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O s m oti ca lly con trolled ora l drug deli very syste m s:an upda te rev i ew

WANG W en 2p ing 1,2

,X I E Xiu 2qi ong 1

,Y ANG Da 2jian 2

,CHE N Shi 2lin


(1.College of Phar m aceutics,Chengdu U niversity of Traditional Chinese M edicine,Chengdu 610075,China;

2.M anicipal Key L aboratory of Chinese M edicine and M olecular Phar m acology of Shenzhen &Hong Kong Polytechnic

U niversity Institute of M odern Chinese M edicine,Shenzhen 518057,China;

3.Institute of M edicinal Plants,CAM S &PUM C,B eijing 100094,China )

[Abstract] O s motically contr olled oral drug delivery syste ms (OC ODDSs )utilize os motic pressure f or contr olled delivery of active a 2gents .The release of drugs fr o m os motic syste ms is g overned by vari ous f or mulati ons and pr ocessing fact ors such as s olubility and p ressure of the core co mponents,pr operties of the se mi 2per meable me mbrane .I n the present revie w,the references on OC ODDSs have syste matically been su mmarized in the f oll o wing as pects :p rescri pti on design,industrial pr ocessing and equi pments,methods f or quality evaluati on,and gen 2eral situati on of applicati on .Pr os pect of applying the os motic 2pu mp technol ogy int o Chinese patent drugs is als o discussed .

[Key words] os motic 2pu mp technol ogy;contr olled 2release drug delivery;zer o 2order release pattern

[责任编辑 鲍 雷]

[收稿日期] 2007206205

[通讯作者] 3杨明,Tel:(028)61800456,E 2mail:jiahua ma@1631com


马家骅,杨 明3

,曾 敏,陈雪梅,兰 洁


[摘要] 近年来新剂型不断涌现,充液胶囊就是其中之一,其采用明胶或羟丙基甲基纤维素(HP MC )外壳,以

