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[文章编号] 100526661(2005)022*******・论著・湖北钉螺数量性状研究
[摘要] 目的 探讨湖北钉螺数量性状遗传变异信息的可靠性与样本量的关系。方法 从云南大
指标的变异系数(CV)、组间变异百分比和多样性指数。结果 CV以外唇缘厚度变异最大,肋壳钉螺
果趋于稳定。结论 在湖北钉螺形态数量性状的遗传变异研究中,每个钉螺种群以分析不少于55个
[关键词] 湖北钉螺;数量性状;遗传多样性;样本量
[中图分类号] R383124 [文献标识码] A
Study on m orpholog ic quan tita tive character istics of
O nco m elan ia hup ensis .Rela tion sh ip between rel i ab il ity of
i nforma tion of genetic d iversity and sam ple size Z hou Y ibiao,J iang Q ingw u,
Z hao Genm ing,W ei J iang uo (D ep a rt m en t of Ep id e m iology,P ublic H ea lth S chool of F ud an
U n iversity,S hang ha i200032,Ch ina)
[Abstract] Objective To exp lo re the relati on sh i p betw een the reliab ility of info rm ati on of
genetic diversity and samp le size in mo rpho logic quan titative characteristics of O nco m elan ia
hup ensis.M ethods Six ty snails(s moo th shell)from D ali C ity,Yunnan P rovince and six ty snails
(ribbed shell)from Yueyang C ity,H unan P rovince w ere samp led at random,and the mo rpho logic
quan titative characteristics of the snails w ere m easu red,and then the coefficien t of variati on,
p ropo rti on of variati on betw een the tw o group s and Shannon’s info rm ati on index w ere compu ted
respectively.Results Among11indices of mo rpho logic quan titative characteristics,the coefficien t
of variati on of th ickness of lab ra b ri m w as the largest,and tho se of ribbed2shell and s moo th2shell
popu lati on w ere20157%and14114%respectively,and the nex t w as length of hypo2body w ho rl,
and tho se of ribbed2shell and s moo th2shell snails w ere12198%and11149%respectively.Among
11mo rpho logic quan titative characteristics indices,there w ere nearly th ree ou t of fou r indices w h ich
the coefficien ts of variati on of ribbed2shell snails w ere mo re than tho se of s moo th2shell popu lati on,
and the average coefficien t of variati on of ribbed2shell popu lati on w as also mo re than tho se of
s moo th2shell popu lati on.T he average Shannon’s info rm ati on indices of ribbed2shell and s moo th2
shell popu lati on w ere11541and11220respectively,and the fo rm er w as the b igger.W hen the
samp le size w as less than30,the resu lt of genetic diversity gained from the study w as no t very
reliab le,and w ith the increase of samp le size the reliab ility of the info rm ati on of genetic diversity
w as also augm en ted.W hen the samp le size w as mo re than55,the resu lt of genetic diversity w as
reliab le.Conclusion In o rder to get reliab le info rm ati on of genetic variati on in the study of
[基金项目] “十五”国家科技攻关项目(2004BA718B04)
[作者单位] 复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室(上海200032)
[作者简介] 周艺彪(1972-),男,博士。研究方向:血吸虫病流行病学与分子生物学