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[Abstract]There is no doubt that a correlation exists between the form and content of a language and the beliefs, values, and needs present in the culture of its speakers. This article mainly analyses and clears out some major differences between Chinese and Americans in terms of language using.
[Key words]language using,animals and language,indirectness and directness
I. Introduction
The Lord once said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” (Genesis, 11:6-7) Therefore from the Holy Bible, we get the information that it is God who once makes human languages diversified deliberately in order to confuse human beings. The consequence is that now we have different languages which make people of different cultures feel difficult to communicate with each other. As is known to everybody, language and culture are interacted and human beings are the carrier of them. So it would be quite interesting for us to clear out the major differences between Chinese and Americans in
terms of language.
Ⅱ. Different Attitudes toward Different Animals in
Different Languages
Saville Tr oike once said, “There is no doubt, however, that there is a correlation between the form and content of a language and the beliefs, values, and needs present in the culture of its speakers.”\[1\]169 In the old times, American people used to do farm work with horses which is clearly reflected in American language, such as “as strong as a horse”. However, Chinese people traditionally made use of the cattle. So when we hear American people say “as strong as a horse”, we can not translate it into “体壮如马” because it is obviously not idiomatic Chinese, that is to say, Chinese people do not speak in that way. And the equivalent Chinese idiom should be “体壮如牛”. The same case is “you can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink.” which is consi dered as equivalent Chinese “老牛不喝水,不能强按头。

Besides, in most cases, dog is a neutral and positive term in English. It is natural and popular to call a person as a lucky dog in American culture. In addition, “To let a sleeping dog lie” means “not to make t rouble or disturb others”. “Every dog has its day” means “every person will succeed or become fortunate someday”. All these phrases do not
contain derogatory or negative connotations. But “狗” in most Chinese phrases is associated with some derogatory or negative implications, such as “狗腿子”, “狗急跳墙”, “猪狗不如”, etc. Dog is given more affirmative attitudes in English in comparison with “狗”which is often spoken ill of in Chinese. Therefore when we talk with Americans, we should pay some attention to the image of dog which actually has positive meaning in their minds. for instance, “Every dog has its day” should be translated into “人人都有得意时”, “a lucky dog” should be “幸运儿”, “as happy as a dog” should be “快乐似神仙”, “you can not teach old dogs new tricks” should be“老人难以改变”, “top dog” should be “当权派/重要人物”, “love me love my dog” should be “爱屋及乌”.
Another famous example is the different opinion of Chinese and Americans to dragon. In Chinese people’mind, dragon represents luckiness and power and is the embodiment of emperor. So there are sayings like “望子成龙” in china. On the contrary, in American people’view, dragon stands for the evil, cruel and fierce monster that should be totally destroyed.
In terms of cognitive linguistics, language is systematically grounded in human cognition. The conceptual system that emerges form everyday human experience is the basis for natural language semantics in a wide range of areas.\[2\]10 From the aforementioned, we can see that in
the respective development of cultures, Chinese and American people formed different cognitive system and therefore formed different attitudes toward different kinds of animals. We can avoid making many mistakes when we speak English with Americans if we realize this point.
Ⅲ. Indirectness and Directness in Different Languages
We know clearly that compared with Americans, we Chinese people usually conservative and indirect which clearly demonstrated in our languages. This is because we believe that “the mouth is the cause of calamity” and “once an arrow leaves the bow it can not be retrieved”. We think that “indirect language styles are used in order to preserve the dignity, feelings and ‘face’of others.”\[1\]176Besides, in Chinese people’s eyes, the way directness is impolite and reflects the disregard for others and may also lead to embarrassment and injure other people’s feelings.
The use of indirect language is clearly demonstrated in the way that the different use of yes and no between Chinese and
Americans. For instance, it is polite and natural to complete an offer or invitation and response in a direct yes or no response in English cultures. But we Chinese people will handle the same situation by a series acts. It is natural to Chinese people when an offer or invitation made once,
refused, made again, refused, made again, and at length accepted of finally refused.\[3\]344 For example,
To the Americans:
A: Would you like to come to dinner next Tuesday evening?
B: Oh, thank you very much. I would like to go.
A: Ok, see you then.
To the Chinese people:
A: 请你下星期二晚上到我家吃顿便饭。

B: 呵呵,不用了,太麻烦了。

A: 没事儿,没什么麻烦的,你就来吧。

B: 哎呀,太打扰了,不去了,你还要做那么多饭。

A: 你不来我不也要做么,一定要来啊!
B: 那好吧,我就恭敬不如从命了。

Another example is the different ways to accept a compliment. In English cultures it is polite to accept a compliment by saying “thank you. I am glad you like it.” But it is not only a good manner but also a virtue in Chinese culture to respond to a compliment by saying “哪里哪
里” or “没有没有,做的不好”.
Chinese people are indirect even when we are praised. We have been deeply influenced by Confucian culture, that is, modesty is virtue.
The following example is the conflict between two different cultures.
A Chinese policeman (A) goes to his American superior (B) to ask leave to take his mother to hospital. The conversation is the following: A: Sir?
B: Yes, what is it?
A: My mother is not very well, sir.
B: So?
A: She has to go into hospital, sir.
B: Well. Get on with it. What do you want?
A: On Thursday, sir.
B:Bloody hell, man. What do you want?
A: Nothing, sir. (徐余龙,1992:303)
The author of this paper has made a survey among Chinese and native speakers of English. The following are the radically different comments on the conversation: all the Chinese said: “the officer has no human feelings whatsoever!” while the comment of the native speakers of English was: “that Chinese policeman is a terrible guy. He is not frank at all!” This is the typical example of the indirectness of Chinese and the directness of English speakers.
Ⅳ. Conclusion
It is certain that what the essay mentioned above is only part of the differences between Americans and Chinese in terms of language using. The different ways in using languages are based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it. Anyway, language usage and style reflect the personality of a culture while people are the carriers. Through one’s way of using language, we identify people. They are indivisible.
【References 】
[1]Larry. A. 2009. Samovar and Richard E. Porter and Edwin R. McDaniel: Communication between Cultures (sixth edition)[M].Peking University Press.
\[2\] 王寅.认知语言学[M].上海外语教育出版社,2007.
\[3\] 胡文仲.跨文化交际面面观[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1999.



