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With the development of country’s髓onomy,quickening of urbanization and industrialization process.a nc、】I,social group is formed with rapid expansion,which we called it“land—losing farmers".The land-losing farmers face a series of problems such as riving,employment and social security.However,the government dida’t deal with this problem properly,an in.easing number of land-losing farmers express their unsatisfaction by accusmg the government,and the accidents of group protest a∞increasing year by
the theory of production and development of old-age insurance system.It also concludes old-age insurance’s history and reality,existed problems and limited factors in our country, expounds the principle of constructing the land—losing farmers’old-age insurance system
year.which become one ofthe biggest factors to influence social stability.Therefore,the
research of the issue of land.10sing farmers’old—age security has a great realistic and far-reaching significance on solving“three agricultural issues”,bllilding new countryside of socialist,est=blishmg harmiou¥social,promoting the sustainable development of industrialization and urbanization in 01.11"couau'y∞that a moderately prosperous society will beoolne tnm.
ripe,it will transits to town security model gradualiy.The particular roject is:to adopt
which we should insist in our country,proposes the idea ofestablishing land—lost farln豇's’ old.age insurance.That is,under the guide of government,we solve the old-age problem of Land-losing farmers by伽咀蚰mcting the multiplication system.When the conditions arc
湖南农业大学 硕士学位论文 我国失地农民养老保险问题研究 姓名:邬克彬 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:农业经济管理 指导教师:章喜为
现阶段在加速推进我国工业化和城市化建设的进程中,迅速催生出一个急 剧膨胀的特殊社会群体一一失地农民。由于没能很好地解决失地农民的就业和社 会保障等长远生计问题,由失地农民引发的上访和群体性事件逐年增多,成为 目前社会稳定的一大不安定因素。因此,研究失地农民养老保险问题对于更好 地解决“三农”问题,建设社会主义新农村,构建和谐社会,促进我国工业化 和城市化的可持续发展,全面实现我国小康社会发展目标具有重要的现实意义 和深远的历史意义。
本文在对国内外关于失地农民养老保险问题发展与研究动态进行文献综 述的基础上,分析了养老保险制度产生和发展的理论,总结了我国失地农民养 老保险发展的历史与现状,存在问题以及阻碍失地农民养老保险发展的限制因 素,阐述了构建我国失地农民养老保险制度应坚持的原则,提出了现阶段构建 失地农民养老保险制度的总体思路:在政府主导下,建立多元化的制度,逐步解决 失地农民的养老问题,待条件成熟后,再逐步向城镇养老保险体系过渡。失地农民 养老保险制度的具体方案是:参照城镇职工养老保险模式,采取社会统筹与个人账 户相结合的形式,根据被征地区经济发展水平、城市化程度,执行两种不同层次的 养老保险制度,即发达地区直接纳入城镇社会养老保险体系,其他地区纳入失地农 民养老保险体系,由失地农民自行选择。这符合未来城乡养老保险一体化的发展趋 势。由于养老保险基金是养老保险制度的核心,因此,不论采取哪种制度。都必须 高度重视养老保险基金的征缴、运行与监管,确保基金安全与保值增值。强调失地 农民养老保险资金应坚持由政府、集体和个人三方共同出资,按比例、多渠道筹集 保险费的原则。最后对进一步完善失地农民养老保险制度提出了若干建议。
On the basis of literature summary on the problems of land-losing farmers’old—age insurance and research process both in domestic and foreign countries,this thesis analyze