

常州市正衡中学2017-2018 学年第二学期八年级期中质量调研(英语)


21. ___________ Quite ________________________________________ few students were not sure whether Russia is ______________ European country or

an Asian one when they were learning World Geography.

A. a; a

B. a; an

C. /; a

D. /; an

22. The emperors with their families in Qing and Ming Dynasties _______ a luxury life in the

Palace Museum, ______ another name of the Forbidden City.

A. were used to living;


B. used to living; with

C. used to live; with

D. used to live; have

23. --- Have you found that David is _________ thinner these days?

--- Oh, he ________ an exercise machine to take exercise in any season.

A. a little;


B. a bit; bought

C. a bit; has


D. a bit of; has bought

24.It is very funny that Google ' s Art&Culture app can help you _________________ a face _______ yours

in its database(数据库).

B. search for;

A. search; look like


C. search; like

D. search for; likes

25. ---The surgeon hasn 't come back, has he?

--- , for he Australia since last week and will be back in a week.

A. No, has been


B. No, has gone to

C. Yes, has gone


D. Yes, has been in

26. ---Are you going to Xue Yan _______ the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)?

---Yes, I can imagine that the flowers are beautiful and bees are flying ________ them.

A. during, among

B. during, between

C. through, among

D. through, between

27. Many elderly parents _______ their children 's marriage, because the young adults don

___________ another one.

A. worry about; marrying with

B. worried about; being married

C. are worried about; being married to

D. worry about; have been married to

28. _____________________ --- Would you mind in the early morning if you plan to see the flag- raising in Tian ' an Square?

--- _________ . It has been one of my hopes. A. getting up; You

' d better not.

B. getting up; Of course not

C. get up; Never mind

D. getting up; Never mind

29. __________ ---The ruler was so powerful that he wants to control everything in his kingdom. ---But , he made the world a better place for his people to live in. A. by the way B. in a way

D. in some C. in some ways way 30. --- It 's so kind of you to make a video for me when I have problems making it. --- _____________ . A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. My

A. Never mind

pleasure C. All right D. With pleasure 三.完型填空

(13)-year-old Jim had been asking his parents for an iPhone all year. So on Christmas morning hewas very (1) to find one under the tree. But he had to agree to his mother conditions (2) the phone could be his. His mother wrote a message for him on a card: Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. But if you want this present, you have to follow my rules. ”

The first rule on his mother ' s list: “ I bought this phone, so it is m(3i)ne.itNt o w, I am you. Aren ' t I the greatest? ”

Then it read, “ Remember: breaking any of the rules will (4) the end of your iPhone ownership. ” "If it rin gs, (5) it, ” said rule nu mber three.

"It is a phone. Do noteVe^ agploo^e

call if the screen reads

“Mom ” or “Dad.”

Rule number seven:

"Do not iusspehtohne to (6) another person or lie. And don

't take

partin (7) that might hurt others. You are not a rude person; do not let the iPhone change that.

Rule number nine: " Do not text or email anything to someone through this phone that you

would not say in person. And do not text or email anything to someone that you would not say out loud (8) your parents in

the room.

"Don 't take lots of pictures. There is no need to record(9) . Keep your eyes up. See what 's (10) around you. Listen

to the birds. Talk to a stranger. The experiences willbe (11) in your memory forever, ” read rule number seventeen. Atlast, it read,

" Most of these rules listed here do not just ap 用yjtc)( the iPhone,

butto (12) . I love you. I hope you will enjoy your new iPhone. ” (1) A. excited B. worried C. lucky D. i nterested (2) A. since

B. as

C. before

D. after

s " Merry

(3) A. expla ining B. le nding C. returni ng D. describ ing

(4) A. come from B. lead to C. make up D. care for

(5) A. an swer B. stop C. protect D. refuse

⑹ A. call B. text C. email D. fool

(7) A. experime nts B. experie nces C. con versati ons D. expressi


(8) A. except B. without C. because of D. with

(9) A. noth ing B. everyth ing C. someth ing D. anything

(10) A. movi ng B. leav ing C. happe ning D. in creas


(11)A. used B. stored C. hidden D. raised

(12) A. childre n B. pare nts C. life D. health



Have you ever heard some one use the phrase “ once in a blue moon ” ? People use this

expressi on to describe somethi ng that they do not do very ofte n. For example, some one might say that he tries to avoid eating sweets because they are unhealthy, but will eat chocolate

“ onc e

blue moon ” . Or some one who does not usually like to go to the beach might say "I visit the sh (海滨)once in a blue moon. ” While many people use this phrase, not everyckieows the

meaning beh ind it.

The first thing to know is that the moon itself is n ever really blue. This is just an expressi on.

In fact, the phrase “ blue moon ” has something to do with the shape of the moon, not the color.

As the moon travels around the earth, it appears to change shape. We associate 联系)certain n ames with certa in shapes of the moon. For example, whe n we can see a small part of the moon, it is called a crescent moon. A crescent is a shape that looks like the tip of a fingernail (扌旨甲). When we cannot see the moon at all, it is called a new moon. When we can see the whole moon, it is called a full moon. Usually, there is on ly one full moon every mon th.

Sometimes, however, there will be two full moons in one mon th. When this happe ns, the sec ond full moon is called a

“ blue moon ”.

Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons. As you can see, a blue moon is a very rare event. This fact has led people to use the expression “ once in a blue moon ” to describe

other very rare events in their lives.

(1) Which of the follow ing would be a good example of using the phrase “ once in a blue moon

A. Sim on ofte n tells jokes. Sim on tells joke once in a blue moon.

B. Tom rarely remembers to do exercise. ~^Tom does exercise once in a blue moon.

C. Mary likes to go shopping every weekend. f Mary goes shopping once in a blue moon.

D. Cindy hates to stay up, but she stays up every day. f Cindy stays up once in a blue


(2) Which of the followi ng is ano ther example of someth ing that has a cresce nt shape?

A. The letter “0”

B. The letter “ M'

C. The letter “H

D. The letter “c”

(3) What does the un derl ined part “ This fact ” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. A blue moon is a very rare event.

B. The moon appears to cha nge shape.

C. The moon itself is never really blue.

D. A blue moon has someth ing to do with the shape of the moon.


You probably know that you can do many of the things with the thousa nds of differe nt muscles in your body. But have y ou ever thought about how different the muscles in an animal ' s body are from yours? An animal ' s muscles are made to do the things that are most important for

its life.

Lions are hun ters. They depe nd on their ability to catch other ani mals. Lions must be fast in order to catch their prey. The powerful muscles in their back legs allow them to run at speeds of more tha n 30 miles per hour. They can also jump a dista nee of more tha n 35 feet. The stro ng muscles in their front legs help them catch their prey.

Sn akes also use their muscles for hun ti ng prey and for moveme nt, but their muscles work in very differe nt ways as lions do. Because sn akes do not have any legs, they use their muscles to push aga inst the gro und or other objects to move themselves forward. Their muscles also allow them to eat things that seem much too large. For example, a sn ake may eat an egg that is larger than the width of its body. How does this happen? The snake ' s strong neck muscles work together

to push the egg dow n the mouth.

The elephant ' s long nose has a lot of muscles. Scientists believe that the nose alone has more than 100,000 muscles! This is because the elepha nt uses its nose much in the same way that people use their hands and fin gers. Even though the nose is large, it can perform surpris in gly tasks. For example, an elepha nt can pick up a small leaf from the ground. The nose can also be a powerful tool. An elepha nt can use its nose to pick up a tree by its roots or eve n to lift a baby elepha nt.

The great muscles of these animals seem pretty unbelievable. But the muscles in your body work exactly the way you need them to. After all, it might be fun to be able to jump a distance of 30 feet, but as a huma n being, there is just not much n eed for it.

(1) The underlined word “ hui n tersragraph 2 means persons or animals that ______ ..

A. keep ani mals for fun

B. raise ani mals for meat

C. catch ani mals for food

D. run after ani mals for


(2) According to the passage, what makes the muscle in your body different from an animal ' s?

B. Your

A. The exercise.

pare nts.

C. The en vir onment.

D. Your n eeds.

(3) Which of the follow ing shows the structure of the passage?(

■ sta nds for a paragraph)



After living and teach ing in Chi na for 10 mon ths, my wife and I returned to California to visit

our childre n and frien ds. Many of them asked what we liked most about China. The frien dly people, the won derful food, and the beautiful sights were at the top of our list. Then one ni ght, after yet ano ther restaura nt dinner with frien ds, I realized that there was one other thi ng that I really liked about China: No tipp ing.

Tipp ing is a subject that has long in terested me.

In America, the three kinds of services that n eed tipp ing are waiters/waitresses, taxi drivers,

and barbers. The standard tip is now between 15 % and 20% of the bill, depending on the quality of service. Why these three particular services deserve this special treatme nt is a mystery to me.

Why am I supposed to tip a waiter for bring me food when I don ' t need to tip the flight attendant

on an airplane for doing the same thing? Why do I need to tip a taxi drive, but not the bus driver?

Why am I expected to tip the barber for cutting my hair but not the dentist for fixing my teeth? I have bee n a teacher for 39 years. No one has ever tipped me after a particularly successful class or lecture.

The whole con cept of tipp ing does n?t make any sen se. I have heard that there are some expe nsive restaura nts in major cities in the US where the restaura nt does not give the waiters any salary at all due to the large amounts of the tips.

The tipping problem in many European countries is solved by adding a 15 per cent to the bill.

I prefer the Chinese solution: No tipping at all.

When I was visiting the US this summer, I went out to dinner several times with friends.

Having spent 10 month in China not even thinking about tipping, I found it irritating to have to spend extra money on the meal -- especially when the amount of the tip would every often buy a meal in China. While I un dersta nd why China, as a develop ing n ati on, has gradually accepted many Wester n customary practices, I hope the Chin ese are wise eno ugh to n ever start the unn ecessary practice of tipp ing.

(1) What made the writer realize that he liked no tipp ing most about China

A. Talki ng with his friends .

B. Retur ning to California.

C. Giving a large amount of tips.

D. Having dinner in a restaura nt.

(2) If the bill is $ 200 in an Europea n restaura nt, how much should a customer pay as a tip?

(3) Which of the sentences is true?

A. All kinds of services n eed tipp ing in the US .

B. The writer hoped China would n ever start tipp ing .

C. The writers whole family lived in China for 10 mon ths.

D. China has n ever accepted any wester n customary practices (4) What can be the best title for the passage? A. Please stop tipp ing. B. My experie nces in china C. There is no tipp ing in china D. Tippi ng in differe nt coun tries. 五?任务型阅读

A teacher was giving talk to his students on how to deal with stress( 压力).He raised a glass of water and asked the students,

“ How heavy do you think this glass of water is?

All the students tried and their answers were from 20g to 500g.

"It does not matter on how heavy the glass of water is. It depe nds on 取决于)how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will call an ambulance( 救护车).It is the same weight, but it seems to become heavier and heavier as time passes by. ”

"If we carry our burdens 负担)all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, because the burde n is beco ming heavier and heavier. “ What you have to do is to put dow n the burde n, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on. Otherwise I think that we will break down on the half way and can ' t realize our dream. All of us should really keep in mind.

So before you return home f rom work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don ' t carry it

back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.

Whatever burde ns you are havi ng now on your shoulders, let it dow n for a mome nt if you can. If you do like this, you can greatly improve your work effect and life quality. Life is short, enjoy it to the fullest.

A. $ 20

B. $ 30

C. $ 50

D. $ 10


58. Dear sir, please show us your __________ ( 护照)first page so that we can check your

pers onal in formatio n.

59. The experts advise young couples to raise childre n in correct ways, because an un happy

____________ (环境)can affect children ' s behavior.

60. The excha nge stude nts said they were in terested in almost everyth ing about China (除了) air pollution.

61.ln the old times people kept the dead body fresh for a long time under special ________ ( 条件).

62.This kind of music for the guitar developed in the _________ (south) area of Spain( 西班牙).

63.It seemed that the tourists were not satisfied with the guide. They walked a long way without any (com mun icate).

64. You shouted at me an grily on that day. It is your _______ (ugly) face I have ever see n.

65. ___________ (in terview) with the disabled on TV programs always touch the hearts of those

kind people.

66. ---N0 one an swered the teleph one whe n I called you yesterday after noon.

---Sorry, I _____________ (com muni cate) with my mother about a latest film.

67.If you _________ (not be) careful to put your wet fin ger on a metal pole( 杆子)outside in the

cold win ter, what will happe n to you?

68. --- What do you thi nk about the city of Dali?

---It ' s so beautiful. I like the places of natural beauty and I one ______________ (stay) there

for a week.

69. Mr Smith as well as his assista nts __________ (repair) the computer that broke n dow n

yesterday. Now it looks as good as n ew.

70. What a fan tastic time the winners of the robot competiti on will have ______ (take) part in the

final competition in May in the US!

71. _________ (receive) the package soon from his mother livi ng in the remote village, he keeps

check ing the express in formati on on the Intern et.


72. 看到《时间简史》一书,我忍不住想起了这位世界著名科学家霍金。

I _______________________________________________ s cie ntist Stephe n Hawk in g,whe n

seeing the bookA Brief History of Time.

73. 一个8岁的男孩知道该怎么处理这些旧书吗?

Does _________________ boy know ________________________________ these old books?

74. 网上故宫旅行也能提高我们对过去知识的了解。

_____________________ to the Palace Museum can also ____________________________ .
