
assembly 安装

baseline 基线

bill of quantities 工程量清单

blueprint 蓝图

bulk materials 大宗材料

claim 索赔

construction contractors 施工承包商construction industry 建筑业construction operations 施工作业construction planning 施工计划construction 施工

contract 合约

cost estimation 成本估算

design/construct process 设计/施工过程earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖economic evaluation 经济评价

estimate stage 估算阶段

evaluation stage 评估阶段

expenditure 支出

facility 设施

feasibility 可行性

financing 融资

framework 框架,构架

general contractor 总承包商infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设

infrastructure 基础设施

job-site productivity 工地生产率maintenance 维护

minium attractive rate of return


nominated subcontractor 指定分包商opportunity cost 机会成本

overlap 重叠(搭接?)

overseer 监督者

owner 业主

payment 支付

procurement 采购

production function 生产函数

project alternative 备择项目

project finance 项目融资

project management 项目管理reimbursement 偿还


scheduling 进度计划

shop drawings 施工图,安装图skyscraper 摩天大楼

solvency 清偿

solvency 清偿

specialized industrial construction 专业化

specialized subcontractor 专业分包商speculative housing market


steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱subcontractors 分包商

technical feasibility 技术可行性

the cost engineer or estimator 估算师the project cycle life 项目全寿命期

the real estate developer 房地产开发商

the scope of the project 项目范围

unforeseen expense 不可预见费用

generally,project management isdisting

uished from the general management of

corporations by the mission-oriented n

ature of a project. 一般而言,项目的以



Implementation of various operations t

hrough proper coordination and control

of planning,design,estimating,contrac

ting and construction in the entire pr





The extent to which decision-making wi

ll be centralized or decentralized is

crucial to the organization of the meg



As long as the owner does not assume t

he responsibility for resolving this r

isk-reward dilemma,the concept of a tr

uly integrated system for design and c

onstruction cannot be realized.只要业




A cost estimate at a given stage of pr

oject development represents a predict

ion provided by the cost engineer or e

stimator on the basis of available dat




Once these tasks are defined and quant

ities representing these tasks are ass

essed ,a unit cost is assigned to each

and then the total cost is determined

by summing the costs incurred in each




Whether project finance is performed a

t the project or at the corporate leve

l does not alter the basic financing p




In the short term,a wider variety of f

inancing options exist,including borro

wing ,grantscorporate investment funds,

payment delays and others.短期融资有多



Thus,different arrangements of financi

ng options and participants are possib

le at different stages of a project ,s

o the practice of financial planning i

soften complicated.这样一来,在项目的



In an integrated system, the planning

for both design and construction can p

roceed almost simultaneously, examinin

g various alternatives which are desir

able from both viewpoints and thus eli

minating the necessity of extensive re

visions under the guise of value engin




The development of a construction plan

is very much analogous to the develop

ment of a good facility design.施工计


Slippage or contraction in this standa

rd schedule is also possible ,based on

such factors as the extent to which a

fabricator is busy.根据安装方忙碌的程




Essentially,a project is conceived to meet market demands or needs in a time ly fashion. Various possibilities may be considered in the conceptual planni ng stage,and the technological and eco nomic feasibility of each alternative will be assessed and compared in order to select the best possible project . the financing schemes for the proposed alternatives must also be examined ,a nd the project will be programmed with respect to the timing for its complet ion and for available cash flows .afte r the scope of the project is clearly defined, detailed engineering design w ill provide the blueprint for construc tion,and the definitive cost estimate will serve as the baseline for cost co ntrol .in the procurement and construc tion stage ,the delivery of materials and the erection of the project on sit e must be carefully planned and contro lled. After the construction is comple ted ,there is usually a brief period o f start-up or shake-down of the constr ucted facility when it is first occupi ed.finally,the management of the facil ity is turned over to the owner for fu ll occupancy until the facility lives out its useful life and is designated for demolition of conversion.


Generally,project management is distin guished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project.a working knowledg e of general management and familiarit y with the special knowledge domain re lated to the project are indispensable. supporting disciplines such as compute r science and decision science may als o play an important role. In fact ,mod ern management practices and various s pecial knowledge domains have absorbed various techniques.

土木工程专业英语 题库

土木工程专业英语 题库 一、单选题(题数:45,共90.0 分) 1The material costs make up only about()of the cost of the completed steel structure in a building(2.0分)0.0 分 A、 one-thirds B、 one-third C、 one-thirdly D、 one-three 正确答案:C C 2Steel and composite construction is often adopted in()owing to high structural efficiency with large strength-to-self-weight ratios as well as large flexural rigidities against instability and serviceability problems.(2.0分)2.0 分 A、 super high-rise buildings B、 long span bridges C、 roof structures D、 All of the above are right 正确答案:D D 3Both elastic theory and plastic theory are used for composite members, the differences being as follows: concrete in tension is ()neglected in elastic theory, and()neglected in plastic theory.(2.0分)2.0 分


Unite 1 2、Translate the following phrases into Chinese /English . (1)Compression Members 受压构件(2)critical buckling load 临界屈曲荷载(3)the slenderness ratio 细长比(4)stub column 短柱 (5)reduced modulus 简化模量(6)Effective length 计算长度 (7)Residual stress 残余应力(8)Trial-and-error approach 试算法 (9)Radius of gyration 回转半径(10)Tangent modulus 切线模量 3、Translate the following sentence into Chinese. (1)This ideal state is never achieved in reality, however, and some eccentricity of the load is inevitable. 然而,在现实中,这种理想状态从来没有实现,一些荷载偏心是不可避免的 (2)In many instances the members are also called upon to resist bending, and in these cases the member is a beam-column. 在许多情况下,构件同样需要能够抵抗弯矩,在这些情况下,构件被称之为梁柱。 (3)If the member is so slender that the stress just before buckling is below the proportional limit---that is, the member is still elastic---the critical buckling load is given by Q. 如果该构件很细长以至于在压曲前的应力低于比例极限---也就是说,该构件仍然是弹性状态---该构件的该临界屈曲荷载就可以由公式Q给出。 (4)The ratio L/r is the slenderness ratio and is the measure of a compression member’s slenderness, with large values corresponding to slender members. L/r 这一比值是长细比,是受压构件的长细的量度,细长的构件具有较大的值。 (5)If the stress at which buckling occurs is greater than the proportional limit of the material, the relation between stress and strain is not linear, and the modulus of elasticity E can no longer be used. 如果屈曲发生时的应力超过了材料的比例极限,应力与应变之间的关系不再是线性的,弹性模量E不能再使用 (6)If the member is more stocky, as the one in Fig.1.1b, a larger load will be required to bring the member to the point of instability. 如果构件更粗壮,如图Fig.1.1b所示,要把构件到达不稳定点,一个更大的荷载将被要求。 (7)The tips of the flanges, for example, cool at a faster rate than the junction of the flange and the web. This uneven cooling induces stresses that remain permanently. 例如,轮缘的尖部比轮缘的结合部以及中部冷却的速度更快。这种不均匀冷却引起的应力会长久的存在。 (8)In 1947, FRShanley resolved the apparent inconsistencies in the original theory, and today the tangent modulus formula, Eq.1.3, is accepted as the correct one for inelastic buckling. 1947年,FRShanley解决原有理论的表面不相容性,并且切线模量公式,Eq.1.3,被接受作为非弹性屈曲计算的正确公式。 (9)The composite curve, called a column strength curve, completely describes the stability of any column of a given material. 这条复合曲线,被称为柱强度曲线,完全描述了任何一个给定的材料柱的稳定性。 (10)Since it is virtually impossible to construct a frictionless pin connection, even this support condition can only be closely approximated at best. 因为实际上不可能构建一个无摩擦销连接,更不用说这个支撑条件至多只可以尽量近似。 5、Translate the following sentence into English.


电子信息工程专业英语 Part 1第一课关于电子技术 一、课文习题参考答案 Ⅰ. (1)alternating current circuits (2)semiconductor diodes (3)passive component(4)the combinatory logic electric circuit (5)rectification(6)Laplace transform (7)inductor(8)Fourier series and Fourier transform Ⅱ.(1)控制理论(2)场效应管三极管 (3)布尔代数(4)稳压 (5)相关性和功率谱密度(6)滤波器类型 (7)模/数转换器(8)时序逻辑电路的分析与综合 Ⅲ.(1)Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the field of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on. (2) Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits,Analog electronics,Digital electronics,signal and systems,Circuit theory and design, Control theory, Microcontroller systems,Computer programming for engineering applications. (3) This curriculum mainly introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in linear application scope.The content involved in semiconductor diodes (PN junction diodes, special purpose diodes), transistors (field effects and bipolar transistors), signal amplifiers, practical amplifiers, biasing circuits, operational amplifiers circuit and other circuits (rectification, regulation and DC power supplies). (4) This partial studies take the basic electric circuit theory and the operational amplifier knowledge as the foundation. The main study goal is to enhance understanding of the electric circuit theory. Its main content includes the elementary theory in circuit theory (network functions, characteristic frequencies), types of filter (lowpass,bandpass), review of operational amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filter characteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design of passive LC ladder filters and a brief introduction to switched capacitor filters). (5) Perfect. 二、参考译文 电子学的发展 电子学是电学的一部分。有关电学的基本原理也都常用于电子学中。近代计算机、控制系统和通信等方面的进展都与电子学有着密切的关系。 电子学的范围包括电子管、晶体管和集成电路等。 电子学始于1883年,即爱迪生研究材料时发现真空管可以用作电灯的那一年。第一个电子装置显示出其非线性的单一电子特征,但是不能产生放大信号。1905年佛莱明在英国制成了第一个二极管。1906年德·福雷斯特在美国研制了第一个三极管,那个时候真空管是无线电设备中一个奇妙的器件。真空管广泛应用于通信工业,真空管首先用于收音机,然后用于电视。发明了半导体器件后,真空二极管的使用呈迅速下降趋势,因为半导体器件具有真空管的许多功能。


建筑工程专业英语试题一及答案 I Match the English in Column A with their Chinese equivalents in Column B(每题2分,共20分) Column A Column B ( ) 1.reinforced concrete a. 钢结构 ( ) 2. immovable property b. 施工技术 ( ) 3.steel structure c. 基础工程 ( ) 4.real estate d. 施工现场 ( ) 5.construction technology e. 安装工程 ( ) 6. construction drawings f. 警示标语 ( ) 7.construction site g. 不动产 ( ) 8. installation engineering h. 施工图纸 ( ) 9. warning signs i. 钢筋混凝土 ( ) 10. foundation work j. 房地产 II Translate the following sentences.(每题5分,共50分) (1)Actual schedule progress must be compared against the project program to determine whether the project is on schedule. (2)Quality control in construction typically involves insuring compliance with minimum standards of material and workmanship in order to insure the performance of the facility according to the design.


assembly 安装 baseline 基线 bill of quantities 工程量清单 blueprint 蓝图 bulk materials 大宗材料 claim 索赔 construction contractors 施工承包商construction industry 建筑业construction operations 施工作业construction planning 施工计划construction 施工 contract 合约 cost estimation 成本估算 design/construct process 设计/施工过程earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖economic evaluation 经济评价 estimate stage 估算阶段 evaluation stage 评估阶段 expenditure 支出 facility 设施 feasibility 可行性 financing 融资 framework 框架,构架 general contractor 总承包商infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设 infrastructure 基础设施 job-site productivity 工地生产率maintenance 维护 minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率 nominated subcontractor 指定分包商opportunity cost 机会成本 overlap 重叠(搭接?) overseer 监督者 owner 业主 payment 支付 procurement 采购 production function 生产函数 project alternative 备择项目 project finance 项目融资 project management 项目管理reimbursement 偿还 schedule进度 scheduling 进度计划 shop drawings 施工图,安装图skyscraper 摩天大楼 solvency 清偿 solvency 清偿 specialized industrial construction 专业化 specialized subcontractor 专业分包商speculative housing market 投机性住宅市场 steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱subcontractors 分包商 technical feasibility 技术可行性 the cost engineer or estimator 估算师the project cycle life 项目全寿命期 the real estate developer 房地产开发商 the scope of the project 项目范围 unforeseen expense 不可预见费用 generally,project management isdisting uished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented n ature of a project. 一般而言,项目的以 目标为导向特征是项目管理与一般的企业管 理的主要不同。 Implementation of various operations t hrough proper coordination and control of planning,design,estimating,contrac ting and construction in the entire pr ocess. 在项目全过程中,通过对计划、设计、估 算、合同和施工的适当协调控制来实施各项 运作。 The extent to which decision-making wi ll be centralized or decentralized is crucial to the organization of the meg a-project.决策的集权或分权程度对特大型 项目组织而言至关重要。 As long as the owner does not assume t he responsibility for resolving this r isk-reward dilemma,the concept of a tr uly integrated system for design and c onstruction cannot be realized.只要业 主不愿意承担解决这种风险-回报难题的责 任,一个完全继承的设计/施工体系是不可 能是实现的。 A cost estimate at a given stage of pr oject development represents a predict ion provided by the cost engineer or e stimator on the basis of available dat a.在项目开发过程中的某一特定阶段的成本 估算就是造价工程师在现有数据基础上对未 来成本的预测。 Once these tasks are defined and quant ities representing these tasks are ass essed ,a unit cost is assigned to each and then the total cost is determined by summing the costs incurred in each task.一旦这些任务确定下来,并有了工作 量的估算,用单价与每项任务的工作量相乘 就可以得到每项任务的成本。 Whether project finance is performed a t the project or at the corporate leve l does not alter the basic financing p roblem.不管是在项目层面还是在公司层 面,项目融资锁面临的最基本的资金问题都 是相同的。 In the short term,a wider variety of f inancing options exist,including borro wing ,grantscorporate investment funds, payment delays and others.短期融资有多 种方式,包括借贷,拨款,公司投资基金以 及延期支付等。 Thus,different arrangements of financi ng options and participants are possib le at different stages of a project ,s o the practice of financial planning i soften complicated.这样一来,在项目的 不同阶段就有可能有不同的融资方案和参与 者,所以融资规划实际做起来常常很复杂。 In an integrated system, the planning for both design and construction can p roceed almost simultaneously, examinin g various alternatives which are desir able from both viewpoints and thus eli minating the necessity of extensive re visions under the guise of value engin eering.从双方的共同需求出发审视不同的 方案,而不需要再以价值工程的名义进行任 何大的变更。 The development of a construction plan is very much analogous to the develop ment of a good facility design.施工计 划的制定过程与好的设计过程一样。 Slippage or contraction in this standa rd schedule is also possible ,based on such factors as the extent to which a fabricator is busy.根据安装方忙碌的程 度等因素,对这个标准进度安排进行延误或 压缩调整同样是可能的。


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. D 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. D 37. B 38. B 39. B 40. C 41. 任何有价值的梦想就是一个值得实现的梦想。 42. 他和她握手就好像他们一生都互相了解。 43. 因此,需要采取更有效的措施和更有力的行动去对抗所有种类的犯罪,那样我们生活的世界可能变得更适宜居住。 44. After talking with the teacher for long time, we find the way to solve that question. 45. She promised to steal the book that Tom bought yesterday. Cause and effect Now in the modern society many people smoke .Especially some young people who imitate their parents. Sometimes they don’t care about where they are. What’s more, someone who likes smoking can use more than ten cigarettes. Not only does smoking make great harm to people’s health, but also effect their attitude towards life to some extent .Some of them addicted to smoking, which make them spare little time


电子信息工程专业英语教程课后练习题含答案第一部分:综合练习 阅读下面短文,完成题目 Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are popular for use in displays because they can be made flexible, thin, and lighter in weight than traditional displays. OLEDs are also more environmentally friendly as they do not require a backlight, which increases their energy efficiency. 1. What are the advantages of using OLEDs over traditional displays? Answer: The advantages of using OLEDs over traditional displays include that they can be made flexible, thin, and lighter in weight, and they are more environmentally friendly. 2. Why are OLEDs more environmentally friendly than traditional displays? Answer: OLEDs are more environmentally friendly than traditional displays because they do not require a backlight, which increases their energy efficiency.


工业工程专业英语课后练习题含答案 1. What is Industrial Engineering? Industrial engineering is a field which seeks to optimize the use of resources (including people, machines, materials, and money) in the design and implementation of manufacturing and production systems. It is concerned with managing and improving the overall efficiency, productivity, and quality of these systems, as well as ensuring the health and safety of workers. 2. What are the key areas that industrial engineers focus on? Industrial engineers focus on a number of areas, including: •Manufacturing and production systems design and improvement •Supply chn management •Quality control and process improvement •Ergonomics and workplace design •Project management •Safety and risk management


电气工程及其自动化专业英语课后练习题含答案Chapter 1: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Exercise 1.1 1.What is electrical engineering? 2.List some common applications of electrical engineering. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e019059027.html, some famous electrical engineers. Answers: 1.Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e019059027.html,mon applications of electrical engineering include power generation, transportation systems, communication systems, lighting systems, and control systems. 3.Some famous electrical engineers include Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, and Samuel Morse. Exercise 1.2 1.What is the difference between DC and AC? 2.What is the purpose of a transformer? https://www.360docs.net/doc/e019059027.html, some common electrical units.


环境工程专业英语第四版答案 1、_______ travelers come to visit our city every year. [单选题] * A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of(正确答案) C. Five Hundreds D. Five hundred?of 2、It’s reported that there are more than 300?_______ smokers in China. [单选题] * A. million(正确答案) B. millions C. million of D. millions of 3、( )He gave us____ on how to keep fit. [单选题] * A. some advices B. some advice(正确答案) C. an advice D. a advice

4、She _______ so much _______ her mother. [单选题] * A. looks; like(正确答案) B. looks; for C. looks; after D. looks forwards; to 5、Researchers have spent five years collecting data()the study is based. [单选题] * A. on that B. in which C. in that D. on which(正确答案) 6、Last week they _______ in climbing the Yuelu Mountain. [单选题] * A. succeeded(正确答案) B. succeed C. success D. successful 7、I’d like to know the _______ of the club. [单选题] * A. schedule(正确答案)

制药工程专业英语课后练习题含答案 (2)

制药工程专业英语课后练习题含答案 题目一:Drug Substance Manufacturing 1.What is Drug Substance Manufacturing? –A. It is the process of producing a finished drug product. –B. It is the process of producing the active ingredient or drug substance used in a drug product. –C. It is the process of packaging and labeling a finished drug product. –D. It is the process of performing clinical trials on a drug product. Answer: B. It is the process of producing the active ingredient or drug substance used in a drug product. 2.What are the steps involved in Drug Substance Manufacturing? –A. Synthesis, isolation, and purification. –B. Packaging, labeling, and testing. –C. Clinical trials, manufacturing, and distribution. –D. None of the above. Answer: A. Synthesis, isolation, and purification. 3.What is the mn purpose of Drug Substance Manufacturing? –A. To produce a finished drug product for human use. –B. To provide the active ingredient or drug substance used in a drug product.


土木工程专业英语课后题答案倪宇红版 1、_______! Jack,the floor is wet. [单选题] * A. Be careful(正确答案) B. Be careful to C. Be careful for D. Be careful with 2、Don’t ______. He is OK. [单选题] * A. worried B. worry(正确答案) C. worried about D. worry about 3、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] * A. to have(正确答案) B. having C. have D. had

4、Nowadays more and more people travel by _______, because its safe, cheap and fast. [单选题] * A. foot B. bike C. high-speed train(正确答案) D. boat 5、The manager demanded that all employees _____ on time. [单选题] * A. be(正确答案) B. are C. to be D. would be 6、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] * A. where(正确答案) B. why C. / D. how 7、Every year Carl _______ most of his time swimming, camping and traveling with his parents. [单选题] *


专业英语 Unit1 第一题1.设计/施工过程Design and construction process 2。房地产开发商Real estate developer 3。投机性住宅市场Speculative housing market 4。项目管理Project management 5。项目全寿命期Project life cycle 6。项目范围Scope of a project/project scope 7.专业化服务Professional services 8.重大基础项目建设Construction of major infrastructure projects 9。住宅类房屋建设Residential housing construction 10.办公和商业用房建设office and commercial building construction 11.专业化工业项目建设Specialized industrial projects construction 12。专业咨询师Professional consultants 13.总承包商Original contractor 14.价值工程value engineering 15。竞争性招标Competitive bidding 16.建筑和工程设计公司Architectural and engineering design company 17.运营与维护管理operation and maintenance 18.设计/施工公司design and construction company 19.分包商subcontractor 20.设施管理facility management 第一章 1、从项目管理的角度看,“业主”和“发起方”是同义的,因为两者的基本权力是制定所有重大决策。

工程管理专业英语宁欣 吴春林课后题答案

工程管理专业英语宁欣吴春林课后题答案 1、In 2019 we moved to Boston,()my grandparents are living. [单选题] * A. who B. when C. where(正确答案) D. for which 2、Last week they _______ in climbing the Yuelu Mountain. [单选题] * A. succeeded(正确答案) B. succeed C. success D. successful 3、Jim, we have _______ important to tell you right now . [单选题] * A. some B. something(正确答案) C. any D. anything

4、--Henry treats his secretary badly.--Yes. He seems to think that she is the _______ important person in the office. [单选题] * A. little B. least(正确答案) C. less D. most 5、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] * A. happily B. nearly C. loudly(正确答案) D. hardly 6、John will go home as soon as he _______ his work. [单选题] * A. finish B. will finish C. finished D. finishes(正确答案) 7、If you want to be successful one day, you have to seize every _______ to realize your dream. [单选题] *


机械工程专业英语双色版李娜课后答案 1、Amy and her best friend often ______ books together.()[单选题] * A. read(正确答案) B. reads C. is reading D. to read 2、I’d like to know the _______ of the club. [单选题] * A. schedule(正确答案) B. school C. menu D. subject 3、Kate has a cat _______ Mimi. [单选题] * A. called(正确答案) B. call C. to call D. calling

4、--Jimmy, you are supposed to?_______ your toys now.--Yes, mom. [单选题] * A. put up B. put on C. put away(正确答案) D. put down 5、12.That is a good way ________ him ________ English. [单选题] * A.to help;for B.helps;with C.to help;with(正确答案) D.helping;in 6、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] * A. but B. after C. or D. and(正确答案) 7、In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage. [单选题] *
