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实战演练 2013 湘潭真题改编
Doctor: Good morning! 1.__W__h_a_t_’__s_y_o__u_r_n__a_m_e___?
Tom: Tom.
Doctor: 2. _W__h_a_t_’__s_w__r_o_n_g__w_i_t_h__y_o_u__?
Tom: I’m not feeling well. I have a toothache and I can’t eat anything.
Doctor: Twice a day. Tom: Thank you.
购物 go shopping
1.C__a_n_I_h_e_l_p_y_o_u_________? 2. Yes, please./ No, thanks. 3. 2W. h_a_t__ca_n__I_d_o__fo_r__y_o_u____? 4. I’d like to buy a sweater. 5. 3W. h_a_t__co_l_o_r_d_o__y_o_u_l_ik_e_/_w__a_n_t _______________? 6. Black. 7.W4.h_a_t_s_iz_e__d_o_y_o_u__li_k_e_/ _w_a_n_t____? 8. Size M. 9. 5H.o_w__m__u_c_h_i_s_i_t ______? 10. It’s 200 yuan. 11.6. 你能给我一件大一点的吗? 12C. an__y_o_u__sh_o_w__m__e_a__b_ig_g_e_r_o_n__e___?
Doctor: 3. _W__h_e_n__d_i_d__it_s_t_a_r_t_____?
Tom : The day before yesterday. Doctor: Let me examine you. Open your month and say
“Ah”, please.
Tom: Ah… 4. _I_s_i_t_s_e_r_i_o_u_s__________?
2. 购物
2.3. 打电话 计划
4. 讨论
3.5. 问路和指路 6. 其他
看病 See a doctor
1. W__h_a_t_’__s_w_r_o_n_g_/_t_h_e_m__a_t_te_r_/_th_e__tr_o_u_b_l_e_w__it_h_y_o_u____?
7. _W_h__a_t _sh__o_u_ld__I_d_o________________? You’d better have a rest.
8. _H_o_w__o_f_te_n__s_h_o_u_ld__I_t_a_k_e_t_h_e_m__e_d_ic_i_n_e____? Take this medicine three times a day.
2. I have a fever/ headache/ cold… 3. 2H. a_v_e__yo_u__t_a_k_e_n_y_o_u_r_t_e_m_p_e_r_a_t_u_r_e___? 4. Yes, it’s a little high. 5. 3H. o_w__l_o_n_g_h_a_v_e__y_o_u_b_e_e_n__li_k_e_t_h_is_____? 6. For 3 days./ Since 3 days ago. 7. 4. When did it start? 8. Th_r_e_e_d_a_y_s_a_g_o________. (三天前) 9. 5H. o_w__a_r_e_y_o_u__fe_e_l_in_g__n_o_w_______? 10. I am feeling much better/ even worse now. 11.I6s. i_t_s_e_ri_o_u_s________? 12. No, nothing serious.
morning. A: OK. 5. __H_o_w__w__il_l/_s_h_a_l_l_w_e__g_e_t _th__er_e__? B: What about taking a bus? A: Good idea.
1.特殊疑问词的判定和特殊疑问句的构成; 2.上下时态保持一致; 3.问答自然、恰当;符合英美习惯; 4.注意一般疑问句的问答; 5. 重视标点符号的暗示。
补全对话 专题复习
做好Байду номын сангаас全对话的关键:
做题重场景,巧用上下文 补全对话=场景句型+上下文判断
A: Hello, Jack. 1._W__h_a_t_a_r_e__y_o_u_g_o_i_n_g_t_o_d__o_t_o_m_o_r_r_o_w___ ? B: I am going to see Lisa tomorrow. She’s in hospital. A: 2. _W__h_a_t’__s__w_r_o_n_g__w_i_th__h_e_r/_W__h_a_t_h_a_p_p__en__ed__t_o_h_e_r_____? B: She had a traffic accident on her way to school and was hurt. A: 3. _I_a_m__s_o_r_r_y_t_o_h_e_a_r__th_a_t____. Is there anything serious? B: Yes. There is something wrong with her leg. A: 4. _C__a_n_I_g_o__t_o_s_e_e_h_e_r__w_i_th__y_o_u_ ? B: Sure. Let’s go together. A: When and where shall we meet? B: We’ll meet at the gate of our school at eight o’ clock tomorrow
Doctor: No, nothing serious. Just stop eating candies and take some medicine.
Tom: 5. _H__o_w__o_f_te_n__s_h_o__u_ld__I__ta_k__e_t_h_e__m_e_d__ic_i_n_e_?