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图 1 发动机转速测量系统框图
蔡登胜,罗 维,赵明辉 (广西柳工机械股份有限公司)
摘 要:发动机转速作为一个重要的控制参数,在工程机械的控制过程如功率控制、变速控制等应用中
占有重要地位,如何快速准确地测量发动机转速,减少干扰信号的影响,同时尽可能地减轻控制系统测量负 担,对提高控制系统的稳定性和响应能力具有重要意义。

结合发动机转速测量系统的结构组成,分析相应的 测量及滤波方法的特点,提出具体的测量及滤波方法,并进行实际测试及滤波效果的验证。

制系统的应用也越来越多,如装载机的自动变速控 制系统、挖掘机的功率匹配控制系统等,在这些电
础变量参数,是最重要的控制变量之一,其测量的 精度和及时性直接关系到电子控制系统的控制效 果,因此对发动机转速进行快速、高精度的测量一 直是工程技术人员追求的目标。

转速信号属于频率 信号,具有快速变化、易受干扰的特点,因而如何能 够快速、准确地检测频率信号,满足控制响应需求, 是控制系统设计中不可忽视的重要环节。

本文以挖 掘机发动机转速控制系统为例,对频率信号的检测 方法进行探讨。

挖掘机发动机转速的测量系统如图 1 所示。

电磁感应式转速传感器输出信号必须通过测 量系统的接口调理电路进行整形,以获得标准的方

1 发动机转速信号的测量方法
2 在工程机械上,常用两种类型的转速传感器:
1) 霍尔转速传感器;2) 电磁感应式转速传感器。

霍尔传感器作为有源传感器,其特点为输出幅值稳 定的方波信号。

电磁感应式转速传感器是无源器 件,其特点是输出信号为幅值不稳定的正弦波信 号,转速越高输出信号幅值同步越高。

通常车用霍 尔传感器只能检测 3 000 Hz 以下的频率信号,因而 主要用于较低转速信号的测量。

电磁感应式转速传 感器由于结构简单,工作稳定,是工程机械发动机 转速测量首选的传感器。

在采用单片机进行转速测量时,通常采用两种 方法:定时脉冲频率法和脉冲周期法[1]。

采用定时脉冲频率法测量转速,先设定窗口时 间段 T d ,记录下在这时间段内转速脉冲的个数 N p , 得到转速脉冲频率 f p 为: f = N p
p T d
则转速 n 为:
n= 60f p
N g

Δx ,则丢弃本次采样值,取上一次的采样值作为当 前值,计算公式为:
Σ X n =X n -1, x n -x n - 1 X n =X n ,Σx n -x n - 1 ≤Δx Σ 转速信号的数字滤波算法
制变量因子都必须达到两点基本要求:一是精度, 3 (8) >Δx Σ 限速滤波的难点在于 Δx 的选择,若 Δx 取值 太大,则无法将干扰滤除,若 Δx 取值过小,则无法
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第 43 卷 2012 年 11 月
Test and Research

对数字滤波来说,采样数据量越大,则抗干扰能 力越强,滤波后的数据平滑性也越好,但考虑到采样 数据量越大,则所需时间越长,对系统的响应速度是 不利的。

根据控制系统对采样变量的两个要求:精 度和及时性,必须对两者进行平衡。

为加大采样数据量,并尽可能减少数据采集时 间对及时性的影响,通常可以采用 FIFO (先进先出) 的数据处理办法,即一组包含 n 个数据 x 1,x 2,…,x n 的采样数据集,若有新的采样数据 x n+1,则将最先测 到的 x 1 去除,使采样数据集依然保持为 n 个数据, 以此类推,采用 FIFO 的样本数据处理方法,可以改 善数据的平滑性。

挖掘机发动机的转速主要通过检测飞轮转速来 获得。

对于飞轮齿数为 N g 的发动机,转速脉冲信号 的频率为:
4 f = N ·g n (9) 60 若飞轮齿数 N g 为 127 齿,发动机的正常转速 n 为 650~2 500 r/min ,根据式(9),正常转速检测信号 的最低频率为 1 37
5 H z ,最高频率为 5 292 H z 。

要对这样的频率信号进行检测,根据前文分析, 采用脉冲周期法对转速传感器信号进行采样,采样 结果如图 2 所示。

图 2 是采用脉冲周期法测量到发动机的 500 个瞬时转速值,图中纵坐标为转速,横坐标为采样 数。

实际上每一个采样得到的转速都是测速齿经过 转速传感器时的瞬时速度,图 2 显示出在发动机旋 转一圈(即任意 127 个采样)中,实际上转速并不是 均匀的,并且变化还相对较大,在固定油门及负载 无变化的情况下,500 个采样得到的最大瞬时转速 为 2 105 r/m i n ,最小瞬时转速为 2 079 r/min ,最大的 瞬时速度比最小瞬时转速高出 26 r/min ,即在系统 无变化的情况下,测到的转速值在不断地波动,这 一波动会造成控制系统输出的扰动,必须通过滤波 来消除这样的干扰。

假设不存在干扰的情况下,按照发动机旋转一 圈的齿数选取每次 127 个脉冲作为当前采样进行 FIFO 算术平均滤波,得到 127 位 FIFO 算术平均滤 波结果如图 3 所示。

图 3 显示,通过 127 位算术平均滤波后,得到
转速为 2 090~2 092 r/m i n ,只有 2 r/min 的波动,说 明以整转脉冲个数作为样本数据集进行算术平均 滤波,对转速周期性的波动可以取得较好的滤波 效果。

在采用脉冲频率法进行转速测量时,通常采用中 断捕捉方式测量每个转速信号的周期,测量过程需占 用系统时间,若每次捕捉 127 个脉冲,按 2 090 r/min 的转速来计,捕捉 127 个脉冲约需 28 m s ,这对一个 控制系统来说周期太长了,因此必须寻找到较短时间 来获得同样或近似的滤滤效果。

为缩短采样时间,采用每次采样 8 个脉冲进行 分段算术平均滤波,滤波效果如图 4 所示。

从图 4 来看,缩短了采样中断时间后,8 位分段 算术平均滤波效果并不明显,仍是按照与原始瞬时 转速相同的趋势在波动。

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图3 发动时瞬时转速与127 位FIFO 算术平均滤波结果
图4 瞬时转速与8 位分段算术平均滤波结果
工程机械第43 卷2012 年11月Test and Research
若保持相同的中断采样时间,采用8 位分段

从图5 来看,缩短了采样中断时间后,采用8
位分段中值滤波算法与采用8 位分段算术平均滤
过多的CPU 资源,必须采用组合滤波方法。

试图对8 位原始采样信号在进行分段算术滤

时,由于没有CPU 资源过多占用的担忧,通过两级


图6 为一级8 位分段算术平均滤波加二级8
位中值FIFO 滤波的滤波效果,图7 为一级8 位分
段中值滤波加二级8 位分段算术平均滤波的滤波
效果,图8 为一级8 位分段中值滤波加二级8 位
FIFO 算术平均滤波的滤波效果。

从图6、图7 和图8 可以看出,采用两级滤波

波中采用FIFO 算术平均滤波,得到的转速更平滑,
并且采用FIFO 还可以根据控制的需要,随时获得

因此,在一级滤波时采用8 位分
段中值滤波,在二级滤波时采用8 位FIFO 算术平—22 —
图5 瞬时转速与8 位分段中值滤波结果
图6 一级8 位分段算术平均滤波+二级8 位中值FIFO 滤波效果
图7 一级8 位分段中值滤波+二级8 位分段算术平均滤波效果
第43 卷2012 年11月Test and Research
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图 8 一级 8 位分段中值滤波+
二级 8 位 FIFO 算术平均滤波效果
第 43 卷 2012 年 11 月
Test and Research
均滤波得到的结果与 127 位的大数据量滤波效果 更接近,转速曲线更平滑。


动机转速测量而言,采用两级组合滤波方式也是可 以的,但究竟采用哪种组合滤波方式能更好地满足 控制要求,尚待进一步分析探讨。

本文分析了挖掘机发动机转速的测量系统,对 转速的测试方法及滤波方法进行了探讨,并针对发 动机转速的不均匀性,结合控制系统对转速存在的 测量精度和及时性要求,提出了分段中值滤波和 FIFO 算术平均滤波两级滤波的转速滤波方法,以在 降低单片机资源占用的情况下,获得较好的检测及 时性及测量精度。

对挖掘机发动机转速测量而言,采用图 8 所示 的方案,即数字滤波采用两级组合滤波方式,一级 为 8 位分段中值滤波,二级为 8 位 FIFO 算术平均
5 参考文献
[1] 蒋东方.基于边沿捕捉与中值滤波的航空发动机转速测
量[J ].仪表技术与传感器,2009(2):96- 99. [2] 王保强,窦文,白红.高精度测频方案设计[J ].成都信息工
程学院学报,2002(2):77- 81. [3] 王庆河,王庆山.数据处理中的几种常用数字滤波算法
[J ].计量技术,2003(04):53- 54.
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(收稿日期:2012- 07- 11)
(上接第 5 页)
得到全面的提高和发展,使土方机械产品的制造资 源消耗和产品应用中的能源消耗得到显著的降低。

(5)重点研制和实施土方机械安全和环境保护 标准。

土方机械的安全和环保是国际土方机械产品 发展的重点以及标准制定的重点,因此我国要重点 研制和实施土方机械安全和环境保护标准,重点实 施和修订完善 15 项土方机械安全以及土方机械噪

点较高,符合当前世界土方机械发展方向的标准, 提升我国土方机械产品的技术含量,构成对人身安 全、身体健康及社会环境的全面、系统的保护和保 障,增强我国土方机械产品的国际竞争力。

通信地址:天津北辰科技园区华实道 91 号 天津工程机械研 究院(300409)
(收稿日期:2012- 09- 05)
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(Serial No. 469)
PI1I)lishing on Nov. 10, 2012
Vol. 43 No. II Present Situation and Analysis of Chinese Standard of Earthmoving Machinery
application of the process and the basic work requirements etc, job instances prove that the shoot blaster and its process can meet the application with satisfactory results. Therefore, we should suggest to promote in full the shoot blasting for pavement surface treatment within China.
Keywords: Pavement; Shot blasting treatment;
The text introduces Chinese national standards of carthmoving machinery together with the industrial basis and situation while analyzing formation, distribution, quantity and quality of the standardization system as well as differences with ISO and other foreign standards. More, the text in view of defects andlor backwards in some of the standards analyzes their suitability and aging effects before putting forth stresses on the jobs to come concerning standardization of the earthmoving machinery, which line up as to raise suitability of the standards with the market, to adopt effective measures to utilize ISO standards, to readjust composing elements of the national standards so as to set up important pieces of Surface roughness; Adhesion binding; Work process
and Brief Discussion on Profile of Loader Bucket
First of all, function and significance of loader’s bucket profile and design should be clearly defined, before discussing how the bucket is classified, and the major parameters that affect the loading performance. The next step is to introduce how the loader bucket was designed, according to the present experiences. And finally, the
standard. to promote research and development in the surrounding the States
n a t I on a I standardization as for industrial readjustment ind
programs together discussion touches rcle
ant theories and critical eflCtiN/Ifl1.
with low carbon economy, and to focus on
techniques in the bucket profile and design.
Keywords: Loader; Bucket; Bucket profile design c\eculIon ot aIct\ and
research and de cIoiiciit and environment machinery.
Keywords: friendly standards for the earthmoving Brief Analysis of Backlash Adjustment for Slewing Mechanism
The text introduces mesh lashes of the swing reduction pinion with the swing circle gear plus the affecting factors and how to readjust. Through formula deduction we got that eccentric arm of the swing reduction gear and angle of the actual installation as relative to that of its initial installation does affect side lashes at the gear pair. Keywords: Swing reduction gear; Gear backlash;
machinery; Standard;
Earthmoving Analysis
Model GYSPW2O8O Shot Blaster and Shot Blasting Treatment Processes
To treat road and bridge surface with shoot blasting becomes a newcomer advanced process to deal with problems in the local surface traffic for the recent several years. However, to execute this process needs a special piece of equipment for the job, i.e. a shoot blaster to trim the pavement surface. The text beginning with basic working principles of the shot blaster introduces the model GYSPW2O8O shot blaster plus its make-up, basic features, critical techniques, as well as range of
Engine Speed Signal Testing and Method of Digital Filtering
The engine RPM as an important parameter in the construction machinery controls in a process, e.g. power
control, speed change and control. Therefore, it is of important significance to quickly and precisely measure out the RPM and minimize affection by the interference signals while reducing measurement loads as much as possible at the control system so as to increase stability and respondent capability of the control system. We considered structural formation of the RPM measuring system with analyses of the correspondent measurements and filtering methods before put forth concrete measurements and filtering methods while verifying actual tests and filtering results.
Keywords: Engine; RPM; Test; Digital filtering straight travel performance of the roller itself. Therefore, we tested vibratory amplitude along tread of the single drum vibratory roller and found serious bias-vibration existing there at 8.8% bias-vibration amplitude at high vibration rate, and 7.6% at a lower vibration rate. We according to structural parameters of the single vibratory drum roller set up an ADAMS model for the vibratory drum while simulating vibratory amplitude evenness of the vibrating drum, thus effectively improving bias vibration of the vibratory roller by means of minimizing bias displacement of energizing center in the vibratory drum as off mass center of the vibratory body.
Keywords: Vibratory compactor; Deflective
vibration; Test; ADAMS; Simulation
Shaft Modal Analysis of Power System of Hybrid Power Excavators
We through finite element computation had got top 10 Cooling System of a Loader
6-ton Energy-Saving Type of modular frequency and vibration mode, grades respectively, for the diesel engine shaft series and the motor shaft series. Thereon, we through finite element computation had got top 10 grades of modular frequency and vibration mode, respectively, for the mixed power shaft series. Computation results show that as compared with common power systems there is a decrease of individual modular frequencies in the mixed power shaft series as a result of the electric motor insertion, but higher than that of the electric motor shaft series. Such a It introduces a 6 t power saving type wheel loader as an product of the Tianjin research and development Research Institute of Construction Machinery itself. The research and development indcpendent radiating-cooling system consists of a fan, fixed displacement pump, fixed displacement motor, proportional relief valve, temp sensor, temp control valve, monitors, etc. The cooling fan is driven through an independent controllable hydraulic system and a fuzzy control way so as to cool down simultaneously the 3 media of engine coolant, hydraulic oil, and the torque converter oil. The systems features decrease is mainly because of grades of modular frequency in the electric motor shaft series are obviously higher than that of the diesel engine shaft series, which was followed by a trial test and analysis of the vibration signals at the mixed power shaft series. Test results show that signal energy concentrates in the X direction and Y direction and tell that the vibration signal is mainly created by the bending vibration. Frequency spectrum of the vibration signal witnessed 5th-grade and 6th grade modular frequency in shaft series of the power system and tells that the vibration signal comes mainly from rotor of the electric motor.
include simple construction, precise control, easy operation, safety and reliability, quick temp raise of the cooling medium, stable functions and performance.
fan; Keywords: Loader; Cooling Proportional
relief valve; Fuzzy control
Strength Finite Element Analysis of Drive Shaft
Bulldozer A finite element model was set up by utilizing ANSYS Workbench software for the steering clutch input shaft in a certain type bulldozer under a turning torque load while carrying out a finite element analysis thereof to have got stress and strain results at dangerous positions of the drive shaft. The results show that failures are vulnerable to happen at positions of the spline and/or transit radius. excavator; power Power
Keywords: Hybrid system; Modular series
analysis; Deflective Vibration Simulation Analysis of Single Drum Vibratory Compactors Based on ADAMS Deflective vibration in the vibratory compactor does not only affect evenness of the compaction but also affect
Drive shaft; Torque load; Finite
Keywords: element。
