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(世界腹腔间隔室综合征协会WSACS 2007.02)
Intra-Abdominal Pressure
Most critically ill patients have a significant systemic inflammatory response (SIRS) that triggers the release of cytokines leading to capillary permeability and interstitial edema. Abdominal viscera are particularly vulnerable as tissue edema worsens with the third spacing of resuscitative fluid. As visceral edema worsens intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) increases. As IAP increases perfusion to abdominal organs decreases resulting in compromise to visceral blood flow and tissue ischemia. Tissue ischemia then perpetuates further cytokine release and worsening systemic inflammation thus initiating the vicious cycle.
Vena Cava Compression: IAP greater than 8-12 mm Hg results in reduced blood flow (preload) to the heart.
这就是当腹腔内高压没有检测到,演变成 腹腔间隔室综合征发生的状况。
Lungs: IAP pushes diaphragms into chest, raising intrathoracic pressure causing an increase in barotrauma, hypercarbia and hypoxemia. This results in increased time on the ventilator with increases in VAP. Brain: IAP elevation can directly contribute to ICP elevation.
腹腔高压(IAH) —高发吗?
腹内高压和腹腔间隔室综合征:肠道 的“急性呼吸窘迫综合征”
未识别的IAH导致ACS,无异于使心肌缺 血持续到心肌梗死发生。
重症监护病人IAH/ACS发生率 30%~50%; ACS(进展中不予处理) 死亡率70%~80%。
腹腔内压力( IAP)—哪些病人需要监测?
在腹腔内放置一导管或粗针头,利用水压计 或压力传感器来测定lAP。 用腹腔镜气腹机或自动电子充气装置持续测 量IAP。 采用充气气囊置入腹腔测定压力变化。
膀胱内压力(最常用,目前认为间接法中的 金标准;由kron描述,后来由Cheatham 和 Safcek修改) 胃内压力 直肠内压力 静脉内压力
腹腔器官的体积(细胞、细胞外液) 占据空间的其他物质(腹水、血液、肿瘤) 腹壁顺应性
腹腔压力( IAP)—临床判断足够吗?
医生在评估IAP存在时,只通过 内科检查,会比结合膀胱压力 监测准确鉴定IAP,发生率少 50%(灵敏度约40%)。
Sugrue M ,Bauman A,Jones F, Bishop G ,Flabouris A ,Parr M , Stewart A, Hilllman K,Deane SA (2002) Clinical examination is an inaccurate predictor of intra-abdominal pressure. World J Surg 26:1428-1431 Castillo M,Lis RJ ,Ulrich H,Rivera G, Hanf C,Kvetan V (1998) Clinical estimate compared to intra-abdominal pressure measurement. Crit Care Med26(suppll):78A(Abstact) Platell CF, Hall J,Clarke G,Lawrence-Brown M (1990)Intra-abdominal pressure and renal function after suigery to the abdominal aorta . Aust N Z J Surg 60:213-6.
Kron等认为 膀胱压力为IAP的金标准。 Iberti等证明在人体中,膀胱压力和IAP是基本相同的。 但Johna等对85例腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者同步测定腹内 压和膀胱压,发现后者高于前者,达5mmHg,且两者 相关性差,故此认为膀胱压不能反映腹内压。
Kron IL, Harman PK, Nolan SP (1984). The measurement of intra-abdominal for abdominal reexploration.Am Surg, 199:28–30 pressure as a criterion
90年代始开展了有关ACS的重大临床研究 。 国外文献报道ACS死亡率高达29%~62%。 IAH是ICU患者病死率的独立影响因素,与器官功 能衰竭及ICU滞留时间息息相关。
腹腔高压(intra-abdominal hypertension ,IAH) :指持续或反复的腹腔 压力(intra-abdominal pressure, IAP)病理性升高(≥12mmHg)
腹腔压力(intra-abdominal pressure,(IAP) 测定与腹腔间隔室综合征(abdominal
compartment syndrome ACS)
1984年,Kron等第一次提出了ACS这一名词,用来 描述腹内压力增高后所致的心血管、肺、肾、胃肠及 颅脑等多器官系统的功能障碍(而对腹内压和其病理生 理学的描述可追溯到十九世纪的论文) 。
I 级 :IAP为12-15mmHg; II 级 :IAP为16-20mmHg; III级:IAP为2l-25mmHg; IV 级:LAP>25mmHg。
腹腔内压力(Intraabdominal pressure, IAP)的决定因素:
Intestines: IAP compromises intestinal blood flow resulting in ischemia, necrosis and multisystem organ failure.
As IAP exceeds 15 to 20 mm Hg capillary blood flow is dramatically reduced, leading to anaerobic metabolism, increased cytokine production and exacerbation of capillary permeability (worsening bowel edema). At IAP levels approaching 20 mm Hg venous return to the heart is impaired reducing cardiac output. Decreases in systemic blood flow (CO) compounds the insult of direct tissue ischemia perpetuating the vicious cycle.
腹腔间隔室综合征 (各种原因)腹腔压力(IAP)出现持续升高并且>20mmHg,伴 或不伴有腹腔灌注压(abdominal perfusion pressure,APP)< 60mmHg,同时合并有IAH相关的新的器官功能障碍/衰竭。 危重患者的正常腹内压(IAP)大约是5-7 mmHg
腹腔灌注压(APP ) :平均动脉压-腹内压 APP≥60 mmHg及以上具有良好的预后判断价值。
方法:自动电子充气仪连续注气测压,腹内 压由0 增至25mmHg, 同时测相应的膀胱压并 记录
r = 0. 939
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
李明岳,等.现代临床医学生物工程学杂志,2003,9(6) :489
国际腹内高压和腹腔间隔室综合征会议专 家共识II 推荐: 1.如果存在2个或2个以上的IAH/ACS风险因素 (前题:新入ICU;临床恶化的证据;之一), 需要测量基线IAP(grade 1B)。 2.如果存在IAH,则需要测量连续的IAP (grade 1C)。
Received:9 April 2006 Accepted:21 February 2007
经尿道膀胱压力(Urethral bladder pressure, UBP)监测
原理:当膀胱容量小于100 ml 时,膀胱仅为 一被动储存库,具有较高的顺应性,类似一 个被动的膈肌,可以传递腹腔内压力而不附 加任何一点来自其自己肌肉的压力。
The AbViser IAP monitoring kit.
Heart: Cardiac monitoring, including CVP and PCWP, are artificially elevated by IAP making them difficult to interpret in the IAH setting.
Kidneys: Reduced kidney perfusion and urine production results in inability to mobilize fluids and increased rates of renal insufficiency/failure.
1.腹壁顺应性降低 急性呼吸衰竭,尤其是伴有胸内压升高 一期腹部筋膜闭合术 重大创伤/烧伤 俯卧位 2.腹腔内容量增加 胃麻痹 肠梗阻 结肠假性梗阻
3.腹内容量增加 腹腔积血/气腹 腹水/肝功能不全 4. 毛细血管渗漏/液体复苏 酸中毒(pH<7.2) 低血压 低体温(核心温度<33℃) 输血过多(>10u血/24h) 凝血障碍(血小板<55000/mm3或APTT>2倍正常值或 PTT<50%或INR>1.5) 大量液体复苏(>5L/24h) 少尿 脓毒症 重大创伤/烧伤 损伤控制性剖腹术
Intra-Abdominal Hypertension
Intra-Abdominal Hypertension (IAH) is defined as Intra-Abdominal Pressure (IAP) above 12 mm Hg . At which point significant tissue perfusion problems arise, which can lead to early organ dysfunction. An IAP level over 20 mm Hg typically causes organ failure and is called Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Intra-Abdominal Pressure
Most critically ill patients have a significant systemic inflammatory response (SIRS) that triggers the release of cytokines leading to capillary permeability and interstitial edema. Abdominal viscera are particularly vulnerable as tissue edema worsens with the third spacing of resuscitative fluid. As visceral edema worsens intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) increases. As IAP increases perfusion to abdominal organs decreases resulting in compromise to visceral blood flow and tissue ischemia. Tissue ischemia then perpetuates further cytokine release and worsening systemic inflammation thus initiating the vicious cycle.
Vena Cava Compression: IAP greater than 8-12 mm Hg results in reduced blood flow (preload) to the heart.
这就是当腹腔内高压没有检测到,演变成 腹腔间隔室综合征发生的状况。
Lungs: IAP pushes diaphragms into chest, raising intrathoracic pressure causing an increase in barotrauma, hypercarbia and hypoxemia. This results in increased time on the ventilator with increases in VAP. Brain: IAP elevation can directly contribute to ICP elevation.
腹腔高压(IAH) —高发吗?
腹内高压和腹腔间隔室综合征:肠道 的“急性呼吸窘迫综合征”
未识别的IAH导致ACS,无异于使心肌缺 血持续到心肌梗死发生。
重症监护病人IAH/ACS发生率 30%~50%; ACS(进展中不予处理) 死亡率70%~80%。
腹腔内压力( IAP)—哪些病人需要监测?
在腹腔内放置一导管或粗针头,利用水压计 或压力传感器来测定lAP。 用腹腔镜气腹机或自动电子充气装置持续测 量IAP。 采用充气气囊置入腹腔测定压力变化。
膀胱内压力(最常用,目前认为间接法中的 金标准;由kron描述,后来由Cheatham 和 Safcek修改) 胃内压力 直肠内压力 静脉内压力
腹腔器官的体积(细胞、细胞外液) 占据空间的其他物质(腹水、血液、肿瘤) 腹壁顺应性
腹腔压力( IAP)—临床判断足够吗?
医生在评估IAP存在时,只通过 内科检查,会比结合膀胱压力 监测准确鉴定IAP,发生率少 50%(灵敏度约40%)。
Sugrue M ,Bauman A,Jones F, Bishop G ,Flabouris A ,Parr M , Stewart A, Hilllman K,Deane SA (2002) Clinical examination is an inaccurate predictor of intra-abdominal pressure. World J Surg 26:1428-1431 Castillo M,Lis RJ ,Ulrich H,Rivera G, Hanf C,Kvetan V (1998) Clinical estimate compared to intra-abdominal pressure measurement. Crit Care Med26(suppll):78A(Abstact) Platell CF, Hall J,Clarke G,Lawrence-Brown M (1990)Intra-abdominal pressure and renal function after suigery to the abdominal aorta . Aust N Z J Surg 60:213-6.
Kron等认为 膀胱压力为IAP的金标准。 Iberti等证明在人体中,膀胱压力和IAP是基本相同的。 但Johna等对85例腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者同步测定腹内 压和膀胱压,发现后者高于前者,达5mmHg,且两者 相关性差,故此认为膀胱压不能反映腹内压。
Kron IL, Harman PK, Nolan SP (1984). The measurement of intra-abdominal for abdominal reexploration.Am Surg, 199:28–30 pressure as a criterion
90年代始开展了有关ACS的重大临床研究 。 国外文献报道ACS死亡率高达29%~62%。 IAH是ICU患者病死率的独立影响因素,与器官功 能衰竭及ICU滞留时间息息相关。
腹腔高压(intra-abdominal hypertension ,IAH) :指持续或反复的腹腔 压力(intra-abdominal pressure, IAP)病理性升高(≥12mmHg)
腹腔压力(intra-abdominal pressure,(IAP) 测定与腹腔间隔室综合征(abdominal
compartment syndrome ACS)
1984年,Kron等第一次提出了ACS这一名词,用来 描述腹内压力增高后所致的心血管、肺、肾、胃肠及 颅脑等多器官系统的功能障碍(而对腹内压和其病理生 理学的描述可追溯到十九世纪的论文) 。
I 级 :IAP为12-15mmHg; II 级 :IAP为16-20mmHg; III级:IAP为2l-25mmHg; IV 级:LAP>25mmHg。
腹腔内压力(Intraabdominal pressure, IAP)的决定因素:
Intestines: IAP compromises intestinal blood flow resulting in ischemia, necrosis and multisystem organ failure.
As IAP exceeds 15 to 20 mm Hg capillary blood flow is dramatically reduced, leading to anaerobic metabolism, increased cytokine production and exacerbation of capillary permeability (worsening bowel edema). At IAP levels approaching 20 mm Hg venous return to the heart is impaired reducing cardiac output. Decreases in systemic blood flow (CO) compounds the insult of direct tissue ischemia perpetuating the vicious cycle.
腹腔间隔室综合征 (各种原因)腹腔压力(IAP)出现持续升高并且>20mmHg,伴 或不伴有腹腔灌注压(abdominal perfusion pressure,APP)< 60mmHg,同时合并有IAH相关的新的器官功能障碍/衰竭。 危重患者的正常腹内压(IAP)大约是5-7 mmHg
腹腔灌注压(APP ) :平均动脉压-腹内压 APP≥60 mmHg及以上具有良好的预后判断价值。
方法:自动电子充气仪连续注气测压,腹内 压由0 增至25mmHg, 同时测相应的膀胱压并 记录
r = 0. 939
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
李明岳,等.现代临床医学生物工程学杂志,2003,9(6) :489
国际腹内高压和腹腔间隔室综合征会议专 家共识II 推荐: 1.如果存在2个或2个以上的IAH/ACS风险因素 (前题:新入ICU;临床恶化的证据;之一), 需要测量基线IAP(grade 1B)。 2.如果存在IAH,则需要测量连续的IAP (grade 1C)。
Received:9 April 2006 Accepted:21 February 2007
经尿道膀胱压力(Urethral bladder pressure, UBP)监测
原理:当膀胱容量小于100 ml 时,膀胱仅为 一被动储存库,具有较高的顺应性,类似一 个被动的膈肌,可以传递腹腔内压力而不附 加任何一点来自其自己肌肉的压力。
The AbViser IAP monitoring kit.
Heart: Cardiac monitoring, including CVP and PCWP, are artificially elevated by IAP making them difficult to interpret in the IAH setting.
Kidneys: Reduced kidney perfusion and urine production results in inability to mobilize fluids and increased rates of renal insufficiency/failure.
1.腹壁顺应性降低 急性呼吸衰竭,尤其是伴有胸内压升高 一期腹部筋膜闭合术 重大创伤/烧伤 俯卧位 2.腹腔内容量增加 胃麻痹 肠梗阻 结肠假性梗阻
3.腹内容量增加 腹腔积血/气腹 腹水/肝功能不全 4. 毛细血管渗漏/液体复苏 酸中毒(pH<7.2) 低血压 低体温(核心温度<33℃) 输血过多(>10u血/24h) 凝血障碍(血小板<55000/mm3或APTT>2倍正常值或 PTT<50%或INR>1.5) 大量液体复苏(>5L/24h) 少尿 脓毒症 重大创伤/烧伤 损伤控制性剖腹术
Intra-Abdominal Hypertension
Intra-Abdominal Hypertension (IAH) is defined as Intra-Abdominal Pressure (IAP) above 12 mm Hg . At which point significant tissue perfusion problems arise, which can lead to early organ dysfunction. An IAP level over 20 mm Hg typically causes organ failure and is called Abdominal Compartment Syndrome