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86. leave out省去;遗漏;不考虑;


①You have left out the most important word in this sentence. 你在这一句中遗漏了最重要的一个单词。

②Don’t leave me out when you invite people to your party.当你邀请人们去参加聚会时,别把我漏掉了。


leave for动身到(某处);leave alone不管;撇下……一个人;leave aside搁置;leave behind遗忘;遗留;


(1). 单项填空:

①The printer has left _____ two lines from this paragraph.

A. off

B. out

C. over

D. with

②It is not socially ___ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.

A. accessible

B. adorable

C. adaptable

D. acceptable

③I’ll be glad for you to leave me alone. I surely will. It’s none of my ___.

A. affairs

B. business

C. matter

D. events

④It’s better to call the children inside, it’s cold. Just ___. They are all enjoying themselves.

A.leave them there where they are

B. let them alone

C. leave them lonely

D. left them where they are

(2). 用适当的介词或副词填空:

①They were left _____ in the wilderness.

②He was asked to make up the information left _____ by the leader.

87. let out发出;放走;泄露


①Every time she moved her leg, she let out a moan. 每次她动一下腿,就会发出一声呻吟。

②Don’t let out the plan to the press. 别把这项计划泄露给媒


③He let out the bird from the cage. 他把鸟从笼子里放走了。


let down放下;使失望;给轮胎放气;let alone更不用提;更别说;let one’s hair down无拘无束;放松一下;let go放开;松手;let it go算了;放手;let in让……进来;放……进来;let off 放(炮);投放(炸弹);宽恕;



①He accidentally ____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out

B. took care

C. made sure

D. made out

②I promised him that you would work well, why did you ___ by doing so little

A. let me down

B. let me off

C. let out me

D. let in me

③He accidently _____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out

B. took care

C. made sure

D. made

④It’s better to call the children inside, it’s cold. Just ___. They are all enjoying themselves.

B.leave them there where they are B. let them alone

C. leave them lonely

D. left them where they are

88. offer sb. a lift(主动)让某人搭顺路车;


①Can you give me a lift to the station 你能顺便送我去车站吗

②The man offered the girl a lift but she declined.那个人要捎带女孩回家,女孩拒绝了。

③He gave me a lift to the station.他让我搭便车去车站。


give sb. a lift让某人搭顺路车;ask sb. for a lift搭某人的便车;take a/the lift坐/乘电梯;


(1). 完成句子

