《英语修辞学English Rhetoric》第一章Introduction to English

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Contents of This Chapter
• I . About the Course • II. Reference Books • III.What is rhetoric? • IV. Why do we learn rhetoric?
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I. About the Course
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III. What is rhetoric?
The study of rhetoric goes back to ancient Greece, when speakers began to practice the art of persuasion in courts of law. The ancients realized that presentation is as important, or perhaps more important, as facts.
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II. Reference Books
➢ 4. Assessment: Exam
Total gradຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidus = 30% of Regular Grades + 70%of the Final Exam
* Regular Grades consists of 15% of class attendance and 15% of
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Rhetoric is power.
➢ Whoever does not study rhetoric will become a victim of it. ---Ancient Greek wall inscription
➢ Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. ---Francis Bacon
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Plato and Aristotle
III. What is rhetoric?
• 3.1 Origin of Western Rhetoric
It is said that the “art of rhetoric” originated in Syracuse锡拉库兹 (意大利西西里岛东部一港市), a Greek colony on the island of Sicily, in about 465 B.C.. When the dictators on the island were overthrown and democracy was established, people went to court to claim the ownership of the land which had been taken from them during the dictator’s reign. However, the Greek system required that citizens represent themselves in court instead of hiring attorneys to speak on their behalf as we can today. Therefore, the rhetoric came into being to “make the best possible case and to represent it persuasively to the jury” (Hu Shuzhong, 2019:3).
➢ 1. Optional course of English Major ➢ 2. Teaching Objects: juniors of English Major ➢ 3. Purpose:
General idea about English rhetoric a brief and interesting survey of the history of rhetoric with emphasis on several major classical rhetoricians and their theories and application
* the foundation of rhetoric * more than ordinary speech but a special kind of public
class participation and assignments
➢5. Text Book
张秀国:《英语修辞学》(English Rhetoric),清华大学出版社、北京交通大 学出版社,2019
➢6. Reference Books:
黄 任:《英语修辞与写作》,上海外语教育出版社,2019. 胡曙中:《现代英语修辞学》,上海外语教育出版社,2019年7月第1版,
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III. What is rhetoric?
3.2 rhetoric and oratory
Rhētorikē—rhētōr: as a verb: to speak
as a noun: orator
Oratory had been practiced long before the ancient rhetoricians developed a theory and a vocabulary for rhetoric.
Communicative rhetoric the choice of words, the choice of sentences, paragraph and essay construction
Aesthetic rhetoric: figures of speech (phonetic, syntactic, semantic, logic)