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Betty Friedan (February 4, 1921 – F ebruary 4, 2006) was an American writer, activist, and feminist. A leading figure in the women's movement in the United States, her 1963 book The F eminine Mystique is often credited with sparking the second wave of American feminism in the 20th century.
the Summer of Love
The Summer of Love refers to the summer of 1967, particularly in the Haight-Ashbury district of San F rancisco, where thousands of young people from all over the world loosely and freely united for a new social experience. As a result, the Hippie counterculture movement came into public awareness.
Peace, love and personal freedom.
Hippy Movement
The Hippy movement was largely a response to mainstream 1950s culture. The Hippy movement involved many things: ① sexuality ② women's rights ③ authority 添加小标题 ④ consumerism and materialism 点击添加文本
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Beginng E vent: Freedom Speech Movement
In O ctomber 1964, a C O R E( 美国种族平等大会) organiser distributed information and collected money at the campus of the University at B erkeley. The university police chief and deans came to stop him, and finally arrested him. Then a large crowd of students spontaneously surrounded the car to protest so that 800 students were arrested. However, the university was closed and the teachers voted to change the school rules. The movement was ended with students'success.
the Influence of Hip Culture on Music R ock' n' R oll
B eatles
G uess who he is ?
Bob Dylan
B ob D ylan ( born R obert Allen Z immerman, May 24, 1941) is an American songwriter, singer, artist, and writer. He has been influential in popular music and culture for more than five decades. Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s when his songs chronicled social unrest. E arly songs such as "B lowin'in the W ind" and "The Times They Are aC hangin' " became anthems for the American civil rights and antiwar movements. Leaving behind his initial base in the American folk music revival, his sixminute single "Like a R olling Stone", recorded in 1965, enlarged the range of popular music.
Bob Dylan
E vents in the 1960s
1961年4月 中央情报局策划支持的猪猡湾入侵事件失败。 1962年10月 古巴导弹危机解除。 1963年11月22日 总统约翰· 肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺身亡,成为历史上第4位被暗杀 的美国总统。 1964年8月2日 发生东京湾事件,美军直接卷入越战。 1965年11月 一名32岁男子在五角大楼门口为反越战而自焚。 1966年4月26日 美国医生贝克利首次移植人工心脏。 1968年4月和6月 马丁· 路德· 金和罗伯特· 肯尼迪(约翰· 肯尼迪弟弟)分别遇刺身亡。 1969年7月21日 人类登陆月球成功,阿姆斯特朗迈出了“人类的一大步”。
the Youth Movement
Let it all hang out.
Historical Background
The civil rights movement instilled them with the belief in liberty and rebellion in attitude.The youth who took part in the civil righs movement had seen the government’s corruption in protecting people‘s rights so that they lost the respect for the authority.
Comes from the word “Hip” which means cool Hippies had several defining features
a) dressing very differently from most people at that time
Anti-War Movement
Hell, no, we won‘t go.
Anti-War Movement
The conflict in V ietnam resulted in over 55,000 American deaths and produced a large-scale anti-war movement in the U.S. Students became a powerful and disruptive force and university campuses sparked a national debate over the war. As the movements's ideals spread beyond the college campuses, doubts about the war also began to appear within the administration itself.
Social Movements
Y outh: They resented traditional white male values in US society.
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the Youth Movement Women's Liberation Movement
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Anti-War Movement
Comes from the word “Hip” which means cool Hippies had several defining features:
a) dressing very differently from most people at that time b) embrace on peace, love and sexual freedom. c) use of drugs, particularly cannabis, LSD and psychotropic mushrooms
Thank you
Represent: Betty Friedan (贝蒂·弗里丹 )
social impact:
The N ational O rganization for W omen( N O W ) was founded in 1966. It ignited the contemporary women' s movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the united states and countries around the world.
w om en' sl i berati on m ovem ent
Speak your heart without interruption.
focus : gender inequality in laws and culture.
The feminist movement, that is, the women's liberation movement. Purpose is to get women equal rights and the right to equal status with men, and the choice of people’s career and the way of life of freedom.
American Society of the 1960s
R eporter:侯娜
the conciousness of different people in America
Afro-Americans:They had a taste of life outside the south so they knew that life in the segregated south was not the American way of life. Women:During WWII, women had the opportunity to work in responsible jobs for good pays, but they don't have them in the 1960s.
Ideology of Hippie
E mbraced aspects of E astern Philoaton, were vegetarian and ecofriendly, promoted the use of psychedelic drugs. F avored Peace, Love and personal F reedom( Beatles<All you need is love>)