牛津译林版英语期末复习(9A Unit 1)

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九年级英语期末复习(9A Unit 1)



creative adj.有创造力的;创造性的curious adj.好奇的

energetic adj.精力充沛的modest adj.谦虚的

organized( also organised) adj.有条理的;有效率的

order n.顺序argue vi.辩论,争论

born adj.天生的impress vt.给……留下印象sculpture n.雕塑,雕像praise n.赞扬,表扬

accountant n.会计born adj.天生的

upset adj.情绪低落的,沮丧的

general adj.总的;普遍的race n.竞赛;赛跑

lead n.主角,扮演主角的演员

challenge n.挑战chief adj.主要的,首要的

high-speed adj.高速的connect vt.连接

miss n.错误,过失attention n.注意,专心

standard n.标准pioneer n.先锋,开拓者surgeon n.外科大夫carelessness n.粗心

extra adj.额外的;附加的

devote vt,把……贡献,把……专用于

respect vt.尊敬,敬重personality n.个性

suitable adj.合适的;适宜的

impatient adj.不耐烦的,急躁的

lunar adj.阴历的calendar n.日历;挂历

animal sign n. 生肖represent vt.象征

appear vi.出现fixed adj.固定的

cycle v.循环powerful adj.有力的;强大的

lively adj.活泼的;生气勃勃的

practical adj.实际的loyal adj.忠诚的

mood n.心情,情绪divide vi.& vt.分开,分

shape vt.使成形,塑造speech n.演说,讲话,发言monitor n.班长position n,职位


1.share... with与某人分享2.eat up吃光

3.keep in good order按照顺序放好

4.show off炫耀


6.come up with想出(主意);追上,赶上

7.be curious about对……感到好奇

8.argue with与某人争吵

9.either... or不是……就是;或者……或者

10. neither... nor既不……也不……

11.a born artist 一个天生的艺术家

12. win high praise from 赢得高度赞扬

13. search for寻找14. give up放弃

15. sales department销售部16. work with与谁工作

17.take the lead处于领先地位18. fall behind落后

19. connect to/with与……相连,连接

20. as good as和……几乎一样,简直是

21. pay attention to关注

22. be willing to乐意23. in fact事实上

24.devote... to将……奉献给……

25. be known for因为……而出名

26. take part in参加27. animal sign生肖

28. depend on依赖于,取决于29. star sign星座.

30.divid e…into将……分成……

31. agree with sb同意(某人)看法


1. It makes them feel good to share things with others.与别人分享东西使他们感到开心。

make sb do sth“使某人做某事”,后接动词原形,用于被动语态时,使用be made to do sth。

My good friend often makes me laugh when I am sad.


2.Mr Wu is patient enough to spend a lot of time explaining things to us.吴老师足够耐心地花费很多时间同我们解释东西。


I don't have enough money for a new house.


I'm not old enough for my bus pass yet!


(2) spend动词,意为“花(钱、时间);花费;度过”。常

用搭配:spend…on sth花费……在……方面

spend.…(in) doing sth花费……做……

I spend the whole day doing the housework.


3.It's terrible for me to work without any words all day long.对我来说,整天只工作不说话很糟糕。

It is+ adj. +for/of sb to do sth

(1)for sb常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式


It's very hard for him to study two languages.


(2) of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good,kind,nice,clever,foolish,right。

It's very nice of you to help me.
