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Master Of Business Administration
Xia Feng-hai Dissertation Supervisor:Prof. Gong Xin shu
- II 万方数据
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伴随着我国改革开放力度的不断深入,我国建筑市场对外开放程度不断增强,众多大型建筑 企业成长为世界 500 强,中国已经成为继欧、美、日之后世界建筑市场上第四大承包商国。近年 在国际金融危机席卷下,我国建筑业发展不但没有下降,反而在国际上逆势快速发展,取得了瞩 目的成绩。然而面对国内外市场竞争的日趋激烈,建筑类企业近年虽然依然保有较高营业额,但 利润额却很低。这主要是由于我国建筑企业业务种类较单一,发展战略不明确,多元化发展上尚 处起步阶段,同时较低的技术创新能力使建筑施工还停留在传统领域,尚未做到以自主创新提高 建筑服务业水平,另外企业管理水平的落后,也使得我国建筑企业面临着较大的发展压力。面对 世界经济一体化的不断推进,我国的建筑企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中持续快速发展,各个建筑 企业发展战略的设计是一个亟待探讨的关键问题。本文以中建八局为例,深入探究其发展战略, 有助于中建八局明确未来发展的方向、目标以及重点,以提高中建八局的核心竞争力,推进中建 八局高质量、高品质和跨越式发展。
本文以企业战略管理理论、技术创新理论和新经济增长理论为理论基础,首先分析了国外建 筑产业发展趋势,我国建筑业发展状况,中建八局发展现状,中建八局的战略缺陷及原因;其次, 运用 PEST 分析模型,分析了中建八局所面临的宏观环境。运用“五力”分析模型,对中建八局 的行业态势进行了分析。运用 SWOT 分析方法,对中建八局内外部战略环境进行了分析,探析了 中建八局在发展过程中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁;再次,对中建八局的战略愿景和目标进行定 位,并制定了中建八局的业务发展战略、布局结构发展战略、组织结构发展战略、人才结构发展 战略、科技开发战略和技术管理发展战略,并提出了中建八局发展战略的具体实施步骤;最后, 从国际化进程、政府责任、企业自身建设和行业协会建设等方面提出加快中建八局发展的战略对 策,以及中建八局战略实施的支撑体系,即市场营销体系,施工生产管理体系,技术质量管理体 系,财务与投资管理体系,商务法务管理体系,人力资源管理体系和信息化管理体系。
The research on Development strategy of China construction eighth engineering co., LTD. A Dissertation Submitted to Shihezi University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Along with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the degree of opening to the outside world of China's construction market is increasing, China has become the fourth largest contractor in world's construction market after Europe, America, Japan, multiple large state-owned construction enterprises has grown into the world top 500 enterprises. Faced with the international financial crisis impact in recent years, the performance of many China's construction companies not only shrinking, but contrarian rapid growth in the world market, and achieved remarkable results, and has achieved the results which attract people's attention. But at the same time, the domestic and international market competition is increasingly fierce, although the turnover of construction enterprises is high in the past few years, but per capita profit is very low; a lot of construction enterprise development strategy is not clear, the business is more a single species, compared with the top international construction enterprises, the diversified development of China's construction companies significantly in its infancy; technology innovation capacity is relatively low, building construction tend to stay in traditional areas, but also did not take the initiative to provide a high level service for the owners through technology innovation, to obtain the owners approval degree; also in the management is relatively backward, each construction enterprises are facing greater development pressures. Facing the integration of the world economy continues to advance, if the construction enterprise of our country wants to continue the rapid development in the fierce market competition, design of each construction enterprise development strategy is the key issues to be addressed. This paper takes China Construction Eighth Engineering Division (CCEED for short) as example, probing into its development strategy, to help CCEED clear the direction of future development, goals and priorities, in order to improve the core competitiveness of CCEED, promote its high quality and great-leap-forward development.
Based on the enterprise strategic management theory, technology innovation theory and new economic growth theory as the theoretical basis, firstly analyze the development trend of foreign construction industry, the development situation of China's construction industry, the current situation of the development in CCEED, strategic defects and causes of CCEED; secondly, use the PEST analysis model to analyze the macro environment CCEED faces; use the "Five Forces" analysis model, to analyze industry situation of CCEED. Using the SWOT analysis method, to analyze the internal and external strategic environment of CCEED, study the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in its development process; thirdly, locate strategic vision and goals of CCEED, and to develop its business development strategy, layout structure's development strategy, organization structure's development strategy, talent structure's development strategy, technology development strategy and technology management's development strategy, and proposed specific implementation steps of CCEED development strategy; finally, put forward the strategic countermeasures to speed up the development of CCEED from the aspects of the process of internationalization, the responsibility of the government , enterprise self construction and construction industry associations, and study strategy implementation support system of CCEED, including marketing system, construction and production management system, technology and quality management system, financial and investment management system, business law management system, human resources management system and information management system.
通过本文研究,认为中建八局需要根据自身实际情况,制定切实可行的发展战略。在业务发 展上,推动绿色施工与建筑产业有机结合,推动新工艺、新材料、新技术以及新设备的四大新技 术的发展,大力发展基础设施业务,扩大基础设施业务市场份额是目前建筑行业的发展趋势;在 内部管理上,依托中建股份公司与中建八局的资源优势,不断提高管理水平,对于企业内部组织 结构要根据中建八局发展的实际情况进行调整和优化,加快推进科学合理的量化绩效考核制度建 设。使中建八局跟上时代的步伐,走在同行业的前端,从而形成稳定的竞争优势。希望本文的研 究能够为中建八局的改革与发展提供参考。
分类号: 学 号:2012422016
密 级: 单位代码:10759
学 位申 请 人 指导教师 申请学位类别 专业名称 研究领域 所在学院
夏峰海 龚新蜀 教授 专业硕士 工商管理硕士(MBA) 组织与战略管理研究 经济与管理学院
中国·新疆·石河子 2015 年 6 月