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The foundation for an earth-fill dam would be the natural soil or rock on which the dam is placed. 对于一个挡土坝,“foundation”可能指的是为大坝提 供支持力的天然土地或岩石。
Concrete footings or piles and pile caps are often referred to as foundations without including the soil or rock on which or in which they are placed.
2. 长句、难句分析
Exam. 1 the sizes of footings are determined by dividing the loads to be imposed at the base of the footing by the allowable bearing pressure which can be imposed on the soil or rock of the earth.
Foundations that are installed may be either soil-bearing or rock-bearing. 已就位的基础或者是由土地支撑或者是由岩石支撑。
§16 Foundations基础
1. New words analysis Description(n.描述)←describe (描写)形似词:prescription
(n. 处方)←prescribe(V.开处方) Caution→precaution(预防措施) Enlarge=en(v.前缀或后缀,使…)+large,
[分析] 此处翻译的争议点在于对heavily reinforced 的处理。有人翻译为: 重量大。本人认为: reinforced是配筋的意思, heavily reinforced 是指配 筋很重,即配筋量大。虽然,其结果肯定会引起重量加大,但翻译成配筋量 大更准确、更容易学生理解。
参考译文1:板式基础或筏式基础通常是一些面积、厚度及配筋量都很大的钢 筋混凝土板块,其作用是将柱子或柱子和墙上的荷载传到下卧土层或岩层中。
strengthen=strength+en, widen=wide+en Retention(n.保留)←retain(v.保留)+tion
Discontinuity=dபைடு நூலகம்s+continuity Subside(下陷)=sub(下、次)+side Infiltrate(渗入)=in+filtrate(v.滤) Encase=en en(v.前缀或后缀,使…) +case(容器) Weep(滴水、渗漏)←weep(哭泣) Flexibility(n. 弹性、柔性)←flexible(adj. 柔性的) Backfill(回填)←fill back Admixture=ad(前缀 ,to的意思,往…)+ mixture Multistory(多层的)=multi(前缀:多)+story Code=specification 标准、规范 Cutoff wall=止水墙
混凝土基础或桩基或桩承台通常指的就是 “foundation”,不包括为基础提供支持力的土体或岩 石。
The installed elements and the natural soil or rock of the earth form a foundation system; the soil and rock provide the ultimate support of the system. 已就位的基础和天然土体或岩石形成了一个基础系统, 土体和岩石提供了系统的最终支持力。
[分析] 这里的两个by是造成翻译困难的主要原因。第一个by与determine搭 配,第二个by与divide搭配(divided by)。搞清了这个关系,翻译不难。
[参考翻译] 基础的大小由上部结构传至基础底部的荷载除以承受该荷载的土 或岩石的容许应力来决定。
Exam. 2 Mat or raft foundations are large, thick, and usually heavily reinforced concrete mats which transfer loads from a number of columns or columns and walls to the underlying soil or rock.
参考译文2:板式基础或筏式基础通常指把柱子或柱子和墙上的荷载传到下卧 土层或岩层中的面积、厚度及配筋量都很大的钢筋混凝土板块。
Structures or other constructed works are supported on the earth by foundations.
“foundation”这个单词或者是指土地本身,或者是指插 入在土地上以提供支撑的物体,或者是指土地和立于 其上的物体的合称。
The foundation for a multistory office building could be a combination of concrete footings and the soil or rock on which the footings are supported. 对于一栋多层办公楼, “foundation”可能是混凝土基础和支撑基础的土或岩 石的合称。
The word "foundation" may mean the earth itself, something placed in or on the earth to provide support, or a combination of the earth and the elements placed on it.