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从宏观来看,我国经济处于经济增长速度换档期、结构调整阵痛期、前期刺激政策消化期“三期”叠加阶段,经济下行压力持续加大。同时M1和M2“剪刀差”大幅扩大, 大量企业持币观望,投资大幅放缓。从微观来看,企业投资是企业战略的重要组成部分,关系到企业经营风险、盈利水平、发展方向,甚至是生死存亡。当前我国经济社会快速发展,市场环境不断变化,然而我国部分企业投资决策机制和运作模式还未适应快速变化的政策和市场环境,存在着政策把握不准、盲目跟风、风险认识不足等特点,导致企业做出了许多低效、短视投资行为,进而出现企业破产的现象。我国企业需要更贴近企业现实的投资策略,以尽快提高自己投资上的行为能力。因此,加强企业投资策略方面的研究,是十分重要的且具有现实意义。本文从企业投资策略理论入手,分析了企业投资策略的影响因素,然后结合企业投资策略的相关理论与实践,归纳和总结出制定企业投资策略的模型



The Research on En terprise In vestme nt Strategy


From the macro point of view, China's economy is in the stage of the "three-stage stacking" period, the structural adjustment period and the digestion period of the pre-stimulus policy, the pressure Econo mic dow nward con ti nued to in crease. Simulta neously, M1, M2 scissors continued to expand, A large number of enterprises hold the currency wait and see, the investment slowed sharply. From the micro point of view, Enterprise investment is an importa nt part of en terprise strategy, related to the Busin ess risk, Profitability, Direction of development, and future survival and development of enterprises. Currently, China's econo mic and social is rapid developme nt, and the market en vir onment is cha nging. However, the decision-making mechanism and mode of operation of some Chinese enterprises still have the characteristics of pla nned economy, such as lack of policy aware ness, bli nd follow-up and risk recognition. These enterprises Made a lot of inefficient, short-sighted investment behavior, appeared phe nomenon of corporate ban kruptcy. It is very importa nt and practical to stre ngthe n the research on en terprise inv estme nt strategy. Based on the theory and practice of the en terprise inv estme nt strategy, this paper summarizes the models and processesof the en terprise in vestme nt strategy, and puts forward some feasible suggesti ons.

Key Words : Enterprise investment; Investment strategy; Enterprise strategy; Strategy Research

摘要 ......................................................... I Abstract ...................................................................................................................... Ill 引言 (5)

(一)研究背景和意义 (5)

(二)研究方法和内容 (5)

一企业投资策略理论基础 (5)

(一)基本概念 (5)

(二)企业投资策略内容 (5)

(三)企业投资策略类别 (6)

二企业投资策略的影响因素 (7)

(一)宏观经济情况 (7)

(二)代理问题 (7)

(三)信息不对称 (7)

(四)企业特质 (7)

三企业投资策略的制定 (8)

(一)企业投资策略制定的原则 (8)

(二)企业投资策略的制定程序 (8)

1. 企业需求分析 (8)

2. 供给分析 (9)

四正大集团投资策略研究 (10)

(一)谨慎布点阶段 (10)

(二)快速复制阶段 (10)

(三)横向扩张阶段 (10)

(四)纵深扩张阶段 (10)

五制定企业投资策略的建议 (11)

结论 (12)

参考文献 (13)
