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内 燃 机 学 报 Transactions of CSICE
V ol.32(2014)No.2
收稿日期:2013-08-25;修回日期:2013-11-23. 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50636040).
作者简介:顾小磊,工程师,博士,E-mail :guxiaolei027@.
(1. 中国第一汽车股份有限公司无锡油泵油嘴研究所,江苏 无锡 214063; 2. 西安交通大学 动力工程多相流国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049;
3. 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 机械工程学院,香槟-厄巴纳 61801)
摘要:通过一台V6发动机研究了柴油中掺混正丁醇和异丁醇在不同转速、不同EGR 率和喷油时刻下对燃烧与排放性能的影响.结果表明:正丁醇-柴油燃料比异丁醇-柴油混合燃料着火滞燃期短,异丁醇缸内峰值压力和预混放热率比正丁醇高.柴油中掺混正丁醇和异丁醇可以明显降低碳烟排放,使得碳烟随着EGR 率变化变得平缓.同时掺混正丁醇对碳烟降低的效果更明显,而且掺混丁醇对NO x 排放影响不大,一氧化碳与碳氢排放保持在较低水平.最后柴油机燃用丁醇可以达到同时降低碳烟和NO x 的效果.关键词:柴油机;正丁醇-柴油;异丁醇-柴油;碳烟;燃烧与排放 中图分类号:TK428.9 文献标志码:A
Combustion and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Fuelled with
n -Buanol/Diesel and Iso -Butanol/Diesel Blends
GU Xiao-lei 1,YU Jian-da 1,HUANG Zuo-hua 2,LEE Chia-fon 3,HU Lin-feng 1
(1. Wuxi Fuel Injection Equipment Research Institute ,China FAW Company Limited ,Wuxi 214063,China ;2. State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering ,Xi’an Jiaotong University ,Xi’an 710049,China ;3. Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering ,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ,
Illinois 61801,USA ) Abstract :Combustion and emissions of a V6 diesel engine fuelled with n-butanol/diesel and iso -
butanol/diesel blends at different engine sp eeds ,EGR rates and injection timings were studied. Results show that n -butanol/diesel blends give shorter ignition delay comp ared with that of iso-butanol/diesel blends. Iso-butanol has higher p eak cylinder p ressure and p remixed heat release rate than those of n-butanol. n-Butanol and iso -butanol blended in diesel can significantly reduce soot emissions. Soot emission becomes insensitive to the increase of EGR rate. Soot emission decreases more effectively fuelled with n-butanol than that fuelled with iso -butanol. Butanol blending has little effect on NO x emissions. Carbon monoxide and total hydrocarbon emissions keep a low level. Diesel engine fuelled with butanol can simul-taneously reduce smoke and NO x emissions.
Keywords :diesel engine ;n -butanol/diesel ;iso-butanol/diesel ;soot ;combustion and emissions
关于柴油机燃用醇类掺混柴油混合燃料时发动机性能和排放的报道较多[2-7].Yao 等[2]研究了正丁醇掺混柴油并采用多次喷射技术,结果表明正丁醇可以有效降低碳烟和一氧化碳的排放并保持NO x 变化不大. Rakopoulos 等[3]研究了正丁醇掺混柴油燃烧、排放以及燃烧噪声性能特性,结果表明掺混正丁醇可以降低颗粒物排放,但是NO 排放稍有增加.张全长