction and analysis of network, and they are connected to the Internet content the four layers of the structure of the structure model. Analyzed the content networking key and related technologies, including identification of perception of wireless sensor network and testing technology, RFID technology, the sensor; Network construction in the content of network as objects and people communication bridge, mainly introduced the Internet and wireless broadband network, wireless network, low speed mobile communication network; Management service part of main profile any mass information processing related networking introduced; In the comprehensive application department is mainly from intelligent logistics, intelligent traffic, the green building, intelligent power grid, environment monitoring these five specific aspects that the application of the network are briefly introduced. Finally the author introduced to the thing of networking ideas and comprehension, and the prospects for the thing networking.

Key Words:Internet of Things; RFID; NFC; The Internet; Database
