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In the mid- 19th century, Western powers forced open China ' s door with
gun boats. Internal turmoil and foreig n aggressi on gradually turned China into a semi-co lonial and semi-feudal society. The country became poor and weak, and the people suffered from wars and chaos. Fac ing imminent dan ger of n ati onal subjugation, one generation of patriots after another fought hard to find a way to reform and save the n atio n.
The Revoluti on of 1911 put an end to the system of mon archy which had ruled China for several thousa nd years, and in spired the Chin ese people to struggle for in depe ndence and prosperity. However, such efforts and struggle failed to cha nge the nature of China as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, or lift the Chinese people out of misery. Living up to the people ' s expectation, the CPC led them in
carry ing out arduous struggle, and fin ally foun ded the People ' s Republic of China ir 1949. This marked the realization of China independence and liberation of its people and ushered in a new epoch in China ' s history.
In the past six decades and more since the founding of New China, and particularly since the in troducti on of the reform and ope nin g-up policies in 1978, the Chin ese gover nment has worked hard to explore a path of socialist moder ni zati on that con forms to China ' s con diti ons and the trend of the times. Overco ming difficulties and setbacks, the Chinese people have advaneed with the times, drawn on both experie nee and less ons from the developme nt of China itself and other coun tries, deepe ned un dersta nding of the laws gover ning the developme nt of huma n society, and promoted the self-improveme nt and growth of the socialist system. Through arduous struggle, the Chin ese people have succeeded in finding a path of development conforming to China 's reality ath —f socialism with Chinese
—Com mon developme nt. Coun tries are beco ming in creas in gly in terdepe ndent. Only whe n com mon developme nt of all coun tries is realized and more people share the fruit of development, can world peace and stability have a solid foun dati on and be effectively guara nteed, and can developme nt be susta in able in all coun tries. Therefore, China un swerv in gly follows a strategy of ope nin g-up and mutual ben efit. It pursues both its own in terests and the com mon in terests of mankind and works to en sure that its own developme nt and the developme nt of other coun tries are mutually rein forci ng, thus promot ing the com mon developme nt of all coun tries. China sin cerely hopes to work with other coun tries to realize com mon developme nt and prosperity.
Thanks to its pursuit of peaceful developme nt, Chi na has un der-go ne profo und cha nges. It has made remarkable achieveme nts in developme nt, made major contribution to world prosperity and sta-bility, and is more closely linked with the rest of the world.
China ' s overall strength has grown considerably. Its total economic output reached US$5.88 trillion in 2010, over 16 times that of 1978, rising to 9.3% of the world ' s total from 1.8% in 1978. The material basis for China ' s modernization dr|| has become more solid; steady progress has bee n made in tur ning China into an in dustrialized, in formati on-based, urba ni zed, market-orie nted and intern atio nalized coun try, and the cause of socialist developme nt is being adva need in all respects.。