Unit1 Art Reading导学案.

Unit1  Art  Reading导学案.
Unit1  Art  Reading导学案.

Book 6 Unit1 Art Reading 生本导学案(二)

Learning goals:

1.Try to use skimming to understand the passage thoroughly.

2.Train reading skills, such as scanning ,careful reading and summarizing.

Key and difficult points:

1.Try to skim over the passage and understand the passage thoroughly.

2.Cultivate the ability to summarize the main idea and grasp key details.

Learning procedures:


1. To understand the passage about the short history of Western painting

2. To summarize the main idea and retell the passage

3. To be able to talk about the four movements in Western art and show their own preferences

Ⅰ. Fast Reading:Scan the text and choose the best answers according to the text.

①What themes did the main aim of painters represent during the Middle Ages?

A.Nature. B.People. C.Religion. D.Perspective.

②It can be inferred from the text that classical Roman and Greek ideas were________.

A.imaginary B.perspective C.impressionistic D.realistic

③Which of the following statements about the Impressionism is RIGHT?

A.Painting became an easy task because it was less detailed.

B.Painters focused more on light and color than detail.

C.Painters moved from the countryside to Paris and worked outdoors.

D.Painters had to paint quickly because of the high pace of the industrial society.

④Which of the following are the styles of

paintings about Modern Art?

A.Abstract and realistic.

B.Abstract and natural.

C.Religious and natural.

D.People and objects.

Ⅱ. Careful Reading: Read the text carefully and say these statements are true(T) or false(F).

①Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries.

②Paintings in the Middle Ages did not use perspective.

③Impressionists painted landscapes.

④You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art.

⑤In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors.

⑥Abstract art is still an art style today.

Ⅲ.Summary: Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.

Art is influenced by the customs and 1.(faithful) of a people.Styles in Western art 2.(change) many times.

During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was 3.(represent) religious themes.Artists were interested in creating a feeling of respect and love for God.

During the Renaissance,people became focused 4.on religious themes and more on humans.Artists tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Masaccio used the rules of perspective in his 5. (paint),which made people 6. (convince)that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene.

In the late 19th century,Europe changed a great deal,from a mostly 7.(agriculture) society to a mostly industrial one.The Impressionists were the first to paint outdoors.They had to paint quickly and 8. paintings were not as detailed as 9. of earlier painters.

Today people accept impressionists’ paintings as the beginning of 10.we call “modern art”.Some modern art is realistic while some is abstract.

Ⅳ. Checking单句语法填空

1. The old servant has served the family________(faith) for thirty years.

2. Nobody believed his________(predict) then but later it turned out to be true.

3. The rain was very heavy and________(consequent) the land was flooded.

4. Please take all your personal ________(possess) with you when leaving the bus.

5. The local government has taken some effective measures,________(aim) at cutting down the cost during the tough economy.

6. Scientists are________(convince) of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.

7. The humans are destroying nature day by day,________,of course,will cause punishment from it sooner or later.

8. It’s not surprising to hear him shouting at his son;it’s typical ________ him to be rude.




Ⅱ. ①F②T③T④T⑤ T⑥T

Ⅲ 1.faith 2.have changed 3.to represent 4.less 5.paintings




9.those 10.what

Ⅳ. 1. faithfully 2. prediction 3. consequently 4. possessions 5. aimed/aiming 6. convinced 7. which 8. of
