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树叶片大 飞会个的 船两头在 里看见闪 星江南可
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
采莲鱼东 西北尖说 春青蛙夏 弯地就冬 男女开关
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
天地人你 我他一二 三四五上 下口耳目 手 足 站坐
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
日月水火 山石田禾 对云雨风 花鸟虫六 七八九十
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
伞兔最公 写诗点要 过给当串 们以成数 彩半空问
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
到方没更 绿出长睡 那海真老 师吗同什 才亮时候
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
爸妈马土 不画打棋 鸡字词语 句子桌纸 文数学音
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
乐妹奶白 皮小桥台 雪儿草家 是车羊走 也秋气了
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
办旁许法 放进高住源自文库孩玩吧发 芽爬呀久 回全变工
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
觉得自己 很穿衣服 快蓝又笑 着向和贝 娃挂活金
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
哥姐弟叔 爷群竹牙 用几步为 参加洞着 乌鸦处找
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
正反远有 色近听无 声去还来 多少黄牛 只猫边鸭
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
苹果杏桃 书包尺作 业本笔刀 课早校明 力尘从众
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
双木林森 条心升国 旗中红歌 起么美丽 立午晚昨
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
今年影前 后黑狗左 右它好朋 友比尾巴 谁长短把
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin