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MII oocyte with granular cytoplasm (400× magnification).ZP is also abnormal with marked differences in thickness
MII oocyte with granular cytoplasm (400× magnification).ZP is thicker in the lower-left part of the oocyte in this view.
Denudation sequences of a mature oocyte. (a) Cumulus – corona oocyte complex before the denudation process (100× magnification). CCs are abundant. (b) Oocyte surrounded by corona cells during hyaluronidase treatment (200× magnification). Many CCs are still present, but the mature oocyte is already visible with PB1 at the 7 o’clock position. (c) Denuded oocyte after mechanical stripping, a visible polar body is present in the PVS (200× magnification).
◆ 打开各恒温台、恒温箱和体视显微镜,预热; ◆ 酒精纱布消毒台面; ◆ 取Pasture玻璃吸管2根,酒精灯开口烧钝,1根连接1mlBD注射器的硅胶 管内,另1根备用;
◆ 将10ml的卵泡冲洗液置于传递窗的恒温试管架中;
◆ 取1个Falcon3003置于温台上预热; ◆ 取1个Falcon3002,倒入2.5ml缓冲液,放入恒温箱备用;
Denudation sequences of a mature oocyte. (a) Cumulus – corona oocyte complex before the denudation process with non-radiating CCs. (100× magnification). (b) Oocyte surrounded by corona cells during hyaluronidase treatment (200× magnification). (c) Denuded oocyte after mechanical stripping, a visible polar body is present in the PVS (200× magnification).
■ 卵母细胞(oocyte):在卵子发生过程中进行减数分裂 的卵原细胞。分为初级卵母细胞、次级卵母细胞和成 熟的卵母细胞,它们分别是卵原细胞分化和DNA复制 分裂后产生、第一次减数分裂和第二次减数分裂的产 物。 ■从卵巢中排出的“卵”其实是次级卵母细胞。第一 极体和次级卵母细胞一同排出。次级卵母细胞进入输 卵管后,在输卵管中进行第二次减数分裂。这次分裂 要在受精之后,在精子核进入次级卵母细胞之后进行。 分裂的结果,和第一次一样,只产生一个有效的大细 胞,即卵细胞,以及一个不能受精的极体。
Ovoid MII oocyte. Note the ZP is also ovoid in appearance permitting the PVS to remain relatively normal (200×magnification).
Elongated MII oocyte within a grossly distended and irregular ZP (200× magnification).
◆ 当所有的卵泡抽吸完毕后,将获得的卵丘卵母细胞复合物经W1和 W2皿洗涤,如卵丘卵母细胞复合物有血沾染或颗粒细胞碎片,应 用Pasture玻璃吸管反复吸进推出以去除血块沾染,标记患者的名 字和获得的卵丘卵母细胞复合体的数目。 ◆ 与标签纸及胚胎记录表上的名字核对后放入培养箱,之后认真检查 3个洗涤盘有无剩余卵子,确定无多余卵子后再丢弃该盘,并在胚 胎记录表和电脑上录入取卵开始和结束时间、抽吸卵巢侧、每侧卵 泡数、获卵数以及培养箱号。 ◆ 取卵结束后,将获卵数与排卵监测表上的监测记录上的预计获卵数 做比较,有异常则查找原因并与实验室负责人及临床医生沟通,取
Normal homogenous cytoplasm in an MII oocyte (400× magnification).
Elongated MII oocyte inside an elongated ZP. Note the PVS appears relatively normal (400× magnification).
Two oocytes enclosed within a single ZP (400×magnification).
Ovoid MII oocyte. Note the ZP is also ovoid in appearance and the PVS is enlarged at both poles (200× m根据取卵人数准备记录纸及标签纸。
◆ 注意无菌操作技术,立即替换所有有污染可能的器皿; ◆ 将护士置于传递窗的恒温试管架中的Falcon2001试管中的卵泡抽吸液 倒入Falcon3003中,在体视显微镜下寻找卵母细胞复合物; ◆ 找到的卵母细胞复合物放于Falcon3002盘中; ◆ 如发现卵泡抽吸液异常或者2管未获卵,应及时与临床沟通。未获卵及 时通知洗精人员取消精液洗涤;
Denudation sequences of a mature oocyte. (a) Cumulus – corona oocyte complex before the denudation process with compact, non-ra-diating CCs. (100× magnification). (b) Oocyte surrounded by corona cells during hyaluronidase treatment (200× magnification). (c) Denuded oocyte after mechanical stripping, a visible polar body is present in the PVS (200× magnification).