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中部山水兼长,是全园 的精华所在,中区的东南地带开 凿水池,西北地带堆筑假山,建 筑错落,与水池东南,是典型的 南厅北水、隔水相望的江南宅院 的模式。
Central mountains and long is the essence of the entire garden, South-Eastern area of the central pool dug, Northwest zone built rockery, buildings scattered about, pool and the South-East, is typical of South-North water, across the water from the Yangtze River House model.
High and low uneven floor Pavilion in the garden, curved corridor winding continuum 700 meters far step moves the scenery wonderful, instead.
园内亭馆楼榭高低参差,曲廊 蜿蜒相续有 七百米之多,颇有步移景 换之妙。
Lingering garden with Suzhou humble Administrator's Garden, the summer palace in Beijing, Cheng de and known as China's four most famous gardens.
a variety of combined with manual.
留园的建筑在苏州园林中,不但数量多,分布也较为密集,其布局之合理,空间处 理之巧妙,皆为诸园所莫及。每一个建筑物在其景区都有着自己鲜明的个性,从全 局来看,没有丝毫零乱之感,给人有一个连续、整体的概念。
In Suzhou garden, the lingering garden building, not only quantity, distribution is relatively dense, its layout is reasonable, spatial processing for subtlety, and various parks are, and Each building in its area has its own distinct personality, from a global
Lingering garden is a famous classical gardens in China, is located in the South of the ancient city of Suzhou, to architectural features delicate, strange stone tower in the Park many well-known
留园以其独创一格、收放自然的精湛建筑艺术而享有盛名。层层相属的建 筑群组,变化无穷的建筑空间,藏露互引,疏密有致,虚实相间,旷奥自
Lingering garden, with its original shelf, retractable natural exquisite architectural art and renowned Genus is building new complexes, diverse architectural space, hiding
Is the highest office in the Western District, the environment quiet, forest-rich rustic charm, with rockery and surprising, debris, piling up naturally.
showing mutual, stiffness, dash, open-freely, is breathtaking.
赏留园首看建筑。变 化无穷的建筑空间,留园建筑艺术的另一重要特点,是它内外空间关系格 外密切,并根据不同意境采取多种结合手法。
Lingering garden another important feature of architectural art, is its exceptionally close relationship both inside and outside space, and depending on the mood to take
Lingering garden
制作人:石子豪 吴超 鲁瑞
壹 简介 Introduction
贰 布局 Layout
叁 空间处理 Space
肆 建筑艺术 Architectural art

三绝 Three wonders
陆 主要特色 Attractions
留园是中国著名古典园林,位于江南古城苏州,以园内建筑 布置精巧、奇石众多而知名
梅是中国画常用 的题材,无须雕琢,自 然天成。
MUI is a common theme in traditional Chinese painting, without Polish, natural heaven.
楠木殿厅堂面阔五间,中间 用纱隔屏风隔出前后两厅。 其中前厅约占了整个建筑的 三分之二的面积。
Lingering garden area of 2 hectares, divided into Western, Central, and eastern part 3.
留 园 平 面 图

Lingering Garden covers about 2 hectares, divided into Western, Central, eastern part 3.
Building will be divided into sections, every building has a wide range of doors and Windows, each window varies, communications ministries views, so that when people indoors to watch an outdoor scene, to landscape plants constitute a sweeping view of the screen.
Phoebe Temple halls face five rooms, separated by the yarn across the screen across the front and back office Front Office about two-thirds of the area of the building.
Breeze pool viewed from the Gallery of Museum
From breeze Chi Ting's landscape
留园五峰仙馆 Five mountain Museum
铺地也是形式多样,含有丰富的 寓意。
花 草 树 木
园内树木和叠石相结合, 树种以银杏、 南紫筱、娜渝子落叶乔木为主,中间杂有木 瓜、丁香, 常绿树种隐去了假山的最高点, 从而突出了主景地位。山南环以曲水,遥植 桃、柳,仿晋人式陵桃源,使人有世外之感。
Combination of Park trees and stacked stone, species of Ginkgo, Violet , Elena Yu-mainly deciduous in papaya, cloves, evergreen species hidden rocks of the highest point, so as to highlight the main scenery South loop in Streams , away planted peaches, Liu, Jin-Ling-like Peach blossoms , gives rise to a sense of escape.

《史记》:“海中有三神 山,名曰蓬莱、方丈、瀛 洲,仙人居之。”
The chapter: "the three magic mountains in the sea, called PL, Abbot, immortal. ”。
Lingering garden breeze pool Pavilion
❖Western is dominated by mountains, central mountains and long, the Eastern
District is a construction zone.
西区则是全园最高处,环 境僻静,富有山林野趣,以假山 为奇,土石相间,堆砌自然。
房屋的檐角浮雕是江南园林建筑 的又一大特色。许是因为南宋迁都偏 安一隅的原因,这里的园林主人多书 卷气,因此檐角多采用莲花,梅花等 装饰以示高洁。
假 山 叠

留园以赏石为胜,历史上既有园主生性 爱石,聚奇石为十二 峰之盛事,又有联姻以石陪嫁之佳话,故留园赏石亦为一景。 留 园假山处理手法多样。中部假山山体大势布局具主山平远、副山高 峻之感。主山东西延伸,山峦横向展开,产生平远意趣,隔水相望, 成为远景山。副山南北走向,沿爬山廊拾级而上,近观石峰高耸挺 拔。山中古木茂盛,浓荫蔽日,仿佛深山峻岭。在主副山垂直交汇 处,做水源出处,造涧峡状,石梁飞渡。在布局上,主山横向,副 山侧向,小蓬莱岛似山之余脉延至水中。起到平衡作用,构成“横 看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”的山水意境。西部假山由黄石堆 砌,采用土石相间,小山用石,大山用土的作法。在南北长、东西 狭窄的地域内,山势北陡南缓,有黄石山涧自山顶向南婉蜒而至溪 边,这条旱涧不仅增加了深远感,而且反衬出山下桃花溪的清幽。 整个山体迂回曲折,四角分设登山道,皆可拾级而上到“舒啸亭”,
东部以建筑取胜,重檐迭楼,曲 院回廊,疏密相宜,奇峰秀石,引人 入胜 。
Eastern win with building, eaves Diego building, curved galleries, nominal density, Strange peaks show rocks and fascinating.
view without the slightest sense of chaos, gives a continuous, overall concept.
有多种门窗,每扇窗户各不相同,可沟通 各部景色,使人在室内观看室外景物时, 能将以山水花木构成的各种画面一览无余。
留园内的冠云峰乃太湖石中绝品,齐集太湖石“瘦、皱、 漏、透”四奇于一身,相传这块奇石还是宋末年花石纲 中的遗物。
"thin, wrinkled, leakage, transparent" famous victory in one, according to legend, this piece of rock was sung at the flower outline of the stone relics.
"birds to the fish, Clear Water and Rustling Trees.
" Very of the environment here and fresh water feeling, so to name.
感清瑟: ,新。“ 故,”目 借有此对 以水处鱼 。为木环鸟