黑色电影 七宗罪
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Film Noir/ Neo-Noir (Se7en)
Film Noir/ Neo-Noir
The concept of film noir first emerged in
1940s France. Having being deprived of Hollywood films during the German occupation, French critics were finally able to see a number of Hollywood films that had been made during the war years.
Seven deadly sins
Gluttony –
obese man
Greed-- rich New York lawyer Sloth– Allen, drug dealer and
Pride – fashion model
Envy – Doe, the killer Wrath— Mills
The group of films they saw shared a
common visual style and mood.
The group of films share:
a common visual style
a mood of cynicism, pessimism, and darkness
关键特征 充斥着模糊不清的道德标准
1. pervasive moral ambiguity 2. trepidation about the future distinctiveness:3. nostalgia for a more civilized world skillful adaptation of which exists only in imagination the conventions of 4. perplexing and disturbing narrative film noir to which undermines expectations contemporary world 5. perpetual rainfall 6. low-key lighting 7. subdued color palette 暗淡的色彩
(幻灯片 14)
pederast Lust– prostitute
Se7en opens with the imminent retirement of Somerset, a New
York detective, and the arrival on the scene of Mills, his new partner and future replacement(接替者) The two are temporarily poles apart(截然相反、南辕北辙) and there is tension between them from the first time. The detectives are sent to investigate two murder scenes. The first involves the murder of a grotesquely obese (肥胖的)man and the second that of a rich New York lawyer who earned money by foul means. On the wall of the first murder scene is marked “Gluttony(暴食) ”, and on the floor of the 2nd the word “Greed” has been drawn in the victim’s blood. Noting that gluttony and greed are two of the seven deadly sins, Somerset infers that they are dealing with a serial killer and there may be another five murders imminent. In the face of the challenging cases, Somerset’s resignation request is turned down; instead, he is obliged to join Mills in the hunt of the killer.
Oblique(倾斜的) and vertical lines are preferred to horizontal. Light is used to produce odd, splintered(破碎的), jagged (参差不齐的)shapes, giving a sense of restlessness and tension
1. Make a synopsis (故事梗概)of the movie you have watched 2. What are the seven deadly sins? What kind of people are the victims of the sins? (幻灯片 15) What are the last two sins and who have committed them and how? 3. Compare the characters of two cops –Somerset and Mills in the movie. (The cop/Buddy Relationship: Somerset and Mills) 4. What typical characteristics of film noir have you noticed in Se7en? (Features of Se7en ) 5. One of the characteristics of film noir/ neo-noir is its mood of loss, nostalgia, and trepidation. How does Se7en convey that mood? Find some details to explain. 6. Have you found any symbols in the movie? Symbols in Se7en 7. What is John Doe’s ( the killer) motive in doing the serial killing? What do you think are the themes of the movie?
main stylistic featurejority of scenes are lit for night (hence ”noir”, or “black”
Ceiling lights are hung low and floor lamps rarely more than 5 feet high. Daytime scenes are filmed inside often with curtains drawn or on rainy , overcast (多云的)days.
Directed by David Fincher
the cop-buddy relationship: Mills Somerset
大卫· 芬奇,美国电影导演。在他导演其电影处女作《异形3》(Alien 3)前他曾经只是空中铁匠 乐队和麦当娜的MTV以及一些广告的导演。尽管其处女作很不成功,但是其后的两部影片《七 宗罪》和《搏击俱乐部》因为深刻反映了当代社会道德沦丧等社会问题而广受好评。人们评价 他是 “一位不落俗套与常规电影语言分道扬镳的导演”。
Characters in Film Noir
characters ---- morally ambivalent (模棱两可的) often impossible to draw a clear line between the “good” and the ”bad” traditional distinctions (cops = good / criminals = bad) no longer apply police and law enforces – corrupt or corruptible criminals and lawbreakers – sympathetic figures victims – villains protagonist hero all-to-human who may also commit crimes 有七情六欲的,有血有肉的角色
hence the French christened these films “film
Neo-noir ---- recent films in the film noir
Film Noir is an awkward concept in film studies.
画面用斜线和垂直线多过水平线。 使用灯光产生怪诞、支离破碎、参差不齐的轮廓,造成不安定 感和紧张感
main stylistic features
The actors and setting are given equal lighting emphasis In many pre-film noir films, the actors would be better lit than the background. In film noir, the actors may themselves be positioned in shadow, or semi-hidden in the darkness of the cityscape
Atmosphere and Mood of Film Noir
A surreal , nightmarish atmosphere
The mood is fostered by unexplained motives and confusing plot twists. (令人困惑的曲折的 情节) It is often difficult to establish motives for character’s actions and equally difficult to predict in which direction the plot will spin Audience experience the kind of uncertainty and disorientation , feeling in a dream
The mood of film noir is that of loss , nostalgia,
and trepidation (惶恐)
classical film noir
with a twist--serial killing introduced social
演员站在阴影中,或在都市风光半明半暗的阴影中 There is a strong attachment to water. The streets of the film noir cityscape are often glistening with rain water, popular rendezvous (会面地 点)points are docks, piers or canals 船坞,码头,运河
seven sins seven days seven rains
Movie Watching
Do watch the movie, so you can answer the questions in next class 要认真看才能看出其中的门道。注意罪犯是如何精 心设计作案的。 Think independently about the following questions
problems 别出心裁--连环杀手的题材引出当代社会种种问 题: moral culture media in post-modern urban world 媒体在后现代都市中的作用
produced for modest $35 million grossed $85 million in the first nine weeks won considerable critical acclaim
It is not defined by conventions of setting(场景) or narrative (叙述形式)like the Western and gangster genres,
but defined by the subtle qualities of style(风格 ), mood (情调)and tone(氛围) It is most easily recognizable on account of its distinctive visual style
Film Noir/ Neo-Noir
The concept of film noir first emerged in
1940s France. Having being deprived of Hollywood films during the German occupation, French critics were finally able to see a number of Hollywood films that had been made during the war years.
Seven deadly sins
Gluttony –
obese man
Greed-- rich New York lawyer Sloth– Allen, drug dealer and
Pride – fashion model
Envy – Doe, the killer Wrath— Mills
The group of films they saw shared a
common visual style and mood.
The group of films share:
a common visual style
a mood of cynicism, pessimism, and darkness
关键特征 充斥着模糊不清的道德标准
1. pervasive moral ambiguity 2. trepidation about the future distinctiveness:3. nostalgia for a more civilized world skillful adaptation of which exists only in imagination the conventions of 4. perplexing and disturbing narrative film noir to which undermines expectations contemporary world 5. perpetual rainfall 6. low-key lighting 7. subdued color palette 暗淡的色彩
(幻灯片 14)
pederast Lust– prostitute
Se7en opens with the imminent retirement of Somerset, a New
York detective, and the arrival on the scene of Mills, his new partner and future replacement(接替者) The two are temporarily poles apart(截然相反、南辕北辙) and there is tension between them from the first time. The detectives are sent to investigate two murder scenes. The first involves the murder of a grotesquely obese (肥胖的)man and the second that of a rich New York lawyer who earned money by foul means. On the wall of the first murder scene is marked “Gluttony(暴食) ”, and on the floor of the 2nd the word “Greed” has been drawn in the victim’s blood. Noting that gluttony and greed are two of the seven deadly sins, Somerset infers that they are dealing with a serial killer and there may be another five murders imminent. In the face of the challenging cases, Somerset’s resignation request is turned down; instead, he is obliged to join Mills in the hunt of the killer.
Oblique(倾斜的) and vertical lines are preferred to horizontal. Light is used to produce odd, splintered(破碎的), jagged (参差不齐的)shapes, giving a sense of restlessness and tension
1. Make a synopsis (故事梗概)of the movie you have watched 2. What are the seven deadly sins? What kind of people are the victims of the sins? (幻灯片 15) What are the last two sins and who have committed them and how? 3. Compare the characters of two cops –Somerset and Mills in the movie. (The cop/Buddy Relationship: Somerset and Mills) 4. What typical characteristics of film noir have you noticed in Se7en? (Features of Se7en ) 5. One of the characteristics of film noir/ neo-noir is its mood of loss, nostalgia, and trepidation. How does Se7en convey that mood? Find some details to explain. 6. Have you found any symbols in the movie? Symbols in Se7en 7. What is John Doe’s ( the killer) motive in doing the serial killing? What do you think are the themes of the movie?
main stylistic featurejority of scenes are lit for night (hence ”noir”, or “black”
Ceiling lights are hung low and floor lamps rarely more than 5 feet high. Daytime scenes are filmed inside often with curtains drawn or on rainy , overcast (多云的)days.
Directed by David Fincher
the cop-buddy relationship: Mills Somerset
大卫· 芬奇,美国电影导演。在他导演其电影处女作《异形3》(Alien 3)前他曾经只是空中铁匠 乐队和麦当娜的MTV以及一些广告的导演。尽管其处女作很不成功,但是其后的两部影片《七 宗罪》和《搏击俱乐部》因为深刻反映了当代社会道德沦丧等社会问题而广受好评。人们评价 他是 “一位不落俗套与常规电影语言分道扬镳的导演”。
Characters in Film Noir
characters ---- morally ambivalent (模棱两可的) often impossible to draw a clear line between the “good” and the ”bad” traditional distinctions (cops = good / criminals = bad) no longer apply police and law enforces – corrupt or corruptible criminals and lawbreakers – sympathetic figures victims – villains protagonist hero all-to-human who may also commit crimes 有七情六欲的,有血有肉的角色
hence the French christened these films “film
Neo-noir ---- recent films in the film noir
Film Noir is an awkward concept in film studies.
画面用斜线和垂直线多过水平线。 使用灯光产生怪诞、支离破碎、参差不齐的轮廓,造成不安定 感和紧张感
main stylistic features
The actors and setting are given equal lighting emphasis In many pre-film noir films, the actors would be better lit than the background. In film noir, the actors may themselves be positioned in shadow, or semi-hidden in the darkness of the cityscape
Atmosphere and Mood of Film Noir
A surreal , nightmarish atmosphere
The mood is fostered by unexplained motives and confusing plot twists. (令人困惑的曲折的 情节) It is often difficult to establish motives for character’s actions and equally difficult to predict in which direction the plot will spin Audience experience the kind of uncertainty and disorientation , feeling in a dream
The mood of film noir is that of loss , nostalgia,
and trepidation (惶恐)
classical film noir
with a twist--serial killing introduced social
演员站在阴影中,或在都市风光半明半暗的阴影中 There is a strong attachment to water. The streets of the film noir cityscape are often glistening with rain water, popular rendezvous (会面地 点)points are docks, piers or canals 船坞,码头,运河
seven sins seven days seven rains
Movie Watching
Do watch the movie, so you can answer the questions in next class 要认真看才能看出其中的门道。注意罪犯是如何精 心设计作案的。 Think independently about the following questions
problems 别出心裁--连环杀手的题材引出当代社会种种问 题: moral culture media in post-modern urban world 媒体在后现代都市中的作用
produced for modest $35 million grossed $85 million in the first nine weeks won considerable critical acclaim
It is not defined by conventions of setting(场景) or narrative (叙述形式)like the Western and gangster genres,
but defined by the subtle qualities of style(风格 ), mood (情调)and tone(氛围) It is most easily recognizable on account of its distinctive visual style