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2.法定代理,被代理人是无行为能力。 3.无权代理。
大陆法系( Civil law ):一人为他人进行的法律行为。严格区别委任 (内部关系)与授权(外部关系)。 英美法系(Common law):通过他人去做的行为视同被代理人亲自所为 的行为。建立在被代理人与代理人等同的理论。 国际商事代理:是指代理人为取得佣金,依被代理人的授权,为被代理 人的利益和第三人为商行为,是指一切营利性的营业行为,由此具有国 际因素的被代理人、代理人及第三人之间产生权利义务关系的法律制度。 《国际货物销售代理公约》(Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Good)规定:不论代理人以自己名义,抑或以 被代理人名义之行为,均适用本公约。(It applies irrespective of whether the agent acts in his own name or in that of the principal.)
Yes No No No
Is the worker paid at the end of the job?
Is there a great degree of skill required?
An independent contractor in tort
The employer of an independent contractor is generally not held vicariously liable for the tortious acts and omissions of the contractor. How,vicarious liability will be imposed in three circumstances:
2 .代理是在代理权限范围内实施的行为。(法 定、授权)
3 .本人(被代理人)对代理人的行为承担法律 责任。
4 .代理的行为在法律上有不可代理性。如婚姻 登记、收养子女等人身性行为。
3.1.3 Agency Relationships
Principal-agent (委托代理)
Байду номын сангаас
agency by ratification 追认授权
agent for a named principal 显名代理 agent for a unnamed principal 隐名代理
3.1 Nature of Agency and Agency Relationships
3.1.1 Definition of Agency Agency is "a fiduciary relationship created by express or implied contract or by law,in which one party (the agent) may act on behalf of another party (the principal) and bind that other party by words or actions. 代理是指代理人(agent)按照被代理人(principle)授权 或法律规定,代表被代理人同第三人订立合同或作其他的法 律行为,由此而产生的权利与义务直接对被代理人发生效力。
3.2 Creation of Agency
Basics for Creation of Agency 1.Formation of an agency 2.Capacity of the Parties 3.Non-delegable Duties of Principals
委 托 代 理
权 利 义 务
代理人(Agent) 实施法律行为 (act)
第三人(The third party)
2.代理人(agent)或称被委托人 3.第三人(a third person)
1.内部法律关系( internal relationship )本人与代理人 的代理关系 Principal-agent (stipulated by contract of authorization, contract of employment, partnership contract) 2.外部法律关系( external relationship )本人、代理人 与第三人的法律关系 Independent from internal relationship
In general,a contract is used to specify the terms of a Principal-agent relationship .
The employer-employee relationship is one in which an agent(employee) who works for and is subject to the control of the principal (employer) may enter into contractual relationship on the latter's behalf.
(1)代理人用明示或者暗示形式同意对该合同负责; (2)代理人在合同上签上自己的名字,或并未明确说明自己是代理人, 代理人要对该合同负责。
(3)代理人在签字蜡封合同上签名,即使注明自己是代理人,也要对该 合同负责。
Employer-indepndent (雇主独立)
Principal-agent (委托代理)
Principal-agent relationship is the arrangement that exists when one person or entity (called the agent) acts on behalf of another (called the principal).
Chapter Three
Law of Agency
3.1 Nature of Agency and Agency Relationships
3.2 Creation of Agency 3.3 Duties of Agency and Principal
3.4 Liability of Principal and Agent to Third Parites
(4)Entertainer (5)Professional Wrestlers
(6)Lawn care workers
(7)Newspaper Carrires
To determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor,courts consider the following: (1) How much direction and control the employer exercises over the detail of the person's work; (2) whether the person is engaged in an occupation or business distinct from that of the employ; (3) whether the work the person performs is usually done under the employer's direction or without employer supervision ; (4) who supplies tools used by the person ; (5) the duration of the person's employment; (6) what degree of skill is required of the worker;
Is the person engaged in an occupation or No business distinct from that of the employer? Is the work done under the employer’s direction Yes or supervision? Does the person supply tools used by the person? Has the person employed a long time? Yes Yes
Employee v, Independent Contractor Relationship
Facts Courts Considers E’ee I.C.
Does the employer exercise a great deal of control Yes over the details of the person’s work?
3.5 Termination of Agency
Key Terms
agency 代理
principle 被代理人,委托人 authorization 授权 voluntary 意定代理 statuory 法定代理 默示授权 表见授权 express authority 明示授权 implied authority apparent authority
Unlike an employee, an independent contractor does not work regularly for an employer but works as and when require,during which time she or he may be subject to the Law of Agency.
Generally, independent contractors retain control over schedule and number of hous works, jobs accepted, and performance of their job.
Example of occupations where independent contractor arrangements are typical: (1)General Practitioner (2)Taxi and drivers
(1)where the contractors injures an invitee to the real property of the empolyer; (2)the contractors is involved in an ultra-hazardous activity(one likely to cause substantial injure ,such as blasting with explosive ) (3)the empolyer is estopped form denying liability because he has held out the independent contractor as
Employer-indepndent (雇主独立)
An independent contractor is a natural person,business or corporation which provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a contract or within a verbal agreement .