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Shift of perspectives
20. Sony‟s $3.4 billion deal for Columbia Pictures marks Japan„s biggest U.S. takeover ever -- and adds to fears that it is “buying America” and taking an invincible lead in trade and technology. 索尼公司用34亿美元买下了哥伦比亚电影公司,这是迄今为止 日本对美国一笔金额最大的收购,而且使人们更加担心日本正 在“收购美国”,正在贸易和技术方面不可阻挡地发挥着主导 作用。 21. Our government shows great concern for the Chinese residents abroad. 我国政府十分关心海外华侨。 22. Formality has always characterized their relationship. 他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。 23. 人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当人 年轻的时候。 Although the road of life is long, its most important sections are often covered in only a few steps, especially when a person is young.
24. She is after neither fame nor gain. 她既不求名,又不求利。 25. Everything is ready, yet we are without food and fodder. 万事具备,只欠粮草。 26. They charged under the enemy‟s gunfire. 他们冒着敌人的炮火冲锋。 27. As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will give him the necessary help. 他对这城市完全陌生,所以我希望你能给他必要的帮 助。
Shift of perspectives
15. He died, and was survived by wife and three children. 他死了,撇下了妻子和三个孩子。(passive-active) 16. For some people hope dies slowly. 对有些人来说,希望不会轻易破灭。(正-反) 17. …and it was on the first stage of this journey, in Kenya, that she received the news of her father's death and her own accession to the throne. …… 就在此行的第一站肯尼亚,她接到了父亲去世并由她本人继 承王位的消息。 18. The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday. 上星期天,来访的客人和陪同人员一起参观了黄鹤楼。 19. 请勿大声喧哗。 Keep quiet.
43. 我们的人民解放军无愧于伟大的人民军队的称号。 Our P.L.A. is worthy of being called a great army of the people.
44. The recruitment of Chinese labor was not universally accepted in racially conscious 19th century America and some white workers were unsettled by their appearance in large numbers.
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้hift of perspectives
1. It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silences at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm. 绿草萋萋,白云冉冉,彩蝶翩翩,这日子是如此 清新;蜜蜂无言,春花不语,海波声歇,大地音 寂,这日子是如此安静。然而并非安静,因为万 物各以其独特的节奏,或动,或摇,或震,或起, 或伏。(n-v)
Shift of perspectives
2. The very sight of him makes me sick. 一见到他我就作呕。 3. The love of the parents for their children is natural. 父母爱他们的子女是很自然的。 4. The love of money is the root of all evils. 爱财是万恶之源。 5. She is after neither fame nor gain. 她既不求名,又不求利。 6. His addition completed the list. 把他添上,名单就齐全了。(n-v)
在种族意识十分强烈的 19 世纪的美国,招募中国劳工的做法并非普 遍为人所接受。由于工地上大批出现中国劳工,某些白人工人感到心 绪不安。
Shift of perspectives
Shift of perspectives
41. It is strange that he should have been unkind to you, who did so much for him.
真奇怪,他竟会对你这样无情无义,因为你曾经帮过他很多忙。(定 从-原因)
42. How can I help them to understand when they won’t listen to me?
Chapter 2 Translation Techniques
2.7 Shift of perspectives(转换)
由于英汉两种语言在语法和表达方式等方面存在着许多差 异,因此英译汉时常常有必要改变表达方式,使译文通顺 流畅、地道可读。这种变通技巧就是转换法 (shift of perspective)。转换的形式多种多样,大体可分为7种: ①词类转换 ②句子成分转换 ③表达方式转换 ④自然语序与倒装语序转换 ⑤正面表达与反面表达转换 ⑥主动式与被动式转换 ⑦分句转换
Shift of perspectives
36. Wet paint! 油漆未干! 37. We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust. 我们相信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。 38. Heat is constantly produced by the body as a result of muscular and cellular activity. 由于肌肉和细胞活动的结果,身体不断地产生热。 39. His acceptance into the Party is a quite natural thing. 他被吸收到党内是完全应该的。 40. The old worker underwent much suffering before liberation. 解放前这位老工人遭受了许多苦难。
10. There is misdoing in doing. 只要做就难免有错。
11. 窗户打不开。 The window refuses to open. 12. 干这事我力不胜任。 To do this is beyond my ability. 13. 雷锋的高尚行为是赞扬不尽的。 Lei Feng‟s noble deeds are above praise. 14. 那家伙很不老实。 That fellow is far from being honest. 15. The visitor was flattered and impressed. 客人受宠若惊,深为感动。
Shift of perspectives
31. The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man. 因此,对于一个从事社会活动的人来讲,培养一种爱好和新的 情趣方式,乃是至关重要的对策。 32. The Red Army Men marched on bravely against the piercing wind. 红军冒着刺骨的寒风英勇前进。 33. He added: "I understand and respect those views, but I deeply believe in the correctness of my decision." 他还说:"我理解并尊重他们的看法,但我深信我的决定是正确 的。" 34. Away ran the boy. 男孩跑开了。 35. Slowly climbs the summer moon. 夏天的月亮慢慢地爬上来了。
Shift of perspectives
28. We are grateful to you for your help. 我们感激你对我们的帮助。 29. Most US spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth's atmosphere after completing their missions. 美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计,是在完成使命后, 在大气层中焚毁。 30. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. 100年以前,一位伟大的美国人签署了解放宣言,我 们现在就站在他象征性的庇荫中。 (表达方式)
Shift of perspectives
7. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood. 我非常感激父亲,因为在我小时侯他总是不断地鼓 励我. ( 名词\形容词转化成动词) 8. I am no drinker nor smoker. 我既不喝酒也不抽烟. (名词转化成动词) 9. A fire in the neighbor‟s house can easily bring disaster to everyone. 一家失火,四邻遭殃。