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韦朝海3 彭晓春
【摘要】 为了拓新城市复合生态系统生态安全评价方法的研究,根据压力2状态2响应模型,构建了一个有
关键词 城市 生态安全评价 熵权 模糊文章编号 1001-9332(2006)10-1923-05 中图分类号 X17111 文献标识码 A
Appli ca ti on of en tropy we i ght and fuzzy syn theti c eva lua ti on i n urban ecolog i ca l secur ity a ssess m en t .G AO
Changbo 1,2,CHE N Xingeng 2,W E I Chaohai 3,PE NG Xiaochun 4(1
Guangdong Industry Technical College,Guan 2
gzhou 510300,China;2
School of Environm ental Sciences and Engineering,Sun Yat 2Sen U niversity,Guangzhou
Institute of Environm ental Science,South China U niversity of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;4
South China Institute of Environm ent Science,S tate Environm ental Protection A dm inistration of China,Guangzhou 510655,China ).2Chin .J.A ppl .Ecol .,2006,17(10):1923~1927.
Ecol ogical security is one of the f oundati ons of regi onal security,and the basis of sustainable devel opment .U rban ecol ogical security refers t o the ecol ogical support and main ecol ogical issues of a city,which do not threaten its survival and devel opment .To devel op the research method on the ecol ogical security of urban s ocial 2econom ic 2nat 2ural comp lex ecosyste m,an assess ment indicat or syste m of urban ecol ogical security was set up based on Pressure -State -Res ponse Model,which included 3key fact ors and 33concrete ite m s .The five most devel oped cities of China were taken as the cases t o assess their ecol ogical security situati on by using entr opy weight and fuzzy syn 2thetic evaluati on method .The results showed that the urban ecol ogical security of Suzhou and Beijing was at rela 2tively safe level,while that of Shenzhen,Shanghai and Guangzhou was critical safe in the year of 2003.The ur 2ban ecosyste m of Shenzhen was under heavy p ress,while that of Suzhou behaved best both in system status and syste m res ponse .Comparing with other assess ment methods,this evaluati on method was easier and more reas ona 2ble .The results were basically consistent t o the fact of these cities,suggesting that the urban ecol ogical security indicat or syste m and the entr opy weight and fuzzy synthetic evaluati on app r oach were feasible t o s ome extent .Key words U rban,Ecol ogical security assess ment,Entr opy weight,Fuzzy .
3国家自然科学基金项目(50278036)和广东省自然科学基金资助项目(04300916).33通讯联系人.E 2mail:eescxg@ 2005-10-11收稿,2006-08-01接受.
1 引 言
合生态系统的生态安全评价机理和方法研究不足[5,10].因此,本文首先根据压力(p ressure )2状态(state )2响应(res ponse )概念框架,确定影响城市生态安全的各主要因素,然后利用模糊数学理论确定评价因子集、评价集、隶属函数,运用客观的熵权法计算各因素的权重和得出隶属度,最后用综合隶属度确定城市生态安全级别,以期为城市生态安全评价方法的拓展以及环境管理和生态建设提供科学依据和指导.
应用生态学报 2006年10月 第17卷 第10期
CH I N ESE JOURNAL OF APP L I E D EC OLOGY,Oct .2006,17(10):1923~1927