2011 潘基文-世界人居日演讲双语版

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UN Secret ary-General's Message on World Habitat Day 2011

3 October 2011



This year, World Habit at Day falls during the month when demographers predict our planet’s seven billionth inhabit ant will be born. The future that this child and it s generation will inherit depends t o a great degree on how we handle the competing pressures of growing population growth, urbanization and climate change.


Expert s predict that by the year 2050, the global population will have increased by 50 per cent from what it was in 1999. Also by that time, scientists say, global greenhouse gas emissions must decrease by 50 per cent compared t o levels at the turn of the millennium. I call this the “50-50-50 challenge”.


Rising sea levels are a major impact of climat e change — and an urgent concern. Sixt y million people now live within one metre of sea level. By the end of the century, that number will jump to 130 million. Major coastal cities —such as Cairo, New York, Karachi, Kolkat a, Belem, New Orleans, Shanghai, Tokyo, Lagos, Miami and Amst erdam — could face serious threat s from st orm surges.

海平面上升是气候变化的一个主要影响,也是一个迫切令人关注的问题。目前有6 000万人生活在离海平面一米的范围内。到本世纪末,这一数字将暴涨至1.3亿。开罗、纽约、卡拉奇、加尔各答、贝伦、新奥尔良、上海、东京、拉各斯、迈阿密和阿姆斯特丹等沿海大城市可能会面临风暴激增的严重威胁。

The nexus between urbanization and climate change is real and pot entially deadly.


Cities are centres of industrialization and sources of emissions, but they are also home to

solutions. More and more municipalities are harnessing wind, solar and geothermal energy, contributing to green growth and improving environment al prot ection.


Local efforts are critical to success, but they must be supported by international initiatives. We have already seen progress, including t he creation of the Climate Change Adaptation Fund and adoption of the action plan to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, known as “REDD plus”. All count ries agree on the goal of limiting global temperature rise to below 2°C. Developed and developing count ries have committ ed to lower greenhouse gasses in a formal, accountable international agreement.


Now we need to build on these advances. The Unit ed Nations Climat e Change Conference in Durban this December must achieve decisive progress. Urbanization will be on the agenda at next year’s “Rio+20” United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.


On this observance of World Habitat Day, let us reaffirm our commitment t o the import ant journey to a more sustainable future, and let us focus great er attention on addressing climat e change in t he world’s cities and beyond.

