酒 店 服 务 英 语 PPT

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Front Office
(85) loan (86) carpet (87) afford (88) misunderstand (89) wheelchair (90) unfortunate (91) babysitter (92) bleed (93) slip (94) detail (95) destination (96) appreciate (97) average (98) delegate 出租 地毯 抽出 误解 轮椅 不幸的 照看儿童者 流血 滑 细节 目的地 欣赏 平均 代表
• (14) complaint
Front Office
• Words:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • (15) soothe (16) reveal (17) financial (18) satisfaction (19) check in/out (20) departure date (21) guarantee (22) client (23) conference (24) program (25) handicapped (26) facilities (27) wheelchair (28) cancellation 安抚 显示 财政的,财经的 满意 入住/离店 离开日期 保证 顾客 会议 议程,节目 残疾的 设施 轮椅 取消
Front Office
(141)night stool (142)bathtub (143)floor (144)shampoo (145)body lotion (146)toothbrush (147)razor (148)shower cap (149)sewing kit (150)comb (151)laundry bag (152)sanitary bag (153)tissue paper (154)napkin (155)napkin paper (156)bulb • 卧室用便器 浴缸 地板 香波 润肤露 牙刷 刮胡刀 浴帽 针线包 梳子 洗衣袋 卫生袋 卫生纸 餐巾 餐巾纸 灯泡
(17) north district of Shanghai 上海北部地区 (18) near the bund (19) take pictures (20) within easy reach 靠近外滩 照相 很容易到
Front Office
• phrasal:
(21) foreign currency exchange (22) today’s exchange rate (23) settle guest complaint (24) at the lost and found desk (25) free of charge (26) cut off (27) incoming fax (28) up to now (29) in order to 外币兑换 今天的兑换率 处理客人投诉 在失物招领处 免费 切断、切开 过来的传真 直到现在 为了
Front Office
(127) print (128) account (129) delivery (130) compromise (131) deposit (132) coin (133) safety box (134) mineral water (135) shopping bag (136) luggage rack (137) remote control (138) hairdryer (139) dustbin (140) magazine 印刷 帐户 支付 妥协 押金 硬币 保险箱 矿水 购物袋 行李架 遥控装置 吹风机 垃圾箱 杂志
(10) IDD system (International Direct Dial)国际长途
Front Office
• phrasal:
(11) booked up (12) get in touch with (13) recommend to (14) computer records (15) ordinary airmail (16) show the way 预订完了 与…取得联系 向…推荐 电脑记录 普通航空信 指路
酒 店 服 务 英 语
• Thank you for everyone to have a class with me! •
I hope that we’ll be friends together through the English class. I want to know much information of yours before we begin our lessons ! Example: English name、department、 、 、 position、hobbies 、wishes and so on…… 、
Financial Department Engineering Department Purchasing Department Security Department Administration Department
Front Office
• Words:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • (1) reservation (2) register (3) assign (4) baggage (5) distribute (6) deliver (7) currency (8) occupancy (9) smart (10) appearance (11) adaptability (12) figure (13) settle 预订 登记,注册 分配,指定 行李 分发 投递,递交 , 货币 居住,占用 活泼的,精明的 外表 适应性 数字 解决,安定 投诉,抱怨
Front Office
• Words:
• • • • • • • • • (29) favorite (30) airy (31) banquet (32) patio (33) salon (34) souvenir (35) convenience (36) consider (37) overweight (38)scenic spot (39)trolley bus • (40) Mend (41)Mis-calculation (42)communication 最喜爱的 通风的 宴会 室外就餐处 沙龙 纪念品 便利,方便 考虑 超重 风景点 电车 修补 计算出错 通讯,交流
Front Office
• • • • • • • • • • • • • (71) locate (72) sightseeing (73) invoice (74) overpay (75) regulation (76) insist (77) request (78) fault (79) replace (80) noisy (81) corridor (82) brochure (83) refuse (84) elevator 坐落于 观光 发票 多付 规章 坚持 请求 过错 替换 吵闹的 走廊 介绍册 拒绝 电梯
Hotel Organization Chart
General Manager’s Office 总经理室 Executive Office 总经理办公室
Human Resource Department 人力资源部 Training Sales Department Department 教育培训部 销售部 公共关系部 前厅部
Front Office
• phrasal:
(1) check in/ out (2) good / bad manners (3) in short (4) departure date (5) by air (6) flight number (7) high occupancy (8) show sb up (9) DDD system (Domestic Direct Dial) 入住/离店 有礼貌/无礼 简言之 离开日期 乘飞机 航班号 出租率高 领某人上楼 国内长途
Front Office
(113) soap (114) towel (115) punch (116) nail (117) bedcover (118) watermark (119) interfere (120) private (121) firework (122) ID card (123) atmosphere (124) motto (125) devoutly (126) total 肥皂 毛巾 打印 指甲 床罩 水印图案 干涉 私人的 烟火 身份证 气氛 座右铭 诚恳地 总计
Front Office
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • (99) boost (100) security (101) senser (102) sprinkler (103) hydrant (104) hose (105) earn (106) alarm (107) exit (108) basement (109) mezzanine (110) rude (111) fare (112) contact 提高 治安,保安 感应器 喷水设备 消防龙头 软管 赚得,挣得 警报 安全门 地下室 夹层楼面 粗鲁的 车费 联系
Public Relations Office Front Office
Housekeeping Department 客房部
Hotel Organization Chart
Food & Beverage Department 餐饮部 Recreation Department Shopping Arcade 娱乐部 商场部 财务部 工程维修部 采购部 保安部 行政部
(30) long distance call reservation 长途电话预订
Front Office
• phrasal:
(31) spend one’s holidays 度假 (32) credit card number (33) take care of (34) peak season (35) traveler’s checks (36) replace A with B (37) no- show (38) tell you the truth (39) dying to do sth (40) in advance 信用卡号 照料 旺季 旅行支票 把A替换成B 预订客未到 老实说 迫不及待地想做某事 预先
Front Office
• Words:
• (43) secretary • (44) document (45) equipment • (46) stapler • (47) calculator (48) exhibition • (49) discount • (50) extend • (51) scissors • (52) handkerchief • (53) wardrobe • (54) budget • (55) thermos • (56) directory 秘书 文件 设备 小订书机 计算器 展览 折扣 延伸,延长 剪刀,剪子 手帕,纸巾 衣柜 预算 热水瓶 目录
Front Office
(57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) tap mucilage features architecture supervisor houseman shelf typewriter extension trunk comfortable envelope pond cigarette 笼头 胶水 特征 建筑 主管 杂务工 书架 打字机 分机 行李箱 舒适 信封 池塘 香烟