


班级: ____________姓名: _____________ 一.找出不属于同一类的单


1. ( ) A. mouth B.nose C.cat D.face

2. ( ) A.monkey B.elephant C.dog D.pink

3. ( ) A. hunt B.panda C.climb D.f ly

4. ( ) A.cool B.duck C.great D.super

5. ( ) A. ear B. eraser C.

pencil D. ruler


( ) A. cat B .dog C. duck D. zoo

7.( ) A.



elephant C. mouse D. bear

8.() A.





yellow D. monkey


1.( ) ---Look! I have a

dog. ---_____________.


It ’s lovel

y. B. I


’s yello




’s dog


2.( ) ---May I have a




A. Yes, I

can. B. Sure. C. No,

I ’m not


3.( ) The eagle comes from ______



C. Australia

4.( ) Follow ______,monkey.


B. my

C. me

5.( )Walk like


A. a

B. an




) Look! I ______ a

rabbit .

A. is

B. have

C. has


) ---Here you

are. ---____________ . A.Sure B.Bye



8.( ) look______the cat. A. at


are C. in


猫______________ 猪 ______________ 狗 ______________


monkey ____________elephant_____________ squirrel_______ panda_____________ rabbit ___________

四 . 读一读,选择恰当的答句。

1.() Look!I have panda. A. Fine, thanks

2.() Here you are. B. Super

3.() May I have a look? C. Sure. Here you are.

4.() Nice to meet you. D. Thank you

5.() How are you. E. Nice to meet you,too.

五 .选择。

1.()表演得像猫一样。 A. I have a rabbit.

2.()我有一只兔子。B. Walk like an elephant.

3.()像大象一样走路。 C. Follow me. 4.()我可以看一看吗? D. Act like a cat.

5.()跟着我。E. May I have a look?

6.()给你。 F. Here you are.


A. I have a toy rabbit.

B. Thank you .

C. May I have a look ?

D. Here you are.

E. Oh, it ’s nice. I like it.


B: Oh,really ._____________ ?


B:Thank you.______________.



Class:______________ Name:_____________ 一、找出不属于同一类的单

词。(15 分 )

( )1. A. black B. pencil-



orange D. green

( )2. A.

sharpener B. mouth C. crayon D.pencil

( )3. A.

school B. eraser C. ruler D. pen

( )4. A. leg B.

bag C. foot D. face

( )5. A. body B. head C. red D. nose 二、 Read and choose. ( 读一读,选择恰当的答

句。)(30 分 ) ( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning!

( ) 2. What’ s your

name? B. Me too.

( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you .

( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Nice to meet you, too.

( ) 6. Good

morning! E. My name’ s John.

( ) 7. How are

you? F. See you!

( ) 8. Nice to meet

you. G. Good afternoon.

( ) 9.

Let ’ s paint! H. Hi!

( )10. I have a yellow

pencil. I. OK!


( )

1 https://www.360docs.net/doc/d917568636.html, B.mouth C.nose

( )

2 .A.bag B.blue C.black



3 .A.head


n C.hand



4 .A.leg


t C.fine

( ) 5 .A.morning B.arm



笔试部分( 40 分)


内。(10 分)



1 https://www.360docs.net/doc/d917568636.html, B.mouth C.nose



2 .A.bag B.blue



( )

3.A.head B.green C.hand

( )

4.A.finger B.foot C.fine

( )

5.A.morning B.arm C.afternoon

六、选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。(15 分)

( )1.Good




( )2.Nice to meet,you . B.Fine,thank you. ( )3.How are you? C.Good morning.

( )4.Let ’ s

paint! D.Me too.

( )5.I have a yellow


E.Nice to meet


七、情景反应,把答案的序号填在括号内。(15 分)

( )1.你想问对方身体怎么样,应说:

A .How old are

you? B.How are you?

C .Fine,thank you.

( )2.你想让同桌出示蓝色铅笔,应说:

A.Show me your blue pen. B .Show me your black pencil. C.Show me your blue pencil.

( )3.你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说:

A .Brown,brown .Sit down . B.Black,black.Stand up. C.Black,black.Sit down.

( )4.你想让同桌把图片里的书包涂成粉红色,应说:

A.Colour the bag pink. B .Colour the bag purple.

C.Colour the book pink.

( )5.你提议大家一起来画画,应说:

A.Let ’s play! B . Let ’s sing!C .Let ’s



8. Who are you?

cat monkey dog duck panda

----I’m Monkey.

-------- -------- -------- -------- --------

book bag pen pencil pencil-box bear pig rabbit bird mouse

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------

ruler eraser sharpener glue marker


-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 1. Hello! I’m Kate.


2. What’syour name?

1. Glad to meet you.

----My name’sPeter.

----Glad to meet you, too.

3. Goodbye!

2. Nice to meet you.

4. Good morning, Miss Liu!

----Nice to meet you, too.

----Good morning, boys and girls!

3. Welcome!

5. Good afternoon.

4. Open your pencil-box.

6. Good evening.

5. Take out your ruler.

7. Good night.

6. Show me your pencil. ----Wow! It ’sbig!

7. Point at your pen. 2. Touch your nose.

8. This is my eraser. 3. Touch my eye.

9. Wow! It ’snice! 4. He has a big face.

10. Look at my book. 5. How are you?

11. Find the same one. ----Fine, thank you.

nose eye face mouth head 6. Draw a face, a nose, two eyes and a mouth.

-------- -------



--------- -------- 7. How are you? Not very well.

ear neck arm hand leg knee 8. Look at my arm! Oh, ’Im sorry! -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 9. Nod your head.

Foot 10. Open your mouth.

-------- 11. Close your eyes.

重点句型12. Touch your neck.

1. Look at my nose. 13. Clap your hands.

14. Wave your arm. 挥挥你的胳膊。9. Cool!

doll ball kite balloon car bus 10. I have a new bike.

-------- -------- -------

- -------- -------- -------- ----Really? Can I see it?

Bike taxi train ship plane boat ----Sure! Here you are.

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----Thank you.

重点句型----You’re welcome.

1. I have a ball. red blue yellow green purple brown

2. I have a nice doll.

3. How big! white black pink orange grey

4. fly my kite.

5.I have a new car.


7.It’s super!

8.Look here! 重点句型

1.What colour is it? ----Red and blue.

----Oh, how nice!


3.Let’s draw a panda.


----Colour it black and white.


----All right.

4.Let’s fly it.

hamburger hot dog Coke cake egg orange pear apple banana milk

juice water rice noodles chicken 1. I like hot dogs. How about you? ----Me too.

2.Here’sa cake for you.

----Oh, thank you!

----Happy birthday to you!

3.Have an apple.

----No, thanks. I like pears.

----OK. Here you are.

4. Mum, can I have some juice, please? ----Sure! Here you are.

----Thank you!

----That’s OK.

5.Can I help you?

----Some rice, please.


人教版四年级英语上册练习题(三) 班别:姓名: 一、从下列每组单词中选出一个不同类的单词。 ()1. A. door B. doctor C. farmer ()2. A. knife B. noodles C. fork ( )3. A. bedroom B. schoolbag C. bathroom ()4. A. Chi nese B. chopsticks C. En glish ( )5. A. strong B. quiet C. soup 二、从下列每组单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项。 ( )1.A. cake B. dad C. n ame ( )2. A. like B. kite C. big ( )3. A. duck B. use C. cute ( )4. A. nose B. box C. home ( )5. A. she B. we C. red 三、翻译英文。 A. kitche n B. spo on C. classroom D. floor E. candy F. vegetables G. computer H. picture I. doctor J. shoes 四、单项选择。 ( )1.--- ---Some books and a pencil box. s this? C. What' s in it? A. Where is it? B. What' ( )2. My frie nd short .She long hair. A. has, is B. i s, has C. is, is ( )3.--- is it ? ----It' s blue and white. A. What B. What colour C. Where ( )4.--- this your father? ---Yes he is? A. Are B. Is C. Am ( )5. --What would you like dinner? - I' d like some beef and noodles. A. at B .in C. For ( )6.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board . Amy: _________________ A. Tha nk you. B.OK. C./ 7.教室里面有什么? A.What' s in the classroom ? B. What' s on the wall ? ()8.我们有一间新教室。 A. This is a new classroom. B.We have a new classroom . ( )9.A: Where' s my book ?B: __________________ . A. It' s near the door . (B) It' s a book. ()10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧! A. Let' s clean the windows . (B) Let me clean the windows. ( )11. —Let' s clean the windows.—


Unit1 单元教学目标 教学目标与要求 1. 能够听、说、认读cat, monkey, dog, duck, panda, bear, pig, rabbit, mouse,并能扮演这些角色,互相打招呼。 2. 能够在情景中理解、会说Hello! Hi! Goodbye! Bye-bye! I’m ... What’s your name? My name’s…Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night!并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用。 3. 能够听懂课堂上所接触的简短指令语并做出正确反应。 Lesson1 教学设计 一、教学内容与分析 Just talk 本课的会话场景是:刚开学,同学之间、师生之间见面相互问候。通过打招呼、自我介绍等情景,让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上初步运用语言。2. Just learn 学习动物的英文名称:cat, monkey 3. Let’s sing 学唱歌曲Hello!巩固运用本课教学内容。 二、课前准备 1. 将本册教师用书后所附的本套教材主要人物图片复印或剪下,涂色后制成头饰,以备课堂表演用;也可请学生将活动手册书后所附头饰图剪下,涂色后制成头饰。 2. 为班上学生分别准备男女生常用的英文名字卡(可参考本书后的附录Ⅲ)。 三、教学步骤与建议 1. 热身/复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1) 课前播放歌曲Hello!活跃气氛,引起学生兴趣。 2) 教师可以在课前搜集一些常用的英文单词或缩写,如MP3, TV, taxi, E-mail, DVD, Cool等,让学生了解一些身边的英语,并请同学们说说他们知道的生活中的英语。 2. 新课导入(Presentation)


PEP人教版小学三年级英语上册练习题全套 三年级上册Unit 1单元测试卷 Class______ Name_________ Mark________ 笔试部分(20分) 七请将正确的图与英文单词连线.(5 分) crayon pen pencil ruler eraser 八请把正确的图与英文句子连线.(5 分) Goodbye! Hello, my name is Book. Hello, I am Eraser. Show me your pen. Show me your ruler.

Unit2单元测试 班级_______________ 姓名______________ 分数_____________ 笔试部分 一.根据图片, 填上所缺的字母. (10分) 1. __acket 2. __oke 3. __ouse 4. , __abbit 5. __eep 6. __ock 7. s__uirrel 8. __ice 9. __amp 10. __oodles have green eleven wall classroom big nice too near like Sarah: Mike, we have a new __________. Mike: Really? Let’s go and _______ a look. Sarah: OK. Mike: Wow! It’s so ______! Sarah: We have ______ lights. Mike: Look! The ______ is white. The floor is _______. Sarah: Look at the picture. Mike: It’s very _______. Where is my seat? Sarah: It’s ______ the door. Mike: I ______ our new classroom. Sarah: Me ______. 八. 选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上. (10分) A.How many picture books do you have? B.What color is it?


英语练习题 一、在四线格中按顺序写出26个字母的大小写 二、将下列字母重新组成单词,并写出汉语意思 1、s s t i e r ( )( ) 2、o b k o ( )( ) 3、o o r t c d ( )( ) 4、s r u n e ( )( ) 5、a i h c r ( )( ) 6、w d i o w n ( )( ) 7、e a r b d ( )( ) 8、w t e r a ( )( ) 9、f m e r a r ( )( ) 10、s o l o h c ( )( ) 三、连词成句 1、book how many you have do ? 2、your English Put the book on desk

3、a new I have school-bag 4、it is What colour ? 5、I have look a May ? 6、are in they the classroom 7、like my bedroom 8、bed my is Where ? 9、study this my is 10、table on are the they ? 四、选词填空 1、W e( ) a new computer 2、May I ( ) a look? 3、She ( ) short hair 4、My mother ( ) big eyes 5、Amy and I ( ) a new friend

6、Who’s he? ( ) is my brother 7、What’s ( ) name? She is Amy. 8 、This is my friend. ( )name is Mike 9、Amy is our classroom. ( ) is nice 五、选出下列词的对应词(反义词),填入括号内。 boy ( ) father ( ) this ( ) yes ( ) sister ( ) long ( ) small ( ) 六、选择填空 1.What’s ( )name? He is Zhang Peng A hei B his C he 2.is she your ( )? Y es , she is. A mother B brother C father 3.What ( ) you like for lunch? I’d like some fish. A would B do C does 4. ( ) is she ? She is a teacher. A Where B Who C What 5 ( ) is a new pen ? 15 yuan A How many B How old C How much


三年级英语(上册)单元测试(Unit 1) 总分:100分答题时间:60分钟得分: 听力部分(40分) 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,把其选项写在题前括号里。(10分)( )1. A. hello B. hi C. bye ( )2. A. bear B. cat C. duck ( )3. A. mouse B. bird C. monkey ( )4. A. panda B. rabbit C. pig ( )5. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening 二、听音,根据听到的内容选择正确的答语。(10分) ( )6. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! ( )7. A. Good evening ,Lisa! B. Good night,Lisa! ( )8. A. Hi! I’m Peter. B. Good bye! ( )9. A. Good morning , boys and girls! B. Good! ( )10. A. Good night,Lisa! B. Good evening,Mum! 三、听音,给下列各句按(A~E)的顺序排列(10分) ( )11. My name is Li Yan. ( )12. Hello! I’m Peter. ( )13. Good morning, Li Yan! ( )14. What’s your name ? ( )15. Good morning, Peter! 四、听音,给下列文字按(A~E)的顺序排列。(10分) 笔试部分(60分) 五、补全单词并写出汉语意思。(10分) 31. ig ( ) 32. anda ( ) 33. onkey ( ) 34. ird ( ) 35. uck ( ) 六、将单词与对应的汉语意思连线(20分) 21. bird A. 鸭子 22. mouse B. 猴子 23. cat C. 鸟 24. monkey D. 猫 25. duck E. 老鼠 26. dog F. 熊 27. panda G. 熊猫 28. bear H. 兔子 29. pig I. 猪 30. rabbit J. 狗


英语报测试题 Class Name Number______ 一、情景选择 1、作自我介绍时,你可以说( ) 2、教师节时,你应当对老师说() 3、跟朋友打招呼,你可以说( ) 4、欢迎新同学,你可以说() A. Hi,John. B. I’m Dongdong. C. Welcome! D. Happy Teachers’ day! 1、询问朋友的身体状况时,你可以说( ) 2、喜欢橘色的尺子时,你可以说( ) 3、想让对方把小丑的鼻子涂成蓝色时,你可以说( ) 4、表示自己和对方拥有同样的物品时,你可以说( ) 5、下午遇到老师时,你可以说( ) A. Good afternoon. B. How are you? C. Me too. D. I like the orange ruler. E. Colour the nose blue. 1、想看看别人的东西时,你可以说( ) 2、给别人东西时,你可以说( ) 3、喜欢某样东西时,你可以说( ) 4、受到别人称赞时,你应该回答( ) A. Here you are. B. May I have a look? C. Thank you. D. I like it. 1.让客人喝茶,你可以说( ) 2、想看对方的热狗,你可以 说( ) 3、对方向你表示感谢时,你可以回答( ) 4、想吃点薯条,你可以对主人说( ) A. You’re welcome. B. Can I have some French fries? C. Have some tea. D. Show me your hot dog. 1、想知道蛋糕上有多少支蜡烛,你可以问( ) 2、想知道新同学的年龄, 你可以问( ) 3、朋友过生日,你应该对他说( ) 4、想告诉同桌你九岁了,你可以说( ) A. Happy birthday? B. How old are you? C. I’m nine. D. How many candles?


笔试部分 一 . 写出下列单词。 书房__________ 厨房_________起居室_________卫生间__________ 教室_________ 电话_________椅子__________ 床___________ 家 ____________房间___________ 学校___________ 窗户__________ 书架_________ 冰箱__________ 沙发__________ 二. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Let me clean the three ________ ( window ). 2. He ______ ( have )two big eyes. 3. I like my _________( classroom ). 4. There are many ______ ( desk ) in my classroom. 5. ________ ( Are ) this your living room? 三. 选择正确答案。 ( )1._______ is Mike? He’s in the kitchen. A. What B.Where C.What colour ( )2. Let’s _______ the bed. A.do B.sit C.make ( )3. Welcome ______ my school. A. to B.too C. for ( )4. The keys are _______ the door. A.on B.under C. in ( )5. Is she in the kitchen? ___________ A.No, she is B.Yes, she isn’t. C.No, she isn’t. 四. 上下文搭配。 ( )1.Go to the living room. A.Have a snack.. ( )2. Go to the bedroom. B.Take a shower. ( )3. Go to the study. C.Watch TV . ( )4. Go to the bathroom. D.Have a sleep. ( )5. Go to thekitchen. E.Red a book.. 五.图文搭配。 ( )1.Answer the phone. ( )2.The ball is under the bed. ( )3.Watch TV . ( )4.This is my bedroom. ( )5.Where is my pen ? It’s in the hand. A B C D E 六. 用1、2、3、4、5、6排列对话。 ( )Where are my keys? ( )Ok. ( )Look, they are near the TV . ( )Open the door, Sarah. ( )No, they aren’t ( )Are they on the desk? 七.搭配句子。 1.____________________________________ It’s green. 2. ____________________________________ I can see a board and a teacher’s desk.


四年级句型操练 一、读一读,想一想,把句子与其对应的中文意思连起来。 1.Is she in the study? 它们在桌子上吗? 2.Are they on the table? 她在书房吗? 3.Is Mike in the kitchen? 你想吃点什么? 4.What would you like? 迈克是在厨房吗? 5.What’s for dinner? 我能要一些汤吗? 6.Can I have some soup? 晚餐有些什么? 7.I am hungry. 我可以帮忙吗? 8.Can I help you?我饿了。 9.I like chicken. 你喜欢牛奶吗? 10.Do you like milk? 我喜欢鸡肉。 二、读一读,辨一辨,为下列答句选择正确的问句。 ()1. I’d like some fish, please. A. What can you see in the room? ( ) 2. Yes, please. B. Where is the chicken? ( ) 3. Yes, I do. C. What would you like? ( ) 4. Yes, here you are. D. What’s for dinner? ( ) 5. No, they aren’t. E. Can I help you? ( ) 6. Soup and fish. F. Can I have some fish? ( ) 7. Yes, she is. G. Do you like milk? ( ) 8. No, he isn’t. H. Is he in the kitchen? ( ) 9. It’s on the plate. I. Is she in the study? ( )10. I can see a window, a bed and a desk. J. Are they on the table? 三、读一读,把对话补充完整,选择正确问句的编号填在相应的横线上。 A.Mom, __________________ B.Yes, pass me a plate. A: Ok! _____________________ B: Some vegetables and beef.


精品文档 人教版四年级英语上册练习题及答案 一、写出相应的字母。 1 、写出所缺的大写或者小写字母。 ___ b ____ u Y ____ K ______ X ________ 2 、写出左右相邻所缺的字母。 Cc _____ Ee _____ Ll ______ ______ Q q ____ 二、请按正确拼写重组单词。 byo gril firend rluer pencil-csae 三、完成单词并将单词与相应的图片连线。 1. _________________ te__cher.b__d.brea ______________________ .doo___.ch___cken 门鸡肉教师床面包 a. b. c. d. e 四、将下列单词归类。 beef , fish ,book ,kitchen, mother, sister, room , bag , living rice , study 1. _____________________ family member: 2. ____________ food : ___ _________ 3. _________________ school things : 4. __________ room: ___

五、将问句和相应的合句用直线连起来。 1. What ' s your father? A. Sure, here you are. 2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作–独家原创 1 / 15 S < jeq∕√?tθqj t uι t乙UJO0」SSElCy乙 乙」oι∏Ej's < ιeq∕?Λ t jnoX ∣z o升 Uθq□jι>∣θq; Ui si」θq□eθj θqχ g XPnJS oιμ uι si」θ?μp oι∣丄V o w≡?丑旳星囚奧、? 乙”ooqoiou XUJ si θJθq∕√? g 乙”0Oq θSθuιqo XUJ si θJθq∕√? V 2宙瀚丑李M馬阴牡 ?Jθuuιp S < teL∣ΛΛ a eJθuuιpjθjs <疋Ψ?Λ P 2乡#引関瑚'£ 乙科!1 noX PlnOM 代IlM g eθ>i!l ∩θλ OP 代IlM V 2乡#壷餡切' 3 乙OQlln」no人S < OlIM g 乙OQlln」no人S < jeq∕√? V '1 o X?X≡≡≡W≡ 3 jθθq ΘLUOS o”!| P I 3 乙人Pn】s oιμ uι OlIS SI g JOPOP e si Θ∏Cl eθ^!l noA PlnOM Ieil∕?ΛΨ


第一单元 1、在汉字下括号内写出相对应的单词序号。 鸭子狗小熊熊猫猪兔子 ()()()()()() ①bear ②pig ③duck ④dog ⑤panda ⑥rabbit 2、读句子,用线连接相应的汉字 ①Hi,I’m a cat. ②Hello,I’m a monkey. 鸭子猴子猫狗 3、读句子,找出相应的答句,用线连接起来。 Hi, I’m Tom. Good morning,boys and girls. What’s your name Bye! Goodbye ! My name’s Duck. Good morning ,teacher Hello,I’m Jim 4、读一读,在正确的英文句子序号上打“√” ①早上好。afternoon. morning. ②刘老师下午好。Liu. B. Good Li. ③再见。! ! ④王先生你好。,Mr Wang. ’m Mr Wang. ⑤我叫李艳。’s your name name is Li Yan.

5、读一读,连一连 morning 晚上 a dog 一只鸟 afternoon 早晨 a rabbit 一只狗 evening 夜晚 a mouse 一只兔子 night 下午 a bird 一只老鼠 6、看一看,找出意思相符的句子,填上序号 ()再见! ! ()我是一只狗。’m a dog. ()我是一只鸭。’m a duck. ()你好!! 第二单元 1、用线把相应的英文单词和汉字连起来。 胶棒橡皮擦铅笔直尺转笔刀铅笔盒 Pencil eraser glue pencil-box sharpener ruler 2、在下列每组单词中找出不属于同一类别的单词,将其序号填在题前括号内。()① ()② ()③ 3、读句子,找出相应的译文,将其序号填在题前的括号内。 ()①What’s your name A.见到你很高兴。


四年级英语上册单词练习题(Unit 1 -Unit 6) 姓名___________ 分数_____________ 根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 1) 窗户______________ 教室_____________ 门__________ 图画_____________黑板_______________ 灯________________ 蚂蚁_________ 苹果__________ 手掌_____________ 牛肉______________ 男孩___________ 球____________ 猫______________蛋糕_______________ 小车____________ 医生__________ 鸭子_____________桌子_______________ 鸡蛋____________ 大象_________ 床_______________ 电脑_____________ 讲台______________ 风扇________ 墙壁_____________ 地板_____________ 鱼_______________ 薯条_________ 农民______________ 女孩____________ 鹅____________ 好的____________ 热狗_____________ 汉堡包_____________ 帽子_________ 雪糕_____________ 冰水_____________ 主意_____________

根据中文写出正确的英语单词(Unit 2) 语文书____________________ 英语书________________ 数学书____________故事书_____________________ 笔记本________________ 书包____________ 吉普车___________ 拼图______________ 夹克衫__________ 鼻子_________ 护士_____________ 面条_____________ 猴子___________ 老鼠___________ 男人_____________ 台灯_____________ 锁_____________ 狮子____________袋鼠_____________ 钥匙_____________ 风筝_____________ 铅笔_________ 钢笔_____________ 二十_____________ 三十_____________ 四十___________五十_____________ 二十一________________ 三十一____________________ 四十一________________ 可乐_____________ 可以__________ 打开_________ 铅笔盒_____________ 松树_____________ 排队____________ 安静的________ 兔子_____________ 尺子_____________ 米饭_____________


小学四年级英语上册单词专项练习题一.看中文,写单词。 1. 黑板_____ 2.教室_____ 3.窗户______ 4.电灯_____ 5.图画_____ 6..讲台____ 7.打扫_____ 9.数学书____ 8..协助____ 10.故事书_____ 二.根据英语译汉语 1.schoolbag____ 2.notebook____ 3.cute_____________ 4.quiet_________ 5.his___________ 6.English book___ 7.so much_____ 8.friendly______ 9.hair_____________ 10.her_________ 三.重新排列下列字母组成完整的单词,并写出中文意思。 1. t s r g o n _____ 2. s e o h s _____ 3. t a h _____________ 4. l y la e r________ 5. s l o t ________ 6. r f i d e n l y ____ 7. t i r h g ________ 8. l g a e s s s __ 9. a e n r __________ 10. e y k _________ 四、找出相对应的意思,并填写准确的序号。 ()1、clean the blackboard ()2、close the window ()3.put away your books ()4、turn on the light () 5、lost and find ()6、strong and tall ()7、fat and short ( )8、There she is.


三年级英语上册练习题 班别:________ 姓名:________ 学号:________ 成绩:________ 1.---Nice to meet you. ---_________________ A Nice to meet you,too. B My name is With Yifan C It's an eraser. D Me too. 2.---What's that? ---_________________ A Nice to meet you,too. B My name is With Yifan C It's an eraser. D Me too. 3.---What's your name? ---_________________ A Nice to meet you,too. B My name is With Yifan C It's an eraser. D Me too. 4.---I have an apple. ---_________________ A Nice to meet you,too. B My name is With Yifan C It's an eraser. D Me too. 5.---How are you? ---_________________ A I'm fine, thank you! B Hi, I'm Sarah. C Good morning, Miss White. D Ok. 6.---Let's to school. ---_________________ A I'm fine, thank you! B Hi, I'm Sarah.


人教版小学四年级上册英语练习题 一、选择题 1.你想问朋友他们家有几口人时,你应该说: A. how many people do you have? B. How many people are there in you family? C .how much are they? 2.-你问朋友的爸爸是干什么工作的,你会问___________. A. What`s your dad`s job. B What your dad job? C where is your dad? 3. 你在和你朋友一起用餐,你想说:“随便吃”,应该: A.Help yourself . B Eat yourself . C .You’re welcome. 4.She___ short and ___two big eyes. A.is\have B. are\has . C.is\has 5.---where___my keys? ---___they on the table? A.are\is B. are\are C.is\are 二、选出每组中与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。 ()1. window A. light B. picture ()2.candy A.wall B.fan ()3. key A.bed B. eat ()4. door A. floor B. school ()5. table A.baby B. parent 三、选出不同类的一项 ()1.A study B.chicken C.kitchen ()2. spoon A.fork B. soup ()3. doctor A.cook B. bed ()4. beef A.chicken B. apple ()5. uncle A.nurse B. cousin 四.根据图选出相应的单词。 1)____ A.fan B.fat 2) ____ A. blackboard B.blackberry 3) ____ A.candy B.berr


三年级英语(精通版)上册单词表 Unit 1 cat猫? monkey猴子 ?duck鸭子? dog狗? panda熊猫? bear熊? pig猪? rabbit兔子? bird鸟? mouse老鼠? ?giraffe长颈鹿? sheep绵羊? horse马? elephant大象? tiger虎 ?land陆地? use使用;利用 ?second第二的 ?world世界? Mr先生? Mrs女士(已婚)?Miss女士(未婚) ?Ms(女士不知婚否,用于第一次见面)?? Unit2 bag?包,书包? book?书 ?pen?钢笔? pencil?铅笔? glue?胶水 ?scissors?剪刀 ?eraser?橡皮? sharpener? 卷笔刀? ruler?尺 ?pencil-box?铅笔盒?? Unit 3 nose?鼻子 ?eye?眼睛? face?脸? mouth?嘴? head?头 ear?耳朵? neck?脖子;颈部? arm?手臂,胳膊? hand?手? leg?腿 ?Knee?膝盖? foot?脚? hair?头发? ?eyebrow?眉毛 ?finger?手指 ?body?身体? waist?腰? wrist?.手腕 ?back?背部、回来? toe?脚趾? toothache?牙痛? dentist?牙科医生 ?hospital?医院 ?answer?回 答? because?of?因为 ?left?左边、留下?(leave的过去式) ?policeman? 警察? policewoman?女警察? busy?忙碌的? help?帮助? trouble?困难?


三年级英语上册练习题 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

第一册英语练习题 一、情景选择。 ( )1、当你早晨遇见了你的同学时,应该对他说: A How are you ? B Good morning C What’s your name ? ( )2、当别人对你说:“How are you ?”时你应说: A Goodbye ! B I’m Sam. C Fine ,thank you ( )3、 Daming想向别人介绍自己时,他应说: A I’m Daming. B I’ m fine . C Hello. ( )4、见到新同学你问他的名字时,应说: A How are you ? B What’s your name ? C Hi! ( )5、当你向别人说再见时,应说: A Goodbye ! B Hi! C Fine, Thank you ( )6、当老师叫你起来时,他会说: A Sit down , please . B Stand up,please ! C Stand down, please! ( )7、当同学让你指向门时,他会说: A Point to the door . B Point to the window. C Point to the dog . ( )8、“他是一条黑色的狗”用英语应该怎表达? A It’s an black dog . B It’s a black dog . C It’s a red dog . ( )9、“它是一只熊猫”用英语应该怎表达? A It’s a panda . B It’s panda . C It’s name panda . ( )10、“我有一个橙色的书包”用英语应该怎表达? A I have a bag . B I have a red bag . C I have an orange bag . ( )11、你好,我叫玲玲。 A Hello ,Lingling. B Hello ,I’m Lingling. C Hi, Lingling. ( )12、你好,玲玲。 A Hello ,I’m Lingling. B Hello , Lingling. C Hi ,I’m Lingling. ( )13、谢谢你! A Thank you . B Goodbye . C Bye--bye ( )14、你好吗?大明? A Hello ,Daming . B How are you, Daming? C What’s your name,Daming? ( )15、早上好。 A Good morning . B Good afternoon . C Good night . ( )16、再见,玲玲. A Goodbye Lingling, B Hello ,Lingling . C Goodbye Daming . ( )17 你的同学说他很好,谢谢你,应该说: A I’m fine ,thank you . B I’m five ,thank you . C I’m fine too ,thank you . ( )18 开学在学校见到老朋友,老同学时,应说: A How are you ? B How old are you C How do you do ? ( )19 开学后,Amy 向老师和同学这样介绍自己:


四年级英语上册句型练 习题 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

一、选择正确的答语 ()1、Is this your bedroom a、No,they aren’t . ()2、Is she in the living room b、There are 10 . ()3、Where are my crayons c、I can see a window ,a door and a bed . ()4、Are they on the table d、I’d like some fish . ()5、What can you see in my room e、Yes ,pass me a plate ,please . ()6、What would you like f、You’re welcome . ()7、Can I have some rice g、Yes , it is . ()8、Can I help ,mom h、Sure . Here you are . ()9、Thank you very much . i、No , she isn’t . ()10、How many apples are there in the tree j、They’re in your study . 二、排序,连成一段通顺的对话: () Is it in your schoolbag ( ) Lunch’s ready ! Help yourself . () Where is my picture ()What would you like for lunch () Look ! It’s here . ()I have a good time . Thank you . () No, it isn’t . ()Mm…Yummy . I like Chinese food .


小学三年级上册英语练习题(三篇) (*) 一、从下列每组词中选出不同类的单词。(6分) ( ) 1. A. brown B. brother C. black ( ) 2. A. father B. grandma C. friend ( ) 3. A. yes B. not C. no ( ) 4. A. O B. R C. I ( ) 5. A. me B. my C. your ( ) 6.A .blue B. brother C. jacket 二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(6分) 1. G . 2. Nn 3. V* 4. q 5. T 6. j 三、英汉互译(10分) 1. 一个鸡蛋__________________ 2.我的光盘______________ 3. this green skirt_________________ 4.what about_____________ 5. on a picnic ___________________ 6. at home ______________

7. What colour is that new robot?______________________________ 8. Nice to meet you, Miss Wang.______________________________ 9. Happy Birthday, my brother!_______________________________ 10.Look, this is my family.___________________________________ 四、根据所给句子,选出恰当的答句,将序号写在括号内。(8分) ( )1.Are you Mike? A. Good morning. ( )2. Hello. I’m Su Hai. B. Hello, Yang Ling. ( )3.What’s this? C. No, I’m not. ( )4.Good afternoon, Miss Li. D. It’s great. ( )5.This is my brother, Tim. E. It’s a car. ( )6.She is my sister, Yang Ling. F. No, thank you. ( )7.Would you like an egg? G. Hello, Su Hai. ( )8.Look at my new skirt. H. Good afternoon, class. 五选择题。(10分) ( )1. It is an _________ car. A. orange B. blue C. ice cream ( )2. ______ you Mr Green ? No, I’m Uncle John. A. Am B. Are C. Is
