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腺样体肥大是引起儿童分泌性中耳炎、鼻窦炎、 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停的主要病因,长久不治还可导 致颌面发育障碍及身体生长发育迟缓,因此一经确 诊应尽早施行腺样体切除术。传统的手术方法由于 不能在直视下切除,常致腺样体残留、出血和复发, 已逐渐被废弃。鼻内镜广泛使用后,在内镜下行腺 样体切除术已基本取代了传统手术,而可选择的工 具包括电动吸切器和低温等离子,各种手术方法的 优缺点仍有待探讨。现回顾性分析 2008 年 1 月 ~ 2012 年 6 月在我科住院经鼻或经口行电动吸切器 或低温等离子腺样体切除术的儿童共 120 例的临床 资料,比较 4 种手术方式的术中及术后情况,对各自 优缺点进行评价。
1 临床资料与方法
1. 1 一般资料
选取 2008 年 1 月 ~ 2012 年 6 月在我科住院行 鼻内镜下经鼻或经口,电动吸切器或低温等离子腺 样体切除术的儿童,手术均由同一位术者完成,由患 儿家属自行选择 4 种手术方式: A 组,经鼻、电动吸 切器; B 组,经口、电动吸切器; C 组,经鼻、低温等离 子; D 组,经口、低温等离子。各 30 例,共 120 例。 年龄 3 ~ 10 岁。均 有 不 同 程 度 睡 眠 打 鼾,首 诊 以 睡 眠 打 鼾 及 张 口 呼 吸 、睡 眠 中 反 复 惊 醒 、呼 吸 困 难 就诊 80 例,以鼻塞为主诉就诊 20 例,以听力下降 就诊 20 例。腺样体均为Ⅲ ~ Ⅳ度。术前常规进 行口咽检查,76 例存在扁桃体肥大或慢性扁桃体 炎,鼻腔检 查 结 合 临 床 症 状 确 定 54 例 合 并 鼻 炎, 怀疑有分泌性中耳炎者行声导抗检查,确认 19 例 ( 26 耳) 伴分泌性中耳炎。4 组一般资料比较见表 1 ,有 可 比 性 。
【关键词】 腺样体切除术; 内镜; 射频消融术; 电动吸切器
中图分类号: R766. 9
文献标识: A
文章编号: 1009 - 6604( 2013) 03 - 0275 - 05
Four Approaches for Endoscopic Minimally Invasive Adenoidectomy Li Xiping,Jia Hongguang,Yan Suying,et al. Department of Otolaryngology,Beijing Anzhen Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100029,China
等离子,D 组为经口、低温等离子,各 30 例,并随访 6 个月。 结果 手术时间和术中出血量均为 A、B 组 > C 组 > D 组( F =
324. 5、455. 5,P 均 = 0. 000) ,A、B 组间差异无显著性( P = 0. 189、0. 997) 。2 个经鼻手术组的术中鼻腔黏膜创伤和术后鼻塞的 发生率 C 组明显高于 A 组( χ2 = 7. 200,P = 0. 007; χ2 = 4. 286,P = 0. 038) 。2 个经口手术组的软腭水肿的发生率差异无显著性 ( χ2 = 0. 000,P = 1. 000) 。4 组间术后 1 周内头痛的发生率差异无显著性( χ2 = 7. 059,P = 0. 070) 。术后 6 个月 4 组疗效均为治 愈或有效,均无无效病例,4 组治愈率差异无显著性( χ2 = 2. 182,P = 0. 536) 。4 组腺样体残留的发生率差异无显著性( χ2 = 1. 617,P = 0. 655) 。4 组均无头痛及咽鼓管口闭锁发生,耳闷症状均消除。鼻腔粘连率 C 组明显高于其他 3 组( χ2 = 19. 730,
【Abstract】 Objective To compare the advantages and disadvantages of four approaches for minimally invasive adenoidectomy so that to determine the best clinical surgical approach. Methods Children with Ⅲ - Ⅳ degree adenoidal hypertrophy,who were admitted to our hospital from January 2008 to June 2012,received endoscopic resection via transnasal or transoral approaches. Powered debrider and radiofrequency were applied in each of the approach. The patients were divided into four groups ( group A: transnasal debrider,group B: transoral debrider,group C: transnasal radiofrequency,group D: transoral radiofrequency) according to the request of the patients’family ( 30 children in each) and were followed up for 6 months. Results Both Groups A and B showed significantly more bloods loss and longer operation time than that group C,followed by group D ( F = 324. 5 and 455. 5,P = 0. 000) . No significant difference was found between groups A and B in bloods loss and operation time ( P = 0. 189 and 0. 997) . The rate of postoperative nasal obstruction and intraoperative injury to the nasal cavity mucosa in group C was higher than that of group A ( χ2 = 7. 200,P = 0. 007 and χ2 = 4. 286,P = 0. 038) . There was no significant difference in postoperative soft palate edema between the two transoral groups ( χ2 = 0. 000,P = 1. 000 ) . No significant difference was found in the incidence rate of headache during the first postoperative week among the four groups ( χ2 = 7. 059,P = 0. 070) . No non-effective case was found at the end of 6-month follow-up, and no significant difference was found in cure rate nor in the rate of adenoidal residue among the four groups ( χ2 = 2. 182,P = 0. 536 and χ2 = 1. 617,P = 0. 655) . There were no headache or Eustachian tube orifice occlusion occurred in any of the groups,and ear fullness disappeared in all the patients in the four groups. The rate of nasal cavity adhesion was higher in group C than that in the other three groups ( χ2 = 19. 730,P = 0. 000) ,no significant difference was found among groups A,B and D ( P > 0. 05) . Conclusions Satisfactory results were achieved with all the four approaches for minimally invasive endoscopic adenoidectomy with different advantages and disadvantages. Radiofrequency ablation shortens the operation time and decreases intraoperative blood loss comparing to powered debrider,but it has a long learning curve and needs more practice. Transoral endoscopic frequency adenoidectomy provides a wider visual field,but it’s harder to determine the ablation depth. Transnasal adenoidectomy has a direct visual field and is easy to learn,but adhesion and adenoidal residue should be avoided.
【Key Words】 Adenoidectomy; Endoscopy; Radiofrequency ablation; Powered debrider
* 通讯作者,E-mail: weiyongxiang@ vip. sina. com
中国微创外科杂志 2013 年 3 月第 13 卷第 3 期 Chin J Min Inv Surg,March 2013,Vol. 13. No. 3
表 1 4 组一般资料比较( n = 30)
年龄( 岁)
中国微创外科杂志 2013 年 3 月第 13 卷第 3 期 Chin J Min Inv Surg,March 2013,Vol. 13. No. 3
鼻内镜下 4 种腺样体微创切除术式的比较研究
李希平 贾弘光 闫素英 魏永祥*
( 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,北京 100029)
P = 0. 000) ,A、B、D 组间差异无显著性( P > 0. 05) 。 结论 鼻内镜下 4 种腺样体微创切除术均能取得满意效果,但各有利
阔,但切除深度不易把握; 经鼻切除视野直观,简便易学,但应尽量避免术后鼻腔粘连和腺样体残留。
【摘要】 目的 比较 4 种鼻内镜下微创腺样体切除术式的优缺点,为临床腺样体术式选择提供参考。 方法 2008 年
1 月 ~ 2012 年 6 月,选择Ⅲ ~ Ⅳ度腺样体肥大患儿,分别在鼻内镜下采用经鼻、经口 2 种入路切除,每种入路采用电动吸切器
或低温等离子刀 2 种工具切除。按家属意愿分为 4 组,A 组为经鼻、电动吸切器,B 组为经口、电动吸切器,C 组为经鼻、低温