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液压力(Pn Po)An作用于此单元,这里Pn是第n个柱塞腔的压力,Po 是系统排油腔的压力,An是代表着从第n个柱塞腔流出的流线的流体单元的瞬时横截面。
(intake port:吸入口 discharge port:排出口 kidney-shaped flow passage from a single piston chamber: 从单个柱塞腔引出来的肾脏形状的流道)
(图6 piston pressures:活塞压强 equation:方程式 angular position:有角的位置)
(piston discharge flows:活塞流体流动)
(图8 改变门状几何面积作为压力转变的操作)
(图9 功率损失方程式)
(图10 容积效率方程式)
Ab,t 配流盘最顶部和最底部卸荷槽的恒定面积
An 包含第n个柱塞流线的流体单元的横截面积
Ap 单个柱塞的有效压力面积
Cd 柱塞腔外泄系数
Fn 作用在第n个柱塞x轴方向的机械力
M p 单个柱塞的质量
N 柱塞泵中的柱塞数目
n’瞬时连接到泵的排油区的柱塞的数目n 柱塞编号
Pb 单个柱塞腔外的界限压力
Pd 泵的排油压力
Pt 泵的吸入压力
Pn 第n个柱塞腔的流体压力
Po 液压系统排油区的流体压力
Qn 流出第n个柱塞腔容积流动速率
Qo 流入液压系统的容积流动速率
r 柱塞节圆半径
sn 沿着第n个柱塞腔流线的坐标
t 时间
Vb,t 顶部和底部的柱塞腔的体积
Vn 第n个柱塞腔的瞬时体积
Vo 单个柱塞腔的名义体积
W 一般意义上的功
Xn 第n个柱塞滑靴球连接在x轴上的位置α旋转斜盘的角度
K 一般性的流动效率
The exploitation surrounds a physical volume exaltation stalk to fill the capacity efficiency of pump toward the pillar
In the analytical result of this paper, it may be shown that the standard valve-platedesign introduces a volumetric loss whichmay be accounted for by the uncontrolledexpansion andcompression of the fluid that occurs through the slots themselves.Byeliminating these slots, and utilizing a trapped volume design,it may be shown thatimprovements in theoperating efficiencycan be achieved. Though this paper does notclaim to providethe ideal valve-plate design for all pump applications, it doesprovide thetheoretical reason for utilizing trapped volumes andlends general insight into the overallproblem of valve-plate design.
Pump Work and Power
In this section, the equations that govern the operatingefficiency of the axial-piston pump are derived. Note:throughout this research, the word efficiency will refer only to theefficiency that is associated with the compressibility losses of thefluid. This analysis begins by examining a diagram of mechanicaland fluid conditions that exist within the pump for a single ing this diagram, the mechanical work that is exerted on thepiston, and the hydraulic work that is exerted on a fluid columnwithin the discharge chamber of the pump, are considered. Bytaking the ratio of output power to input power, an instantaneousexpression for the efficiency of the pump is derived. Fromthisexpression, it is shown that the kinematics of the piston, the pressurewithin the piston chamber, and the volumetric flow in and outof the piston chamber must be determined for the purposes ofevaluating the efficiency of the pump. These quantities are derivedinsubsequentsections of this paper.a diagram of mechanical and fluid conditionsthat exist for a single piston as it operates within the pump. In thisfigure, it is shown that the n th piston is acted upon by a force, Fn ,which is shown to drive the piston in the positive x-direction. Thisforce is the input to the piston which is generated by the slipper’sreaction against the swash plate. Similarly, the fluid at the dischargeof the piston chamber is acted upon by the pressure withinthe n th piston chamber itself, Pn . This
pressure tends to force thefluid out of the chamber and may be considered as the forcinginput to the fluid. Theprocess ofconverting the mechanical input,Fn , to a hydraulic input, Pn , is the fundamental operating task ofthe pump.
Hydraulic Power.
however, the bottom piston is shown to be the n th piston whichimplies that the number of pistons within the pump is generalized.the diagram of volumetric flow illustrates the instantaneousstreamline of flow that is ejected from the n th pistonchamberinto the discharge chamber of the pump. The net volumetricflow from the pump discharge-chamber into the hydraulic
system discharge-chamber is given by Qo . the diagramof fluid pressure illustrates that the pressure within each pistonchamber is generally different; but, that the fluid pressure alongthe streamlines within the pump discharge-chamber is essentiallya constant which is given by, Pd . The pressure within the dischargechamber of the hydraulic system is given by the constantpressure, Po .In the analysis which follows, a column of fluid within thedischarge chamber of the pump will be considered. This column
of fluid will be chosen so that it will contain the streamlines offlow from the n th piston chamber to the discharge chamber of thehydraulic system. The hydraulic force exerted on this column offluid is given by, (Pn2Po)An , where Pn is the pressure withinthe n th piston chamber, Po is the pressure within the dischargechamber of the hydraulic system, and An is the instantaneous
cross-sectional area of the column of fluid which contains thestreamlines of flow from the n th piston chamber.
Trapped-Volume Pump Design. Figure 5 shows a schematicof a modified valve-plate which has eliminated the slots near topand bottom dead-centers. Similar to Fig. 4, Fig. 5 shows a kidneyshapedflow passage from a single piston chamber which matchesthe arcuate porting geometry of the valve plate. As this flow passagemoves toward u n5p/2, the actual flow passage is graduallycut off due to the terminating port-geometry of the valve plate inthis region. When the piston reaches this point, the piston chamberis completely closed off and flow cannot be discharged or receivedby the piston chamber. As shown in Fig. 5, the closedportingcondition continues to exist as the piston moves
towardthe intake port of the valve plate. In this closed-porting condition,the fluid within the piston chamber is trapped and thus it is calleda trapped-volume pump design. The angular distance of thisclosed porting is given by the dimension, z t . With this design, thepressure transition is accomplished, not by valve-plate slotting,but by the controlled volumetric expansion of the piston chamberalone. Once the piston chamber crosses the closed-porting zone, itquickly opens up to the intake port and begins to receive fluidfrom the intake side of the pump. A similar set of conditionsexists when the piston chamber is near bottom dead center whenu n53p/2. In this region, the piston is moving from the intakeport into the discharge port and the angular dimension of theclosed-porting zone is given by, z b . In this location, the pressuretransition is accomplished by the controlled volumetric compressionof the piston chamber.
Again, the valve plate shown in Fig. 5 provides, essentially,four different regions to be considered in the pressure and flowanalysis for a single piston-chamber within the pump. Table 2 Trapped-volume value slate regionsRegion Angular Position Pressure Conditions Flow ConditionsThe pressure within the piston chamber is at dischargepressure.The discharge flow is equal to the displacement of theThe pressure within the piston chamber is betweenintake pressure and discharge pressure.The valve-plate porting is closed off and the dischargeflow is zeroThe pressure within the piston chamber is at intakepressure. The intake flow is equal to the displacement of the piston.The pressure within the piston chamber is betweenintake pressure and discharge pressure.The valve-plate porting is closed off and the intake flowis zero.Within Regions 1 and 3, the pressure is approximated as a constant,either Pd or Pi , and the volumetric flow rate is given by the negative of the volumetric time rate-of-change of the piston chamberitself, 2V˙ n5Apr tan(a)v cos(u n). In Regions 2 and 4, thepressure is changing as a function of u n and therefore some analysisis required to approximate the pressure characteristics withinthese regions.In Region 2 of the valve plate, the porting is closed off andvolumetric flow in and out of the piston chamber is no longerpossible. In this case, the time rate-of-change of the fluid pressurewithin the n th piston chamber is given by dPndt52b VndVndt, (29)where Vn is the instantaneous volume of the n th piston chamber.By eliminating dt from the denominator of both sides of this equation,the following separable differential-equation
with its appropriatebounds of integration may be writtenE PdPndPn52b E VtVn 1VndVn , (30)where Vt is the volume in the n th piston chamber when u n5p/2. The solution to this equation is given by Pn5Pd2b lnS VnVt D'Pd2b S VnVt21 D, (31)where Vn is given in Eq. ~16! and Vt5Vo2Apr tan(a). Usingthese results yields the following simplified expression for thepressure within the n th piston chamber as the piston passesthrough Region 2 of the valve plate:Pn5Pd2b S12sin~u n!V˜21 D, (32)where V˜ 5Vo /Apr tan(a). Note: V˜ is always greater than unity.Within Region 2 of the valve plate Qn50. To insure that theclosed-porting zone on the valve plate is designed sufficiently, itis important to note that when u n5p/21z t , the pressure withinthe piston chamber should equal the intake pressure, Pi . Thismeans that the closed-porting zone on the valve-plate has effectively facilitated a full pressure transition from the discharge pressure,Pd , to the intake pressure Pi . By setting Pn equal to Pi ,and u n equal to p/21z t , Eq. ~32! may be solved to determine theproper length of the closed-porting zone on the valve-plate. Thisresult is given byz t5cos21S12Pd2Pi b~V˜21! D. (33)Similar analysis can be done for Region 4 where the pressuretransition being achieved is between the intake pressure, Pi , andthe discharge pressure, Pd . In this region, the pressure within the n th piston chamber is given by Pn5Pi1b S11sin~u n!V˜11 D. (34)
Again, within Region 4 of the valve plate, Qn50. It can be shownthat the appropriate closed-porting length in Region 4 is given byz b5cos21S12Pd2Pi b~V˜11! D. (35)To summarize the approximate pressure results of this section,the following piecewise equation is presented for the instantaneouspressure within the n th piston chamber:Pn5¦Pd z b2p2,u n,p2Pd2b S12sin~u n!V˜21 D p2,u n,p21z tPi p21z t,u n,3p2Pi1b S11sin~u n!V˜11 D 3p2,u n,3p21z b.(36)The approximate volumetric flow results of this section may besummarized using the following piecewise equation for the instantaneous discharge-flow from the n th piston chamber:Qn5¦Apr tan~a !v cos~u n! z b2p2,u n,p20p2,u n,p21z tApr tan~a !v cos~u n!p21z t,u n,3p203p2,u n,3p21z b.(37) Summary. Using the pump design information in the Appendix,Fig. 6 has been generated for the purpose of comparing thepressure equations ~27! and ~36!. Similarly, Fig. 7 has been generatedfor the purpose of comparing the flow equations ~28!and~37!. As shown in Fig. 6, the pressure transition of the trappedvolumedesign significantly lags
the pressure transition of thestandard design. From Fig. 7, it can be seen that the volumetricflow of the standard design experiences significant spikes in thetransition regions of the valve plate. The flow spikes of the standarddesign result from the uncontrolled expansion and compressionof the fluid at top and bottom dead centers. At bottom deadcenter, the uncontrolled compression of the fluid causes an undesirablepower loss for the pump.
Standard Pump Design. Substituting the results of Eqs.~13!, ~27!, and ~28! into Eqs. ~10! and ~12! yields the followingresults for the output and input power of the standard pumpdesign:P ¯out5P ideal Hcos2Sj b2 D2D P b~V˜11!4 J,(38)P ¯in5P ideal H12cos~j t!j t2 112cos~j b!j b 2 2D P b~V˜21!4 J,where the ideal power transmission of the pump is given byP ideal5NApr v tan~a !D P p. (39)In these equations, D P5Pd2Pi . Subtracting the output powerfrom the input power yields the power loss of the standard pumpdesign. This result is given byP ¯loss5P ideal H12cos~j t!j t2 112cos~j b!j b 2 2cos2Sj b2 D1D P b12J.(40)The efficiency of the standard pump design is given byh5P ¯out P ¯in5Hcos2Sj b2 D2D P b~V˜11!4 JH12cos~j t!j t2 112cos~j b!j b 2 2D P b~V˜21!4 J . (41) Trapped-Volume Pump Design. Substituting the results ofEqs. ~13!, ~36!, and ~37! into Eqs. ~10! and ~12! yields the followingresults for the output and input power of the trapped-volumepump design:P ¯out5P ideal H12D P b~V˜11!2 J, P ¯ in5P ideal H12D P b V˜2 J.(42)Subtracting the output power from the input power yields thepower loss of the trapped-volume pump design. This result isgiven byP ¯loss5P ideal HD P b12J. (43)The efficiency of the trapped-volume pump design is given byh5P ¯out P ¯in5121 S2bD P2V˜ D. (44)
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Discussion
To make plots of the previous results as they vary with pressure,a new valve plate needs to be designed for each operatingpressure. Figure 8 illustrates the changing valve-plate designs asthey vary with operating pressure for the basic pump parameters
given in the Appendix.
Equations ~40! and ~43! describe the power losses of the standarddesign and the trapped-volume design respectively. Theseequations are plotted in Fig. 9 using the parameters given in theAppendix. As shown in Fig. 9, the power losses are greater for the standard design as compared to the trapped-volume design.
Thisfact may be explained by the slots on the valve plate. The readerwill recall that the slots are used to provide a flow passage whichaccommodates the pressure transitions at top and bottom deadcenters. At bottom dead center, when the piston is entering thedischarge port, fluid flows through the valve-plate slot into thepiston chamber until the fluid pressure within the piston chamberis equal to that of the fluid pressure in the discharge port of thepump. In order to make these pressures equal, the fluid in thepiston chamber needed to be compressed; and, as a result, energywas added to the piston-chamber volume. At top dead center, thevalve-plate slot is used to decompress the fluid that was compressedat bottom dead center. This decompression or expansion
of the fluid results in a flow through the slot which releases thestored energy in the fluid. This released energy is never recoveredsince the intake port of the pump is modeled as a constant pressuresource of fluid. On the other hand, the trapped-volume pumpdesign does not utilize slots for achieving a smooth pressure transitionat top and bottom dead centers; and, as a result, the energyin the fluid is not added or released in an uncontrollable fashionthat dissipates energy. In the trapped-volume case, the energyadded to the fluid at bottom dead center is added mechanicallythrough the volume change of the piston chamber itself. Similarly,at top dead center, the energy released
from the fluid is recoveredmechanically since it is achieved through the volumetric changeof the piston chamber as well. In both design cases, however,energy is lost at the interface between the pump discharge chamberand the hydraulic system chamber which is considered to be atthe same pressure as the intake port of the pump. This energy loss amounts to the total energy loss shown in Eq. ~43! and is due tothe uncontrolled expansion of the fluid as it crosses the boundarybetween the pump discharge-chamber and the hydraulic systemchamber.Equations ~41! and ~44! describe the volumetric efficiency ofthe standard design and the trapped-volume design, respectively.These equations are plotted in Fig. 10 using the parameters givenin the Appendix. As shown in Fig. 10, the trapped-volume designis more efficient than the standard design. Again, this is due to thedifferences in power-loss characteristics of these two designs.This efficiency improvement can be as high as 5 percent dependingupon the pump design and the operating pressure. It can beshown from the analytical results of this study that, as Vo increases,the advantages of using a trapped-volume design becomemore apparent. Conclusion
This paper has attempted to show that the power loss and efficiencyof a pump can be altered by changing the porting geometryof the valve plate. In particular, this research has compared thevolumetric losses due to fluid compression between valve-platedesigns that have constant-area slots and ones that utilize trappedvolumeregions in the place of slots. In this research, it has beenshown that valve plates with slots generate losses that result fromthe uncontrolled expansion of fluid which occurs through the slotsat top and bottom dead centers. On the other hand, valve platesthat are designed with trapped-volume regions can mechanicallyrecover the energy change that occurs from compressing and decompressingthe fluid. As a result, trapped-volume designs aremore efficient than the standard pump designs which utilize slotson the valve plate.
Ab,t 5 16.0E206 m2 Ap 5 789.2E206 m2 Cd 5 0.62
N 5 9 Pd 5 35.0E106 Pa
Pi 5 5.0E106 Pa
r 5 67.3E203 m
Vo 5 43.6E206 m3
a 5 0.244 rad
b 5 1.2E109 Pa
r 5 850 kg/m3
v 5 188.5 rad/s
Ab,t 5 constant slot areas on the valve plate at bottom and top
dead centers
An 5 cross sectional area of the fluid column containing the
streamlines of flow from the n th piston chamber
Ap 5 pressurized area of a single piston Cd 5 discharge coefficient of a piston chamber
Fn 5 mechanical force exerted on the n th piston in the
Mp 5 mass of a single piston
N 5 total number of pistons within the pump
n 5 piston counter; i.e., the n th piston
n8 5 total number of pistons instantaneously connected to the discharge side of the pump
Pb 5 boundary pressure outside a single
piston chamber
Pd 5 discharge pressure of the pump
Pt 5 intake pressure of the pump
Pn 5 fluid pressure within the n th piston chamber
Po 5 fluid pressure with the discharge of the hydraulic system
Qn 5 volumetric flow-rate out of the n th piston chamber
Qo 5 volumetric flow-rate into the discharge of the hydraulic
r 5 piston pitch-radius
sn 5 coordinate along the streamline of flow from the n th
piston chamber
t 5 time
V˜ 5 dimensionless piston volume
Vb,t 5 piston-chamber volumes at bottom and top dead centers
Vn 5 instantaneous volume of the n th piston chamber
Vo 5 nominal volume of the single piston chamber
W 5 the general symbol for work
xn 5 position of the n th piston-slipper ball joint in the
a 5 swash-plate angle
b 5 fluid bulk-modulus
z b,t 5 trapped-volume angular length on the valve plate at
bottom and top dead centers
h 5 pump efficiency
u n 5 circular position of the n th piston
K 5 the general symbol for flow and capacitance-type coefficients
j b,t 5 valve-plate slot angular-length at bottom and top dead
P 5 the general symbol for power
r 5 fluid density
c 5 angular dimension of a kidney-shape
d flow passage
v 5 shaft speed of the pump。