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How to introduce a novel?
Where When Whos Writer
Task: How to introduce a movie?
1. Types 2. Actors/Director 3. Plots(Brief introduction) 4. Effects (Review) 5. Recommendation The structure is used to introduce a film.
It is set in the last day of the world. At that time the most terrible earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanoes happen/take place/break out together. → It is set in the last day of the world, when the most terrible earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanoes happen/take place/break out together.
make the film well worth seeing.
基础写作一: 下面是电影《2012》的宣传海报 Poster: 世界灾难题材巨片,备受全球影迷关注。 主要人物:Jackson Curtis 剧情简介:灾难频发,Jackson坚持前往洛杉矶拯救妻子 和孩子。好莱坞明星精彩表演+宏伟场景=震撼 【写作内容】 1. 介绍电影的背景和影响; 2. 简单介绍剧情; 3. 向观众推荐该电影; 4. 该电影创造了全球近8亿美元的票房。
电影类型名称: action film 1. 动作片 cartoon film 2. 卡通片 3. 惊悚片/悬疑片 horror/thriller film 4. 科幻片 science-fiction film 5. 喜剧片 comedy 6. 爱情片 romance film fantasy film 7. 幻想片 biography 8. 传记片 9. 侦探片 detective/crime 10. 历史片 history 11. 冒险片 adventures 12. 灾难片/战争片 films about diasters/wars
Possible version: 2012, a newly made film about global disasters, attracts most film fans in the world when first shown. The film is set in the last day of the world, on which the most terrible earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanoes happen together. Brave Jackson Curtis insists on going to rescue his wife and two children living in Los Angeles. Perfect performances by famous actors in Hollywood and the great scenery make the film well worth seeing. No wonder that it has received a box office income of almost 0.8 billion dollars.
基础写作二: 下面是电影《阿凡达》的宣传海报 Poster: Avatar, Fusion 3D特效摄影;美国首映震撼影迷; 主要人物:Jake & Neytiri 剧情简介:2154年,两个星球的英雄拯救美好世界,共同 战斗中建立爱情,赢得伟大的胜利。 【写作内容】 1. 介绍电影的制作技术和影响; 2. 简单介绍剧情; 3. 向国内外朋友推荐该电影;
写作中可能要使用的句子: 1、《2012》是一部新近拍摄的关于世界灾难的影片。
2012 is a newly made/produced film about global disasters.
The film attracted most film fans in the world when it was first shown. →2012 , a newly made/produced film about global disasters, attracts most film fans in the world when first shown.
To introduce a novel, what should we talk about?
1. Writer 2. When is it written 3. Where is the story set in 4. Who are main characters 5. Plot (story outline) 6. Review (opinions) The structure is used to introduce a novel.
写作中可能要使用的句子: 4. 勇敢的Jackson Curtis坚持前往洛杉矶拯救妻子和孩子们。
Brave Jackson Curtis insists on going to rescue his wife and two children who live in Los Angeles.
5. 好莱坞明星的精彩表演和宏伟场景值得一看。
technology have won the film a lot of awards.
13. 电影收获了5亿票房。 The film has received a box office income of 0.5 billion dollars.
14.影片精彩的表演和恢弘的场景很值得一看。 Perfect performances and the great scenery
Possible version: Avatar, made with the most advanced technology called Fusion 3D, attracted most of the film fans in the world when it was first shown in America. It tells a story about the great love between Jake Sully and Neytiri who come from two different planets. In 2154, they get to know and then fall in love with each other when they work together to protect the beautiful world. At last they succeed and their dream comes true. The perfect performance and the advanced technology won the film a lot of awards, so it is well worth seeing for the audiences both at home and abroad.
难句: the latest historical film 1. 历史题材巨片 2. 春秋战国时期,诸侯割据混战 the Spring and Autumn period as early as 500 BC, when different parts of China were
separated and fighting 3. 周游列国劝其停战 went from one part to another to persuade people to stop fighting 4. 创造绝佳影片 makes it one of the best films in the world that are worth seeing
词句储备 take place/happen 1. 发生 2. 新近制作/出版的 newly made/produced/published 3. 吸引/备受关注 attract a lot of fan’s attention 4. 以…为背景 be set in 5. 精彩的表演 perfect performance 6. 出名 be famous /known 7. 爆发 break out be well reviewed 8. 受到好评 9. 很值得观看 be well worth seeing be first shown 10. 首映
1. Fusion 3D特技摄影,首映震撼影迷。
Avatar, made with the most advanced technology called Fusion 3D, attracted most of the film fans in the world when it was first shown in America. .
2. 该片完美的表演和高科技使它获多项大奖, 很值得国内外观众观看。
The perfect performance and the advanced technology won the film a lot of awards, so it is well worth seeing for the audiences both at home and abroad
基础写作三: 下面是电影《孔子》(Confucius )的宣传海报 Poster: 历史题材巨片,首映震撼影迷; 主要演员:周润发 周迅 陈建斌 剧情简介:春秋战国时期,诸侯割据混战;为了和平孔子 周游列国劝其停战并教育人们仁爱。 明星表演精彩,创造绝佳影片。 【写作内容】 1. 介绍电影的制作技术和影响; 2. 简单介绍剧情; 3. 评论和推荐该电影;
11. 这部新制作的电影首映便吸引了国内外很多影迷的 眼球。 The newly made film attracts most fans at home
and abroad when(it is) first shown.
12. 影片完美的表演和高科技为它获得了不少奖项。 Perfect performances and the advanced
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
写作分析与指导: 本篇写作属于电影评论性说明文。 一、写作要点: 1、电影《2012》是一部关于灾难题材的巨片,备受全球影迷关注; 2、影片中多种灾难频发,而Jackson仍坚持前往洛杉矶拯救妻子 和孩子; 3、三位主演都是好莱坞巨星; 4、他们的精彩表演加上宏伟的场景很值得观众 一看; 5、全球的票房收入近8亿美元。 二、时态与人称:以第三人称为主;时态以一般过去时态和一般现 在时为主。 三、遣词造句,完整表达信息:选用词汇丰富、恰当的句式结构, 对信息进行有效的表达。务必选用恰当的连接词确保行文连贯、 过渡自然。注意字迹工整、书面整洁。
There are perfect performances by famous actors in Hollywood and the great scenery, so it is worth watching. → Perfect performances by famous actors in Hollywood and the great scenery make it well worth watching.