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1)影响比较大的量光书有四本:Scully和Zubairy的“Quantum Optics”,Walls和Milburn 的同名书,Wolf和Mandel的“Optical coherence and quantum optics”,以及Meystre 和Sargent的“Elements of quantum optics”。
Scully书有将近一半的篇幅是介绍他和他的学生发展起来的专题,比如无反转激光(LWI)、Micromaser、Correlation emission laser等等(还有chap15、20、21);新西兰学派的Walls的书在压缩态等方面很有特点,因为他本身是这方面的权威;罗彻斯特大学的Mandel的书最详细,涉及光量子相干理论方面很详细;Meystre和萨晋的书比较简洁清晰,没有太多的应用专题。
2)其他还有Gerry和Knight的“Introduction to Quantum Optics”,难度稍微低一些,比较适合入门;Bachor和Ralph的“A Guide to Experiments in Quantum Optics”,这书是专门针对量子光学实验方面的,对重要实验都介绍的很好;Barnett和Radmore的“Methods in Theoritical Quantum Optics”偏重于介绍量子光学中使用的数学工具。
3)还有一本书我个人也非常推崇,就是Claude Cohen-Tannoudji等人的“Atom-Photon Interactions”,塔诺吉是97年诺奖得主,冷原子物理的大牛之一。
4)还有一些著名大学的量子光学课程也非常不错,我个人首推哈佛物理系Lukin的AMO (原子分子光物理),内容很新,可以了解最新的进展。
Quantum Optics and non-relativistic QED
1.、Leonard Mandel and Emil Wolf, Optical coherence and quantum optics (1995). One of the most comprehensive and complete texts on quantum optics. Gives a good survey of most techniques and topics.
2、D. F. Walls and G. J. Milburn, Quantum optics (1995). A concise textbook focusing on squeezed states and noise mechanisms (master equations).
3、Herch M. Nussenzveig, Introduction to quantum optics (1973). Particularly helpful for coherent states.
4、Peter W. Milonni, The quantum vacuum : an introduction to quantum electrodynamics (1994). A very interesting book which mostly deals with the effect of boundaries (Casimir effect) and some particular quantum field theoretical effects in (mostly non-relativistic) QED.
5、Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jacques Dupont-Roc, and Gilbert Grynberg, Photons and atoms : introduction to quantum electrodynamics (1989). In this book the fundamental equations of non-relativistic QED are thoroughly explained.
6、Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jacques Dupont-Roc, Gilbert Grynberg, Atom-photon interactions : basic processes and applications (1992). A very good book dealing with the fundamental techniques to describe the interaction of atoms with light. Includes dressed states, resolvent method, master equations.。