瑜伽英文介绍 ppt

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static stable technology
condition and from intuition
aware life cognition. The secret
of yoga is the theory and the
practice consulting the card
mutually the statute book.
四、增加疾病抵抗力 :瑜伽锻炼出一副健 壮的体格,免疫能力 也增加。这个加强的 抵抗力可以对付从感 冒到诸如癌症的各种 各样的严重病症。
Five, improve eyesight and hearing 五、改善视力与听力
Six, mental mood: due to the improvement of the brain, which includes yoga glands nervous system components,Mental state of positive emotions naturally present. It makes you feel more confident and more warmly and optimistic.Daily life also can become more creative.
The Benefits of Yoga
First ,dynamic increase, to the brain and glands of yoga. 一、活力增加, 来处瑜伽对脑部 与腺体的作用。
Second, the appearance and the mood of young: yoga reduce facial wrinkles, produces natural "face lift" effect .This is mainly attributed to handstand. 二、外观与心情的年轻 :瑜伽减少面部皱纹, 产生天然的“拉皮”效 果。这主要归功於倒立
The philosophy of yoga has contained many philosophy, lets the people understand the true meaning of life, learn that how to be a people. The yoga is Eastern mind doing scholarly research through the debugging innermost feelings activity.It may eliminate the human subconscious trash, eliminate the worry. It is effective prescription that can reduce pressure and improve heart beauty.
widespread in the public . It
does not need to jump
greatly or slightly, the
practice frequency is
affable, moreover the
movement intensity is
瑜伽不但效果神奇,而且 广泛的适用于大众练习。 它不需要大蹦小跳,练习 频率舒缓,而且运动强度 适中。在宁静、舒缓、祥
The posture of yoga is likely soft gymnastics and exquisite dance. It is one kind of spiritual Gymnastics, causing the people to learn to pay attention to their own intrinsic world, self-understanding and self-improvement. The yoga can optimize the environment which the human survives, adapted to the survival outside circumstances (living conditions, interpersonal relationship).
瑜伽神奇的效果,超凡脱 俗的感觉和无限的魅力, 一次一又一次的得到了人 们的验证。世界各地的明 星,政要都把瑜伽当成首 选的健身美体项目。就连 美国好莱坞明星麦当娜都 非常痴迷瑜伽,由于练习 瑜伽,即使生过孩子以后 还保持着非常完美的体型。
The effect of yoga is not
only mysterious, but also
yoga 瑜伽
The yoga origins from India 瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。
and is popular in the world. 瑜伽是东方最古老的强身术之一
The yoga is one of the East 。瑜伽也是印度先贤在最浓沉的
most ancient strength
techniques. The yoga is also 生命的认知。瑜伽修持秘诀是理
the Indian worthy people of 论和实践互相参证的法典。
former times inwenku.baidu.comthe view which
sinks thickly wanting with the
六、心智情绪的改善: 由於瑜伽使包括脑部在 内的腺体神经系统产生 回春效果,心智情绪自 然会呈现积极状态。它 使你更有自信,更热诚 ,而且比较乐观.每天的 生活也会变得更有创意
The yoga collects medicine, the science and the philosophy. It is a content widespread science and lets the people achieve the intrinsic energetic happiness and the wisdom.Meanwhile, both human's consciousness and the disposition can be improved. The people have the healthy stature, beautiful skin and achieves healthy foundation beauty, static state physical beauty, intrinsic beautiful (beautiful makings) and whole beauty which include five level beautiful pursue.
moderate. In tranquil, affable and auspicious atmosphere, yoga brings the people healthy, beauty ,self-confident and
和的气氛中,给人们带来 happiness.
Third, live longer: yoga affect all the conditions of brain, longevity and internal organs, spine glands.
三、活得更久:瑜伽 影响所有长寿的条件 :脑部、腺体、脊柱 与内部器官。
Four, disease resistance: yoga exercises a strong physique, it can also increase immune.The strengthening of the resistance can deal with such as cancer from cold to all sorts of serious disease.
瑜伽集医学、科学、哲学之成就,是 一门内容广泛的科学,它让人们达到 内在的精神幸福和智慧,人的意识和 性格都能得到改善。我们不仅是知性 的、感性的,而且要理性的去实践“ 它”。使人们拥有健美的身材、靓丽 的肌肤,达到健康基础美,静态形体 美,内在美(气质美),整体美五个 层次的美的追求。
The yoga mysterious effect, the unusual refined feeling and the infinite charm obtain people’s confirmation over and over. The world star of each place, the main points of administration regard the yoga as the first choice of building body. American Hollywood star Macdanna are extremely infatuated the yoga.As a result of practice yoga, even if she had a child ,she also maintain the extremely perfect state.
瑜伽哲学,它包含了许多哲理,让人们了解人生/生命的真谛 ,学会如何做人。瑜伽是东方心灵治学,通过调试内心活动, 可清除人潜意识的垃圾,消除烦恼,是一减压和心灵美容的良 方。
瑜伽的姿势像柔软体操, 优美的舞蹈。它更是一种 心操,使人们学会关注自 己的内在世界,认识自我 提升自我。 瑜伽可以优化 人生存的内环境,以适应 生存的外环境(生活环境 ,人际关系)。