

七年级新目标(下) Unit4 单元测试

Name:Class 学号: 得分:


– I’m a reporter.

A. What do you do

B. Who are you

C. What are you

D. Both A and C.

2. ______ does your father work --- In a bank.

A. What B .How C. Where D. Which

3. The beautiful girl _______ a red skirt every day.

A. wear

B. to wear

C. wears

D. wearing

4. My parents want me ____ a bank clerk.

A. am

B. to be

C. to do

D. be

5. ____ do you often work very late

A. Do

B. Does

C. Are

D. Why

6. Mr. Green is ill in ____hospital. He can’t come here today.

A. the

B. a


D. an

can’t see the moon(月亮) _______.

A. at night

B. in the day

C. all day

D. in night

8. I like to_______ with my friends.

A. speak

B. say

C. tell

D. talk

9. He wants to be an actor________it’s an exciting job.

A. and

B. so

C. because

D. why

school is ________children _______6-12.

A. in, for

B. for, in

C. of, for

D. for, of

Mr. White __________ in Beijing

A. likes working

B. likes work

C. like working

D. like work

12. My aunt works _____________ a newspaper _____________ a reporter.

A. as, for

B. for, as

C. with, for

D. for, with

13. If you want to be a waiter, please call Karen __________ 555-3937.

A .at B. with C. for D. on

_____ he want to do He _____ to eat something .

A. does ,wants

B. do, want

C. does , want

D. do, wants

Black is a doctor . He works ____

A. difficult

B. interesting

C. hard

D. careful

work with money and people.

A. Teachers

B. Bank clerks

C. Policemen

D. Workers

17. As a bank clerk, people give____their money or get their money from____.

A. me, I

B. I, me

C. I, I

D. me, me

18. Does your mother like

A. write story

B. to write story

C. writing story

D. writing stories

19. Children always have many new things .

A. learn B:learning C. to learn D. learn about

20. Every day Mr. Wang has work to do.

A. many

B. a lot

C. a few

D. lots of

wants ____ a nurse when she grows up(长大)

A. is

B. be

C. to be

D. to is

22. Linda wants me to help her find____.

A. interesting job

B. an interesting job

C. an interesting work

D. a interesting work

23. How many____ are there in the picture

A. hospital

B. people

C. meat

D. girl

24. ---Can you give ____ the dictionary ---Sure. A. his B. him C. she D. my

25. My father is always busy his work.

A. do

B. with

C. to do

D. at

26. ---What’s his sister’s job---She is ____.

A. well

B. here

C. my friend

D. a shop assistant

27. --- What does your mother do---____. A .She’s very well

B. She likes talking to people

C. She works in a school

D. She is a policewoman

can call Mr. Wu____ 8788652 if you want a job ____ a waiter.

A. at, for

B. to ,of

C. on. as

D. at, as

29. My job is always giving people their money or getting money from them. I

dislike it because it’s not ____.

A. lazy

B. safe

C. boring

D. interesting

30. We have a job for you ____an actor.

A. as

B. be

C. like

D. with


Do you want to know my family Let ( 1 ) tell you. There are ( 2 ) people in my family. My father is a driver. My mother is a ( 3 ). She works in a machine factory. I have a sister. She is only eight years ( 4 ). We ( 5 ) in the same school. I’m in Grade Three, but ( 6 ) in Grade One. We like sports. We have lunch ( 7 ) school. Sometimes we ( 8 ) our homework in the afternoon. On ( 9 ) we often go to parks. We are very happy. We work( 10 ).

( ) 1. A. we B. us C. me D. I

( ) 2. A. two B. three C. four D. five

( ) 3. A. teacher B. worker C. driver D. farmer

( ) 4. A. young B. new C. old D. long

( ) 5. A. is B. am C. are D. be

( ) 6. A. I’m B. they’re C. we’re D. she’s

( ) 7. A. on B. about C. of D. at

( ) 8. A. write B. do C. make D. study

( ) 9. A. Fridays B. Thursdays C. Mondays D. Sundays

( ) 10. A. easy B. hard C. heavy D. light

三. 阅读理解(10分)


We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a

( )1. Which of the following can’t go to Sunny School

A. A four-year-old child

B. A ten-year-old child

C .An eleven-year-old child D. A fifteen-year-old child

( ) is not wanted by Sunny School

A. A cook B . A headmaster C. A library assistant D . A sports coach ( ) 3. Which of the following may not be able to(能) speak English

A. The language teacher B .The library assistant

C. The cook

D. The sports coach

( ) 4. The coach must major in _________.

A. Chinese B .English C. physical education D. language

( ) 5. Which is right

A. The teacher can only teach Chinese.

B. A twenty-five-year old cook can’t work in the school.

C. The library assistant must be careful.

D. A teacher must be strong.


1. Susan is a reporter. She works for a m__________.

2. Karen’s aunt works at a TV s_______. She is a reporter.

3. Mr. Brown likes reading n__________ after dinner.

4. Dr. John needs an a_________ to help him with his work.

5. My brother is a bank c_______. He works in a bank.

6. She has no m__________ with him, so she can’t buy her mother a sweater.

7. Mrs. Smith is a nurse. She works in a h_________.

8. I’m b with my homework.

9. The girl is only five years old. She is very y_______.

10. Sometimes Alan has lunch in a r______________.


11. I want to be an _________(act) 12. I think_________(thief) don’t like policemen.

13. There are many_________(policeman) in the street.

14. Tigers and lions are ____________(danger) animals.

15. My grandmother often tells me _________(story).

16. Mr. Black has two _________(child)

17. Our math teacher_______(teach) us very well.

18. She is a ___________(waiter).

19. He has a lot of ____________(money), but he doesn’t have many friends.

20. He is a reporter, and he likes ____________(talk) to people.


1.What is your brother (改为同义句) What _____ your brother _______

2.My sister wants to be a reporter . (对划线部分提问)

______ _____ your sister want to _____

3.His uncle works at a police station . (对划线部分提问)_____ _____ his uncle


4.My father works in the bank (改否定句) My father _____ _____ in the bank .


1. 人们把他们的钱给我或者从我这里取钱。

People _______ ______ money to me or_____ their money _____from me.

2. 他非常喜欢为杂志社工作。

He likes to _______ _______ a _________ very much.

3. 我想要招聘一个老师教他们音乐。

I ______ a teacher to ______ _______ _______.

4. 小偷不喜欢我。

________ don’t like_________.

5. 我每天见有趣的人并且问他们问题。

I meet ____________ __________ every day and ask ________ _____________.

6. 你喜欢工作到很晚吗_______ you like to ________ ___________





does, be

does, work

’t work



,teach them music ,me people,them questions , work late
