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Along with the gradual maturity of automobile electronics and automatic control technicals and the automobile network correspondence technicals extensively applied, automobile control by-wire has also gradually received favor and it will set a trend in research of the automobile in the future.The automobile control by-wire technique is the system that the driver's operate working converted electrical signals by sensors and then directly transmitting the executing mrvhsnidm.

The operate form of the automobile cluth contains hydraulic type and mechanicaltype and the passenger cars mostly use the hydraulic operate type .It includes master cylinder,slave cylinder, hose, footpedal etc. This design selects the drive device and designs gear, arrangement and control system through studying the composition of the automobile hydraulic cluth, structure and design; building the model of the cluth by analysing the starting process and calculating variation law of the operate force .

This is the core of Microcontrollers hydraulic cluth development train of thought and design method,and the choice of hardware and the design of control by-wire was controller software.The core of the software is Microcontroller which high-speed on-off valves are used and controlled with pulse width modulation (PWM) in this system to control the position of the slave cylinder accurately, and the PID control algorithm designs the control program.It can be switched between the hydraulic cluth control by-wire system and the original system.

Key words:Hydraulic Cluth;Control By-wire;PWM; High-speed On-off Valves;PID Control Algorithm


摘要 (Ⅰ)

Abstract (Ⅱ)

第1章绪论 (1)

1.1选题的目的意义 (1)

1.2线控技术的国内外发展现状 (1)

1.3 离合器控制技术发展 (3)

第2章液压操纵式离合器线控系统总体设计 (5)

2.1离合器特性分析 (5)

2.1.1膜片弹簧离合器结构与工作原理 (5)

2.1.2膜片弹簧非线性特性 (7)

2.2 离合器液压操纵机构 (8)

2.2.1离合器主缸 (9)

2.2.2离合器工作缸 (10)

2.2.3离合器液压式操纵机构的计算 (11)

2.3离合器操纵机构线控系统设计 (13)

2.3.1离合器线控系统工作过程 (13)

2.3.2离合器线控系统工作原理 (14)

2.4 本章小结 (15)

第3章液压操纵式离合器线控系统的硬件设计 (16)

3.1控制器的设计 (16)

3.2传感器的选择 (20)

3.3 执行器的选择 (21)

3.3.1液压泵和电动机总成 (21)

3.3.2开关阀 (23)

3.3.3进油阀和回油阀 (23)

3.4执行器测试 (25)
