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grandfather grandmother aunt uncle father mother cousin

child brother sister parent family teacher doctor hospital nurse

go for a walk plant flowers water flowers cook go shopping

read books computer together film cinema animal zoo

vegetable park day play rain wait paint name face date

have has white hair black thin work worker walk watch a film


I don`t have brothers or sisters.我没有兄弟姐妹。

What do they look like?他们看起来长什么样?

We all have black eyes.我们都是黑眼睛。

I have short hair ,but Jing has long hair.我是短头发,但是静是长头发。What does your father do?你爸爸做什么工作?

Where does he work?他在哪里工作?

How does he go to work? 他怎么去上班?

He drives to work.他开车去上班。

He goes to work by bike.他骑自行车去上班。

What does she like to do? 她喜欢做什么?

She likes to read books. 她喜欢读书。

What do you like to do? 你喜欢做什么?

We like to watch a film at the cinema. 我们喜欢去电影院看电影。

We like to have fun together. 我们喜欢一起做有趣的事。

Unit 2单词

country China map world Chinese speak capital flag

star famous place the Tian`anmen Square the Palace Museum

the Great Wall Canada Ottawa Niagara Falls CN Tower English and French leaf the U.S. Washington, D.C White House Statue of Liberty

the U.K. London Big Ben Buckingham Palace Australia Canberra

kangaroo beach about waterfall very next to strip tea meat bean teeth tree jeep me we zebra


What is the capital city of China? 中国的首都是什么?

We speak Chinese. 我们说汉语。

What do you know about Canada?你了解加拿大什么?

Do you see a little flag inside Australia`s flag?你看见澳大利亚国旗中有一个小旗子吗?

Kangaroos live in Australia.袋鼠住在加拿大。

Australia has many beautiful beaches. 澳大利亚有很多漂亮的沙滩。

Do you know the capital city of the U.K.? 你知道英国的首都吗?

Yes,I know! It`s London. 是的,我知道。是伦敦。
