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剑桥,剑河之桥的 意思。这里确有一 条剑河,在市内兜 了一个弧形大圈向 东北流去。河上修 建了许多桥梁,所 以把这个城命名为 剑桥。剑桥,是世 界上最古老的桥。 剑桥,与牛津一 样,是座令人神往 的传统大学城。
Cambridge, River Cam bridge means. Here indeed there is a RiverCam, in the city have come a great circle arc to the northeast flow. Many bridges built on the river,so the name of the city of Cambridge. Cambridge, is the oldest bridge in the world.Cambridge, and Oxford, is the traditional seat fascinating university city.
剑桥大学的许多地方保留着中世纪以来的风貌,到处 可见几百年来不断按原样精心维修的古城建筑,许多 校舍的门廊、墙壁上仍然装饰着古朴庄严的塑像和印 章,高大的染色玻璃窗像一幅幅瑰丽的画面。剑桥大 学有教师(教授、副教授、讲师)1,000余名,另外还有 1,000余名访问学者。剑桥大学共有学生16,900名,其 中包括6,935名研究生,72%的研究生来自其它大学, 研究生中42%是国外留学生,女生占36%。大学校长 为女王丈夫菲历普亲王(他同时兼任牛津大学校长),设 一名常务副校长主持日常工作。
Retained in many parts of the University of Cambridge since the Middle Ages style, everywhere for centuries been the ancient city as is well-maintained buildings, many school lobby, the walls are still decorated with ancient statues and solemn seal, like a tall stained glass windows magnificent pieces of the screen width. University of Cambridge has teachers (professors, associate professors, lecturers) and more than 1,000, in addition to more than 1,000 visiting scholars. University of Cambridge, a total of 16,900 names of students, including 6,935 graduate students, 72% of graduate students from other universities, graduate students, 42% are foreign students, female students accounted for 36%. University President to Cape Queen Elizabeth‘s husband Prince Philip Li (He also serves as Chancellor of Oxford University), established an executive vice president presided over daily work.
University of Cambridge has 31 colleges, there are three female colleges, two specialized graduate schools, the Institute of historical background, the implementation of a unique college system, in 31 different styles of Economics, self-sufficient; the University of Cambridge is responsible for planning and teaching students work, taking steps to vary within each college, each college in a way like a miniuniversity, has its own rules and principles. Peter, Cambridge University the first college established in 1284, and other colleges in the 14th and 15th centuries gradually Established 剑桥大学有31个学院,有三个女子学院,两个专门的研究生 院,各学院历史背景不同,实行独特的学院制,风格各异的 31所学院经济上自负盈亏;剑桥大学负责生源规划和教学工 作,各学院内部录取步骤各异,每个学院在某种程度上就像 一个微型大学,有自己的校规校纪。剑桥大学的第一所学院 彼得学院于1284年建立,其他的学院在14和15世纪陆续建立。
几百年来,剑桥以其优异的教育质量著称于 世。这里英才荟萃,星光灿烂。且不说自然 科学家的长长名单。就是在社会科学方面也 培养出一批栋梁之才。哲学家培根(他的名 言“知识就是力量”),经济学家凯恩斯、 历史 学家特立威廉、文学家萨克雷都曾负笈剑桥 ,终成泰斗。该校的弥尔顿、拜伦、丁尼生 等人更是诗国的桂冠和骄子。剑桥还哺育出 七名首相。印度总理赫鲁、英国王储查尔斯 也曾在这里就读。牛津剑桥的毕业生遍及政 界、商界和学术界。有人说,牛津剑桥统治 着英国,看来确有几分道理。
For centuries, its excellent quality of education in Cambridge, known to the world. Here Yingcai Fair,twinkling stars. Not to mention the long list of natural scientists. In the social sciences is also train a number of pillars of the. Philosopher Francis Bacon (his words, "knowledge is power"), economist John Maynard Keynes, the historian Trevelyan, writers have Fuji Cambridge Thackeray, and eventually became dean. The school's Milton, Byron, Tennyson, who is the crown of the country and the pride of the poem. Cambridge has also nurtured a seven prime minister. Indian Prime Minister Nehru, where PrinceCharles also attended. Oxford and Cambridge graduates are spread throughout the political, business and academia. Some people say that Oxford and Cambridge ruled the United Kingdom, there seems some truth.
Cambridge University students to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, including boating is the most popular sports, often among the University of Cambridge Institute of games each, and each year the University of Cambridge boat race with Oxford University. Between each college has a variety of other sporting events held, including football, cricket, chess and so on. The university prepared by World Brand Lab in 2006, "World Top 500 Brands" list ranked fifty-ninth.
River Cam
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Cambridge City, Cambridge, and Oxford, is the traditional seat fascinating university city. Achievements in natural sciences at Cambridge University, especially prominent, feeding out of Newton, Darwin, so that a new era to create a Masters of Science Science. More than 60 Nobel Prize winners have left their footprints in Cambridge, which is rare in the world glory. With admiration, said the people of Cambridge as the "cradle of natural science.“ 剑桥,与牛津一样,是座令人神往的传统大学城。剑桥 大学在自然科学的成就尤其突出,哺育出牛顿、达尔文 这样开创科学新纪元的科学大师。60多位诺贝尔奖金得 主曾在剑桥留下了足迹,这在全世界都是少有的荣光。 人们怀着敬佩的心情称剑桥为“自然科学的摇篮”。
Cambridge University Founded in 1209, the earliest to avoid a fight by a group from Oxford University scholar who escaped the establishment. In 1231 King Henry III granted the monopoly of teaching in Cambridge. Cambridge and Oxford University's two famous as the best British universities, are collectively referred to as "Oxbridge". One of the top ten universities in the world, 81 Nobel Prize winners from the school. Cambridge University Union or the United Kingdom's elite "Russell Group and the University of Coimbra Group of European Union members of the University. The current president is Alison Richard 剑桥大学成立于1209最早是由一批为躲避殴斗而从牛津大学逃 离 出来的学者建立的。亨利三世国王在1231年授予剑桥教学垄断权。 剑桥大学和牛津大学齐名为英国的两所最优秀的大学,被合称 “Oxbridge”是世界十大学府之一81位诺贝尔奖得主出自此校。 剑桥大学还是英国的名校联盟“罗素大学集团”和欧洲的大学联 盟科英布拉集团的成员。现任校长是艾利森· 理查德。