死亡诗社-英语简介 赏析

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The teacher wanted to teach the boys to be freethinkers
The school thought the teacher was misguiding the students
the conflicts of the different ideas about teaching between Mr. Keating and Welton
➢ I went to the woods ➢ because I wished to live deliberately, ➢ I wanted to live deep and suck out all the morrow of life, ➢ and not when I had come to die, ➢ discovered that I had not lived.
➢Place: Welton Academy ➢Time: 1959 ➢Main characters: ➢ teacher: John Keating ➢ students: Neil Pretty
Todd Anderson Charllie Dalton Knox Overstreet Richard Cameron
➢He let everyone stand on a chair to watch the world.
The Third Class
➢He encouraged students' personality and ideals. ➢Students set up “Dead Poets Society” to release
➢ 我步入丛林/ ➢ 因为我希望生活得有意义/ ➢ 我希望活得深刻/吸取生命中所有的精华/ ➢ 把非生命的一切都击溃/ ➢ 以免当我生命终结/ ➢ 发现自己从没有活过

the school forced Mr. Keating to be the scapegoat(替罪羊) for Neil's death
and quit his teaching in Welton
The First Class
• He taught students not to blindly comply with authority.
• He asked each one to tear up the wrong page that others take
➢He encouraged the students to see the world with a new vision.
Further Thinking
• Who are you? • What are you doing? • What do you want?
• Live for yourself • Defend for yourself • Seize the day and make it extraordianry