

姓名(xìngmíng): ________ 分数: __________ 家长签名:_____________


1. ____(茶壶(chá hú))

2. ____(工作(gōngzuò))

3. ____(花瓶)

4. ____(面包)

5. ____(鸟)

6. ____(现在)

7. ____(蛋糕)

8. ____(喜欢)

9. ____(鸡蛋) 10. ____(橙子)

11. ____ (54) 12. ____ (30) 13. ____ (举起) 14. ____ (flower)15. ____ (biscuit)


1. The aeroplane is flying __________ the bridge. (under/over)

2. There’s __________ coffee in the cupboard. (some/any)

3. He is eating __________ bar of chocolate. (a/an)

4. I can lift the chair, but I __________ lift the table. (can/can’t)

5. I want a __________of milk. (piece/bottle)

6. ---Are you going to put on your shoes? ---Yes, I’m going to put __________on. (it/them)

7. ---Is he going to take off his tie? ---Yes, he is going to take __________off. (it/them)

8. The girl is sitting __________her mother and her father. (between/over)

9. The teacher is standing __________the blackboard. (behind/in front of)

10. I can __________. (swim/swimming)


1. George, hard, is, working

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

2. are, what, you, do, going, to,

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

3. he, going, is, to, paint, the, bookcase

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

4. put, not, it, here, do

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

5. can, I, find, the, not, cups

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _____


THE BOSS: ___________ you ___________here a minute please, Bob?

BOB: ___________, sir?

THE BOSS: Where’s Pamela?

BOB: She’s next___________. She’s in her ___________, sir.

THE BOSS: Can she ___________ this letter for me? Ask her please.

BOB: Yes, sir.

BOB: Can you type this letter for the___________ please, Pamela?

PAMELA: Yes, of ___________ I can.

BOB: ___________ ___________ ___________.

PAMELA: Thank you, Bob.


BOB: Yes? What’s the ___________?

PAMELA: I can’t type this letter. I can’t ___________ it! The boss’s ___________ is ___________.


(1)What’s the ___________


I.找出划线部分发音不同的一项(每题1分,共5分) 1. ( )A. snow B. show C. flower D. window 2. ( )A. front B. drop C. coffee D. October 3. ( )A. butter B. summer C. sugar D. hurry 4. ( )A. listen B. spring C. find D. minute 5. ( )A. vase B. late C. favourite D. take II.根据汉语补全下列单词(每题1分,共20分) 1.锤子______________ 2.小心的___________ 3.寄____________ 4.找到______________ 5.秋天_______________ 6.医生____________ 7.经常_______________ 8.努力地_______________ 9.能,会___________ 10.茶壶_____________ 11.沸腾的____________ 12.匆忙______________ 13.举起,抬起_________ 14.夏天____________ 15果酱____________ 16.咖啡_____________ 17.下一个____________ 18.想要____________ 19.蜂蜜_____________ 20.早________________ III.选出正确答案(每题1分,共10分) ()1. Can you type the letter? Yes, ______course. A. off B. of C. on ()2. My grandfather listens ______the stereo every day. A. for B. to C. with ()3.The boy is putting on______ hat. A. her B. its C. his


易达教育新概念第一册37-46测试题 姓名________ 班级_________ 得分________ (时间:60分钟满分:100分) 一.找出每组单词中,划线部分发音不同的一个。(10') () 1. A.idea B. tea C. eat D. least () 2. A.work B. for C. pork D. or () 3. A.note B. teapot C. across D.not () 4. A.cat B. hammer C. match D. cake () 5. A.make B. take C. bookcase D. grass () 6. A.find B. behind C. lift D. handwriting ()7. A. bottle B. coffee C.some D.chocolate ()8. A. cheese B. meet C. meat D. bread ()9. A. foot B. food C. book D. look ()10. A. cut B. shut C. nut D. sugar 二.根据提示,写出适当的单词。(10') 1. She is w____________ hard now. What is she doing? 2. George is m____________ a bookcase for his daughter. 3. George is going to p_______ it pink,because pink's Susan's f__________ colour. 4. Put the vase in f_________ of the window. 5. Be c__________! Don't drop it. 6. What are you g__________ to do with that book? 7. There is a tin of t___________ on the table. 8. H________ up! The kettle is b___________. 9. Can you come here a m__________ please, Tom? 10. W__________ are the cups?I can't find them. 三. 句型转换。(20') 1. Drop that vase. (变为否定句) ___________________________________________________________________ 2. I am shaving.(变为将来时:be going to) ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Send George that letter.(变为同意句) ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Show me that picture.(变为同意句) ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Take those flowers to her.(变为同意句) ___________________________________________________________________ 6. There are some lovely animals there.(变为一般疑问句) ___________________________________________________________________


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(37--48) 一.选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项(5分) 1. A. drop B. coffee C.chocolate D. tobacco 2. A.hammer B.make C.take D.favourite 3. A.garden B.park C.sharp D.sugar 4. A.cheese B.tree C.coffee D.tea 5. A.work B.short C.floor D.door 二.写出下列单词(10分) 1.努力地 2.送给 3.肥皂 4.当然 5.茶壶 6.沸腾,烧开 7.分钟8.槽糕的 9.黄油 10.新鲜的 11.成熟的 12.上等的 13.黑板 14.果酱 15.羔羊肉 16.甜的 17.蜂蜜 18.纯净的 19.果酒 20.啤酒 三.写出序数词1-12(10分) 四.选择题(40分) 1.What____ your brother going to do with these books? A.Is B are C am D be 2.There is a desk___the blackboard. A.In front of B in the front of C on front of D on the front of 3.Mr. Smith, along with his wife and two children, ___going to Germany to see the World Cup. A.Is B am C are Dbe 4.Be careful! Don’t __ the vase. A.Broke B breaking C breaked D break

新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(新编)(Lesson 37--Lesson 48)

新概念英语第一册阶段测试题 (LESSON 37—LESSON 48) 姓名________________ 分数________________ 一、将下列数字以英语的形式表示出来(1分/题,共10分) ①1,246,461,465_____________________________________________________________ ②7,946,512,168_____________________________________________________________ ③9,787,654,132_____________________________________________________________ ④5,409,846,165_____________________________________________________________ ⑤8,779,136,542_____________________________________________________________ ⑥7,216,574,612_____________________________________________________________ ⑦4,510,341,206_____________________________________________________________ ⑧8,761,651,012_____________________________________________________________ ⑨7,804,164,116_____________________________________________________________ ⑩8,790,513,163_____________________________________________________________ 二、单项选择(1分/题,共20分) ( )01.You_____hard,George.What are you doing? A.work B.are working C.works D.working ( )02._____me that hammer,please. A.To give B.Giving C.Give D.Gives ( )03._____hammer do you want?This one? A.Whose B.What’s C.Which D.Who’s ( )04.—What are you going to do?—I_____it. A.am painting B.am going to painting C.paints ( )05.There are two cats_____the tree. A.on B.in C.for D.of ( )06.--_____can you see a kite?—On the wall. A.Where B.What C.Whose D.Which ( )07.What are you going to do_____that vase? A.for B.on C.with D.of ( )08.There is a pencil on the floor.Who_____it up? A.pick B.is picking C.picks D.is going to pick ( )09.—Is that bag heavy?—No,it’s_____. A.heavy B.big C.full D.light ( )10.Is that tin of tobacco for_____? A.I B.My C.mine D.me


新概念英语Lesson37—72检测题 一、单项选择题。40% ( ) 1. The pictures are _______ the wall. A. on B. at C. off D. out ( ) 2. The boy is running ________ a dog. A. at B. on C. after D. in ( ) 3. The children are jumping _________ the wall. A. off B. at C. in D. for ( ) 4. There ________ some news for you. A. is B. are C. be D. has ( ) 5. There are some ________ of bread on the table. A. loafs B. loaves C. loaf D. loafes ( ) 6. There is a blackboard ___________ the classroom. A. in front of B. in the front of C. at front of D. at the front of ( ) 7. Hurry _______! The bus is coming. A. off B. on C. in D. up ( ) 8. He is sitting ________ his mother and his father. A. in B. on C. between D. across ( ) 9. The ship is going _________ the bridge. A. under B. over C. on D. behind ( ) 10. Do you ________ any meat? A. to want B. wants C. want D. wanting ( ) 11. What ________ Kate usually do? A. do B. does C. is D. be ( ) 12. I often watch TV _______ noon. A. in B. at C. on D. during ( ) 13. I have _________ writing-paper. A. some B. any C. an D. a ( ) 14. Do you want the large size ________ the small size? A. and B. or C. but D. for ( ) 15. Tom usually _________ TV ________ night. A. watch; at B. sees; at C. watches; at D. see; in ( ) 16. Would you like ________ coffee?


Lesson37-Lesson48 一、按要求写出下列单词的适当形式(每题1分,共15分) 1.work(同义词)________________ 2.paint(指人名词形式)_____________ 3.love(形容词形式)_____________ 4.can(否定形式)_________________ 5.careful(副词形式)____________ 6.ask(反义词)___________ __ ____ 7.terrible(副词形式)_____________ 8.take(现在分词)_______ __ ____ 9.that(复数形式)________________ 10.housewife(复数形式)__________ 11.make(单三形式)_____________ 12.go(现在分词)________________ 13.go(单三形式)________________ 14.want(单三形式)______________ 15.?nd(单三形式)_______________ 二、根据汉语意思写出下列短语(每题1分,共15分) 1.一条面包_____________________2.一块肥皂_________________________ 3.一磅白糖____________________4.一听香烟________________________ 5.半磅咖啡___________________ 6.四分之一磅茶_____________________ 7.努力工作_________________ 8.当心、小心______________________ 9.在……前面10.在那边___________________________ 11.快点_________ _______12.寻找__________________________ 13.隔壁________________ __ 14.穿上_______________________ 15.当然_____________________________ 三、单项选择(每题1分,共15分) ()1.______some tea in the cup. A.There's B.Have C.There're D.Has ()2.—How many dogs can you see? A.Yes,Ican B.I can see one C.No,Ican't D.Yes,I do ()3.Can you______a cake? A.do B.make C.to make D.making ()4.—Do you like biscuits? —Yes,______. A.Iam B.I'm C.Ido D.Ilike ()5.—Can I help you,sir? —I'd like to have100______.I want my students to draw pictures.A.piece of paper B.pieces of paper C.pieces of papers ()6.—Where's my shoes? —Ican't______them. A.look B.?nd C.know D.see ()7.I can see an airplane,______I can't see a bird. A.or B.so C.but D.and ()8.—______is Pamela —She's next door. A.What B.When C.How D.Where ()9.LiYan is my best friend.She comes______a small village. A.on B.with C.of D.from ()10.—______Sam make the tea? —No,he can't. A.Must B.Can C.Is D.Does ()11.—Would you like some______? —Oh,yes,just a little. A.milk B.apple C.pear D.orange ()12.Be______.Don't drop the vase. A.carefully B.careless C.funny D.careful ()13.Here is a pound______sugar. A.for B.of C.in D.with ()14.Are there______bags on the table? A.a B.much C.some D.any ()15.Look! There are some______on the ?oor. A.child B.water C.boxes D.girl 四、句型转换(每题2分,共20分) 1.I'm making a bookcase.(用be going to改写句子) _______________________________________________________ 2.You're working hard.(就划线部分提问) _______________________________________________________ 3.I'm going to paint it pink.(就划线部分提问) _______________________________________________________


新概念37-48课复习题 一、单词 工作work 努力地hard做make书架书橱bookcase 锤子hammer上漆涂paint 粉红色pink 最喜欢的favourite作业homework听listen 盘子碟子dish火腿ham汉堡hamburger 饼burger芝士汉堡chess-burger家务活housework百合花lily潮湿的wet现在now 明天tomorrow一道菜dish油画oil painting浇水water为…给…(介词)for前面front 小心的仔细的careful 花瓶vase掉下drop花flower给…看show带给take送给send给give 小心的仔细的(反义词)careless花(同音词)flour 照顾细心关心care乳酪干酪cheese 面包bread肥皂soap巧克力chocolate糖sugar咖啡coffee茶tea烟草烟丝tobacco 当然certainly香烟cigarette磅pound听tin条bar鸟bird 一些some一些any 块糖sweet 糖果candy重击重打pound当然of course当然sure水壶pot在…后面behind在…后面(反义词)in frond of 茶壶teapot现在此刻now找到find沸腾开boil咖啡壶coffeepot 火锅hotpot 玻璃glass can not = can’t老板上司boss分(钟)minute请求要求ask书写handwriting 糟糕的可怕的terrible拿起搬起举起lift 饼蛋糕cake饼干biscuit 电梯lift = elevator 千thousand 百万million曲奇饼cookie 薄脆饼cracker开电梯的人liftman记者newsman 送报纸的人newspaperman 想要喜欢like想want 新鲜的fresh鸡蛋egg黄油butter纯净的pure 蜂蜜honey成熟的ripe香蕉banana果酱jam甜的sweet橙orange苏格兰威士忌Scotch whisky 上等的精选的choice苹果apple 酒果酒wine 啤酒beer 黑板blackboard 二、短语和词组 努力工作work hard努力学习study hard 去上班go to work做一个蛋糕make a cake 铺床make a bed沏茶make some tea做一个书架make a bookcase 把房子漆成绿的paint the house green狂欢paint the town red画蛇添足paint the lily


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(参考答案) 请注意,这篇文章中存在着格式错误,例如数字后面的括号和斜杠,以及缺少空格和标点符号等。此外,题目和答案也没有分别列出来,使得文章难以阅读和理解。因此,需要对其进行修改和改写。 New Concept English Book One Stage Test Total Score: 100 Points Part One: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Words (1 Point per n。10 Points in Total) 01.Excuse me。can you ive me? 02.XXX XXX. 03.She wore a beautiful dress to the party last night. 04.I live in a house on the hill. 05.XXX it rains. 06.I need to buy a ticket for the train. 07.What's your phone number? 08.He'XXX.

09.I usually wake up early in the morning. 10.Today is a fine day for a ic. Part Two: Write the Antonyms of the Following Words (1 Point per n。10 Points in Total) XXX - fat short - tall clean - dirty cold/cool - hot/warm young/new - old hardworking - lazy black - XXX sit - stand go - come these - those Part Three: XXX (1 Point per n。5 Points in Total) 1.What's her job。- She's an engineer. 2.What are their jobs。- They're policemen. 3.What's Michael's job。- He's a sales rep.


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(Less on-37--Less on -48)

新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(37—48) 一、单词填空(1分/题,共10分) 01. _______ (水壶)02. _______ (在……后面)03.________ (糟糕的)04 ________ (现在)05 (沸腾)06. ——(老板)—07. (分钟)08. (茶壶) 12. (饼干)09. (书写)10. (拿起)11. (蛋 糕) 15. (黄油)16. (纯净的)13. (喜欢)14. (新鲜 的) 17. (蜂蜜)18. (甜的)19. (上等 20. (黑板) 的) 二、根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分) 01.bookcase 02.homework 03.favourite 04.fro nt 05.coffee 06.hamm e r 07.flower 08.careful 09.chocolate 10.tobacco 三、单词辨$音(1分/题,共10分) ()01.A.work— B.short Cfloor D.door ()02 A cheese_ B.tree C.coffee D.tea ()03 A garden B.park C.sharp D.sugaL ()04.A.hammer B.make _ C.take D.favourite — ()05.A.drop _ B.coffee _C.chocolate D.tobacco 一 ()06.A.brown_ B.how C.flower D.yellow ()07.A.vase_ B.father C.tobacco D.glass_ — ()08.A.tie )_ B.favourite C.dish _ D」iste n _ — ()09.A.fr ont _ B.some _C.drop D.ano ther 一 ()10.A.liste n _ B.vase Cjsome D.send — ()11.A.course B.your C.floor D.colour ()12.A.behi nd _ B.find C.lift D.like _ — ()13.A.teapot _ B.hot C.boss D.honey — ()14.A.mi nute - B.jump -C.butter D.much ()15.A.wa nt_ B.jam C.bag D.ha ndwrit ing

新概念英语(37课 58课)分段测试卷

新概念英语(37课 58课)分段测试卷 新概念英语(37课-58课)分段测试卷 新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(37―58) 一、单词及汉语核对(1分后/题,共7分后) 1.(送给) 2.(有趣的) 3.(糟糕的) 4.(通常) 5.(最喜欢的) 6.(9月)0 7.(分钟) 二.写下以下动词的第三人称单数(1分后/题,共8分后) a.at b.on c.ind,off()2.pleaseturn____theradio. a.on b.at c.of d.for()3.___there____milkinthebottle? a.is,some b.is,any c.are,some d.are,any()4.canyoutaketheseflowers____yourteacher? a.inb.toc.ofd.over()6..thepicturesare__thewall.a.onb.atc.offd.out()7..look!he_ __theradio. a.listeningto b.islistening c.islisteningto d.listensto()8.kitty_____herbicycleto thepark.a.rideb.ridingc.ridesd.ridden -1- ()9.jackandhermother_____happy.a.doesb.arec.isd.have()10.aman_____infrontofhis car. a.walk b.walks c.walking d.work三、用a、som e.或any填空:(每题1分,共5分) 1、ihave_______newbike. 2、thereis______milkintheglass. 3、 isthere________breadinthekitchen.4、iwant_____coffee.5、 thereis________appleonthetable. 四、按要求改写下面的句子:)(每题2分,共10分)1.there are some watches

2021新概念 lesson 37-48练习题

Lesson 37-48课后练习题 一、根据提示,用适当短语进行填空。 1.There are_____________ (四块)cheese in the kitchen. 2.There is ____________(一瓶)milk on the table. 3.There is_______________ (四分之一磅)of meat in the fridge. 4.They _______(want)some apples. 5.We don’t_______(like)sweet milk. 6.请把它给我。Please give _____ ______ ______. 7.你打算如何处理那些盘子? What ____ you ____ _____ _____ _____ those plates? 8.请给我半磅茶叶。Give me ____ _____ _____of tea,please. 9.不要摔了那个花瓶。_____ ______ that vase. 10.他们想要一些牛奶。They ____ _____ milk. 11.你想要一杯茶吗?_____ _____ _____ a cup of tea? 是的,来一杯。____, _____ ___. 12.你喜欢饼干吗?____ _____ _____ biscuits? 13.我会打这封信。I can _____ _____ _______. 二、选择题 () 1. _____ you have a book? A. Do B. Are C. Is D. Have ()2.She doesn’t ______ her homework in the afternoon. A. doing B. to do C. does D. do ( )3. There ______ some juice . A.is B.are C.has D.be ( )4. _____you from China? A. Are B. Do. C. Does D.Is ( )5. _____you come from China? A.Are B. Do. C. Does D.Is ( )6.----Can you swim? -----No, I ____. A.can B.can’t C.mustn’t D.must

新概念一册Lesson 37-48 测试题(附答案)

新概念Lesson 37-48阶段性测试题 一、首字母填空(共8题,每空1分,共10分) 1. Be c__________! There comes the bus. 2. There is a desk in f__________ of the blackboard. 3. Can you m__________ the tea? 4. I can’t read it. Your h__________ is t__________. 5. This table is too heavy. I can’t l__________ it. 6. There is some water in this k__________. 7. — What’s in it? — A piece of c__________. A bar of c__________. 8. — What are you doing? — I’m doing my h__________. 二、单项选择(共10题,每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. You ______ hard, George. What are you doing? A. work B. are working C. works D. working ( ) 2. ______ me the hammer, please. A. To give B. Giving C. Give D. Gives ( ) 3. —______ can you see a kite? —On the wall. A. Where B. What C. Whose D. Which ( ) 4. Can she type the letter ______ me? A. to B. for C. of D. on ( ) 5. Don’t ______ it. A. drop B. to drop C. dropping D. drops ( ) 6. Can you ______ here a minute please? A. come B. comes C. coming D. is coming ( ) 7. Is there a ______ of sugar on the table? A. loaf B. bar C. piece D. pound ( ) 8. ______ you ______ any suger? A. Are; want B. Is; want C. Do; want D. Does; want ( ) 9. The ______ under the tree ______ her friends. A. man; is B. woman; are C. men; are D. women; is


新概念英语第一册37-48考试 注意事项:本次考试满分为100分,考试时间为50分钟。本试卷旨在考察学生对课本知识的掌握,考试成绩只作为英语成绩衡量的参考。 考试范围:新概念英语第一册Lesson37-48。 考试纪律:独立完成,不得抄袭,如有疑问请举手向监考教师请教。 姓名:______________ 得分:______________ 家长签字:______________ 学习评价:□名列前茅品学兼优□持之有恒刻苦好学□努力不够智慧有余□学业欠佳急需努力 第一项:单词首字母填空(1*10=10) 1. a piece of c________ 2. p________ on your coat 3. s________ the floor 4. m________ the bed 5. cook a m________ 6. l________ at a picture 7. t________ a letter 8. l________ to the stereo 9. w________ for a bus 10.p________ it pink 第二项:中英互译(1*10=10) 1. make a biscuit 2. 一杯咖啡 3. want to do 4. 当然 5. behind the blackboard 6. 把它给我 7. work hard8. 快点 9. be careful10. 在隔壁 第三项:选择题(1.5*12=18) () 1. Do you like the music? Yes, it________ really beautiful. A.listens B. hears C. listens to D. sounds () 2. Please give him ________ of chocolate. A. a bar B. a tin C. a D. an () 3. There is going to ________ a great movie tonight. A. have B. has C. be D. is () 4. What are these? They are ________. A. photoes and tomatoes B. photos and tomatos C. photos and tomatoes D. photoes and tomatos () 5. Would you like ________ milk?--- No, thank you. A. some B. any C. a D. an

新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(新编)(Lesson 37--Lesson 48)

新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(新编)(Lesson 37--Lesson 48) 新概念英语第一册阶段测试题 (LESSON 37―LESSON 48) 姓名________________ 分数________________ 一、将下列数字以英语的形式表示出来(1分/题,共10分) ①1,246,461,465_____________________________________________________________ ②7,946,512,168_____________________________________________________________ ③9,787,654,132_____________________________________________________________ ④5,409,846,165_____________________________________________________________ ⑤8,779,136,542_____________________________________________________________ ⑥7,216,574,612_____________________________________________________________ ⑦4,510,341,206_____________________________________________________________ ⑧8,761,651,012_____________________________________________________________ ⑨7,804,164,116_____________________________________________________________ ⑩8,790,513,163_____________________________________________________________ 二、单项选择(1分/题,共20分) ( )01.You_____hard,George.What are you doing? A.work B.are working C.works D.working ( )02._____me that hammer,please. A.To give B.Giving C.Give D.Gives ( )03._____hammer do you want?This one? A.Whose B.W hat’s C.Which D.Who’s ( )04.―What are you going to do?―I_____it. A.am painting B.am going to painting C.paints ( )05.There are two cats_____the tree. A.on B.in C.for D.of ( )06.--_____can you see a kite?―On the wall. A.Where B.What C.Whose D.Which ( )07.What are you going to do_____that vase? A.for B.on C.with D.of ( )08.There is a pencil on the floor.Who_____it up? A.pick B.is picking C.picks D.is going to pick ( )09.―Is that bag heavy?―No,it’s_____. A.heavy B.big C.full D.light ( )10.Is that tin of tobacco for_____? A.I B.My C.mine D.me ( )11.The_____under the tree_____her friends. A.man/is B.woman/are C.men/are D.women/is ( )12.--_____Sam make the t ea?―No,he can’t A.Must B.Can C.Does D.Is



新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(37—48) 一、单词填空(1分/题,共10分) 01. (水壶)02. (在……后面)03. (糟糕的) 04 (现在)05 (沸腾)06. (老板) 07. (分钟) 08. (茶壶)09. (书写)10. (拿起) 11. (蛋糕) 12. (饼干)13. (喜欢)14. (新鲜的) 15. (黄油) 16. (纯净的) 17. (蜂蜜)18. (甜的) 19. (上等的) 20. (黑板) 二、根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分) 01.bookcase 02.homework 03.favourite 04.front 05.coffee 06.hammer 07.flower 08.careful 09.chocolate 10.tobacco 三、单词辨音(1分/题,共10分) ( )01.A.work B.short C.floor D.door ( )02.A.cheese B.tree C.coffee D.tea ( )03.A.garden B.park C.sharp D.sugar ( )04.A.hammer B.make C.take D.favourite ( )05.A.drop B.coffee C.chocolate D.tobacco ( )06.A.brown B.how C.flower D.yellow ( )07.A.vase B.father C.tobacco D.glass ( )08.A.tie B.favourite C.dish D.listen ( )09.A.front B.some C.drop D.another ( )10.A.listen B.vase C.some D.send ( )11.A.course B.your C.floor D.colour ( )12.A.behind B.find C.lift D.like ( )13.A.teapot B.hot C.boss D.honey ( )14.A.minute B.jump C.butter D.much
