九年级英语 句型专练

九年级英语 句型专练
九年级英语 句型专练


1.The office building is next to the hotel .(否定句)

The office building ______ _______next to the hotel .

2. Tom writes to his pen pal every month .(反意疑问句)

Tom writes to his pen pal every month,_______ _______?

3. He invited me to the concert yesterday afternoon .

_______ _______ he _______ you to the concert ?

4. Peter is 1.9 meters tall . Michael is 1.9meters , too. (合并为一句)

Michael is ______ _______ _______ Peter .

5. W e use plastic bags when shopping .(改为否定句)

W e ______ _______plastic bags when shopping .

6. Many visitors will come to our city in October .

_______ _______ many visitors come to your city ?

7. My friend asked me ―Do you help your parents with the housework on weekdays ―?(句意不变)

My friend asked me__ _I______my parents with the housework on weekdays. 8. Teenagers can learn more knowledge from real life if they have more chances to experience it .(改写句子,句意不变)

More knowledge can ______ _____by teenagers from real life if they are given more chances to experience it .

9. They are all willing to work for the 11th National Games freely .(改写句子,句意不变)They all want to work ______ ______for the 11th National Games .

10.This is her rubber .(否定句) This _____ _______ rubber .

11. There is a telephone on the desk . (否定句) There _____ _____ telephone on the desk .

12. They are students . (否定句)______________________________ 13. I like this kite very much (改为一般疑问句)_____ ____ ____this kite very much ?

14. There are some toy buses under the table . (否定句)

15. There are forty –one students in the art room .


16. There is an apple near the plate


17. It’s a yellow cat . (改为一般疑问句)_____________________________

18.That woman is a nurse ._________________________

19. I am a student . (改为一般疑问句)_______________________________

21. His name is Gao Shan .

22. The girl with big eyes is Nancy .

23. They are waiters . (改为一般疑问句)

24. I am eleven .

25. There are some trees in the garden .

26. It’s 7:30.

27. I like swimming . (否定句)

28. I can sing and dance .

29. He can play the piano . (否定句)

30、Tom does exercise every morning . (否定句)

Tom _______ _______ exercise every moring .

31. Little Jack had to do a lot of housework. (反意疑问句)

Little Jack had to do a lot of housework,_______ _______?

32. She put the magazine on the table . (改为一般疑问句)

_________ she_________the magazine on the table ?

33. Our headmaster is tall and strong .

_______ your headmaster _________?

34. The workers will finish building the new bridge in three months .

_______ _______ will the workers finish building the new bridge ?

35. He went to the hospital to see the dentist .

_______ ________ he________ to the hospital ?

36. The customer was pleased with the service , so he felt a small tip .(被动语态)

A small tip _______ _______ to the waiter because of his gook service .

37. W ater is very important in our life .(感叹句)

______ _______ water is in our life !

38. Our chemistry teacher is good at teaching . (感叹句)

How _______our chemistry teacher ________!

39. ―Do you get part –time jobs ?‖ he asked the students .(合并为一句)

He asked the students ______ ______ _______part—time jobs .

40. W e didn’t laugh at him but helped him .(40~~49同意句)

_______ ________laughing at him , we helped him .

41 Do you know the city well ?

Are you _______ _______the city ?

42. Everybody in that area enjoys playing football in spare time.

①Everybody in that area _____ _______ _______ playing football in spare time

②Everybody in that area_______ ______ _______ playing football in spare time

43. He speaks English the most fluently in his class.

______ ______in his class can speak English _____ ______ ______he. 44.This car isn’t cheap enough for me to buy .

This car is ______ ________ ______ me to buy .

45. He felt New Y ork two years ago .

He _____ ________ _______ from New Y ork ______ two years .

It’s two years _______he felt New Y ork .

46. I will believe it when I see it with my own eyes .

I _____believe it ______that I see it with my own eyes .

47. The scientist made the invention when he was over sixty .

The scientist made the invention ______ ________ _______.

48. She hasn’t received any letter from her son since last year.

She hasn’t ______ ________ her son since last year.

49 I don’t know who will be our English teacher next term .

I don’t know who is _____ _______ us English next term.

50. He writes to his mother once a month .

_______ ________ ________ he _______ to his mother ?

51. It is an exciting book . (感叹句) ______ _______ _______ book it is !

52. Mike broke the window yesterday . (被动语态)

The window ______ _________ by Mike yesterday .

54. I don’t know French . She doesn’t know French , either .(合并为一句)

_______she_______ I know French .

55. Neither Lucy Nor Lily has been to the Great W all .(改为肯定句)

______ Lucy ______Lily have been to the Great W all .

56. The book costs ten yuan . ______ ______ ______ the book costs ?

57. He was reading a novel when the teacher came in . (改为一般疑问句)

_______ ______ reading a novel when the teacher came in ?

58. Tom was careless that he didn’t find the mistakes in his test paper . (简单句)

Tom was _____careless _____find the mistakes in his test paper .

59. Where does he live ? I don’t know . (合并为一句)

I don’t know ________ _________ ________ .

60. Lily has some red and blue pencils . (改为一般疑问句)

________Lily_______any red and blue pencils ?

61. They needed to climb up the tree with ladders .

_______ ________they _______to climb up the tree with .

62. There is little water in the bottle . (反意疑问句)

There is little water in the bottle , ______ ________?

63. Let’s go home together . (反意疑问句)

Let’s go home together , _______ ________ ?

64. Come with us . (反意疑问句). Come with us , ______ _______ ?

65. Come on ,or we’ll miss the early bus . (同意句)

________ we _______hurry , we’ll miss the early bus .

66. ―Come to school on time .‖ she told me . (合并为一句)

She told me ________ _______to school on time .

67. ―What a lovely day it is !‖ she said . (合并为一句)

He said _______ ________ ________ a lovely day .

68. ― Don’t shout here .‖ he asked us . (合并为一句)

He asked us ________ ________shout here .

69. ―What’s wrong with you ?‖ Could you tell me ? (合并为一句)

Could you tell me ______ ________wrong with you ?

70. Jim and Mike know how to use the computer . (否定句)

______Jim ______Mike knows how to use the computer .

71. ―Will you go to the cinema tomorrow ?‖ she asked me . (合并为一句)

She asked me _________ I ________go to the cinema the next day . 72. Y ou know the man is very strange . (感叹句)

Y ou know ______ _______the man is !

73. I hate people . The people speak more but do less . (复合句)

I hate people ______ _______more but do less. 74.W atching TV too much is bad for your eyes .( 用good改为选择疑问句) ______watching TV too much bad _______good for your eyes ?

75. The weather is windy today .

______ ______the weather _____today ? / _______ _______ the weather today ?

76. W e can store a lot of information in the computer . (被动语态)

A lot of information _______ ______stored in the computer.

77. Jack does some work on the farm every month . (改为一般疑问句)

______Jack _____any work on the farm every month ?

78. Both Kate and I are going shopping this Saturday . (否定句)

_______Kate ______ I _______going shopping this Saturday .

79. The girl has long hair and two big black eyes . ____ _____ the girl _____ _____ ?

80. It is an apple tree .(复数)

81. He said he would soon return the book to you (改为一般疑问句)

_____________________________________________ ?

82. There is some tea in the cup . (改为一般疑问句)

83. Betty does some reading every morning . (改为一般疑问句)

84. My mother is a teacher . ____________________? / ________________________ ?

85. 174 babies are born in the world in one minute

________ _________ _______ _______ ______ in the world in one minute ? 86. He usually has a bowl of meat for supper.

_______ _______ meat ______ he ______for supper ?

87. She traveled nearly two thousand kilometers .

________ _________ ________ she __________ ?

88. The Y ellow River is 5,464 kilometres long

________ ________ ________ the Y ellow River ?

89. The book is six dollars . _______ ________ is this book ?

90. The girl in the car is his sister . _______ _______ _______ his sister ?

91. Our classroom is bright .

_______ _______ ________ bright ?

92. He is twelve . _________________ ? / __________________ ?

93. Mary didn’t come to school yesterday because she was ill .

_______ _________ Mary come to school yesterday ?

94. He has been a teacher since 1980.

________ ________ _______ he been a teacher ?

95. They will finish the work very soon .

_______ _________ ________ they _______ the work ?

96. I watch TV every morning

_______ _______ ______ you watch TV?

97. My mother has been to the farm twice .

_______ ________ ________ _______ _______mother been to the farm ? 98. My mother has been to the farm twice a week .

_______ ______ _______ _______ mother been to the farm ?

99. London held the first world Expo in 1851 .

________ did London ________ the first world Expo ?

100. The poor children was so lucky that she received many books from Project Hop简单句)

The poor child was ______ _______to receive many books from Project Hope . 101. I wondered what I should do next . (同意句) I wondered what ____ ____ next . 102. Alice didn’t know how she could draw horses well . (同意句)

Alice didn’t know how _______ ______ horses well . 103. David is 13 years old and Kerry is 13 years old , too . (同意句)

_______ is as _______as David .

104. Hurry up ! Or you will miss the train . (同意句)

________ you ______ hurry up , you will miss the train .

105. My father likes to watch basketball matches on TV. (否定句)

My father ________ ________ to watch basketball matches on TV

106. Gina usually goes to school by bicycle every day .

_______ ________ Gina usually ______ to school every day ?

107. Y ou shouldn’t eat in class . (祈使句)________ _______ in class.

108. Mike says , ―I like seeing action movies .‖(同意句)

Mike says that _______ _______ seeing action movies .

109. His mother has already called the police for help . (否定句)

His mother _______called the police for help _______ .

110 . Let us play the piano (反意疑问句)Let us play the piano , ______ ________ ? 111. The students will learn the group dance on the school playground

________ ________ the students learn the group dance ?

112. Y ou must go to school right now . (反意疑问句)

Y ou must go to school right now , _______ ________ ?

113. Let Tom come here . (否定句)

_____________________ / ____________________

114. I saw him , but he didn’t see me (反意疑问句)

I saw him , but he didn’t see me ,________ ________ ?

115. He can finish the work easily . (同意句)

____________________________________ .

116. Y ou must tidy your bedroom every day . (被动语态)

Y our bedroom _______ _______ ________ every day .

117. The snow was heavy last night . (同意句)

It ________ last night .

118. She spent 39 dollars on the English –Chinese dictionary . (同意句) The English –Chinese dictionary ________ _______ 30 dollars .


九年级英语词汇专项练习题 练习一 A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 1. Little Jim is ______________ (独自的) at home when his parents got to work. 2. The earthquake in Taiwan made a lot of people ________(无家可归). 3.Summer is his favourite season because he likes ______________ (游泳). 4. Be quiet! I heard someone _________(哭) in the bush. 5.There is more and more air ________( 污染) in the big cities. B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. I know only one of the ____________ (visit), how about you? 7. It’s _________(danger) for the boys to p lay on the street. 8. It’s _______(usual) for Sandy to stay at home at weekends because she is outgoing. 9. My father was watering flowers in the garden while I _________ (read) in it. 10. When his favourite match began, he stopped ________ (play) the computer game. 练习二 1. The food is (美味的). Will you have some? 2. Teachers always (鼓励) their students to practice speaking English in class or after class. 3. He (坚持认为) he shouldn’t give seats to the mid-aged woman because she is very impolite. 4. The trucks go through the street (吵闹地) 5. When giant pandas were born, they looked like little white (老鼠) B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。


九年级英语重点短语和句型 Unit 1 Section A make word cards 制作词卡 read the textbook 阅读课本 listen to tapes 听磁带 ask the teacher for help 求助老师 study for a test 备考 work with a group 小组合作 have conversations with friends 和朋友们谈话read aloud 朗读 improve speaking skills 提高口语技能 give a report 作报告 a slow reader 一个阅读速度慢的人 get the main ideas 获取大意 at first 起初;开始 read word by word 逐字读 word groups 意群 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 It takes time. 这得花时间/ 这得慢慢来。 be afraid to do / of doing sth. 害怕做某事 poor pronunciation 发音不好 fall in love with ... 爱上…… body language 身势语;肢体语言 the expression(s) on one’s face 某人脸上的表情listen for the key words 留神听关键词 as well 也 the secret to ... ……的秘诀 language learning 语言学习 It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。 It serves you right. 你活该。 look up the word in a dictionary 在字典中查单词take notes 记笔记 memorize sentence patterns 记忆句型 do grammar exercises 做语法练习 keep a diary in English 用英语记日记 Section B increase reading speed 提高阅读速度 make mistakes in grammar 在语法方面犯错 be born with ... 天生具有…… the ability to learn 学习的能力 depend on 取决于;依赖learning habits 学习习惯 have ... in common 有……共同之处 create an interest in ... 对……产生兴趣 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect ... with ... 把……和……连接或联系起来learn from mistakes 从错误中学习 think about 考虑 Use it or lose it. 非用即失。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 develop study skills 培养学习技能 write down 写下;记下 look for ways to review 寻找复习的方法Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识源于质疑。 Unit 2 Section A the Water Festival 泼水节 the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 the Spring Festival 春节 the Lantern Festival 元宵节 Mother’s Day 母亲节 Father’s Day 父亲节 a little too crowded 有点太拥挤 eat out 出去吃饭 put on five pounds 体重增加了5磅 Guess what? 你猜怎么着? in two weeks 两周以后 the hottest month of the year 一年中最热的月份be similar to 和……相似 the Dai people 傣族 throw water at each other 互相泼水 wash away bad things 洗去晦气 have good luck in the new year 在新的一年交好运 celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival 庆祝中秋节in the shape of a full moon 一轮满月的形状 on the Mid-Autumn night 在中秋节的晚上traditional folk stories 传统民间故事 shoot down 射下 magic medicine 仙药 live forever 长生不老


九年级人教版英语各单元重点短语及句型Unit1 How can we become good learners? 一.重点短语 ask sb. for help improve one`s speaking skills spoken English=oral English make word cards listen to tapes the secret to language learning be afraid to do sth. fall in love with.. . body language take notes make mistakes in grammar learning habits have sth. in common pay attention to connect…with… write down key words in class after class be interested in… do sth. on one’s own worry about depend on=rely on good learners work with friends study for a test have conversations with speaking skills the secret to......, the meaning of be patient 请求某人的帮助 提髙某人说的能力英语口语 制作单词卡片 听磁带 语言学习的诀窍 不敢'做某事 爱上 肢体语言 记笔记 犯语法错误 学习习惯有...共同点 注意 把....与....联系起来 摘抄重点词 在课堂上 课后 对.......感兴趣 独立做某事 为...而担忧 依赖;取决于 优秀的学习者 和朋友一起学习 备考 与……交谈 口语技巧.......的秘诀 ……的意思 耐心点儿 二.用法集萃 by doing sth 通过做某事 find .it +be+adj+to do sth 发现做某事是……finish doing sth 完成某事 what about doing sth?做某事怎么样?try to do sth 尽力做某事


Unit 1 How can we become good learners?重点短语 1. good learners 优秀的学习者 2. work with friends 和朋友一起学习 3. study for a test 备考 4.have conversations with 与……交谈 5.speaking skills 口语技巧 6.a little 有点儿 7.at first 起初起先 8.the secret to... .......的秘诀 9.because of 因为 10.as well 也 11.look up 查阅;抬头看 12.so that 以便,为了 13.the meaning of ……的意思 14.make mistakes 犯错误 15.talk to 交谈 16.depend on 依靠依赖 17.in common 共有的 18.pay attention to 注意关注 19. connect …with …把……联系 20.for example 例如21.think about 考虑 22.even if 即使尽管纵容 23.look for 寻找 24.worry about 担心担忧 25.make word cards 制作单词卡片 26.ask the teacher for help 向老师求助 27.read aloud 大声读 28.spoken English 英语口语 29.give a report 作报告 30.word by word 一字一字地 31. so……that 如此……以至于 32.fall in love with 爱上 33.something interesting 有趣的事情 34.take notes 记笔记 35.how often 多久一次 36.a lot of 许多 37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 38.learning habits 学习习惯 39.be interested in 对……感兴趣 40.get bored 感到无聊 重点句型 1.提建议的句子: ①What/ how about +doing sth.? 做…怎么样?如:What/ How about going shopping? ②Why don't you + do sth.? 你为什么不做…?如:Why don't you go shopping? ③Why not + do sth. ? 为什么不做…? 如:Why not go shopping?


九年级英语语法填空专项练习题 一、英语语法填空汇编 1.语法填空 I recently heard a story about a famous scientist. Because of his great achievements, he was thought to be more creative than the common person. When he ________(ask)why he was able to do this, he gave the answer. It all came from an experience with his mother when he was about three years old." I ________(try)to get a bottle of milk from the fridge when I dropped the bottle and it fell. spilling(滋出)the milk all over the floor-a sea of milk!I was frightened and I didn't know what to do!" he said. His mother heard the noise and got into the kitchen. "I ________(consider)how to explain all this to you. Mum." he said. Instead of ________him, she said. "Robert, what a great mess you have made! I ________(not see)such a huge sea of milk before! Well, since the milk has already been spilled, would you like ________(play)in the milk for a while? We ________(clean)it up after that." Then, he did so. After a few minutes. His mother said. "You know. Robert. whenever you ________a mess like this, finally you have to clean it up." He used a sponge(海绵)and together they cleaned up the spilled milk. His mother then said. "You know, we ________how to successfully carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands just now. Let's go to the yard and fill the bottle with water to see if you ________(discover)a way to carry it." Then the little boy learned that if he grasped (抓紧)the bottle at the top with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson! 【答案】was asked;was trying;am considering;punishing;haven't seen;to play;will clean;make;failed;can discover 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述一位著名科学家的故事,作者从冰箱里拿牛奶时,不小心把奶瓶掉下地了,牛奶溅到到处都是,但是他妈妈并没有因此惩罚他,而是借此教育了他,他学会了如果他抓紧瓶子顶部,他便可以把它拿起而不会掉下它。 (1)句意:当他被问为什么他会这样做,他给了答案。根据was,可知用过去时,ask 问,he和ask之间是被动关系,用过去时的被动语态,其结构为be+过去分词,主语是he,be动词用was,ask的过去分词是asked,故填was asked。 (2)句意:我正在努力从冰箱里拿一瓶牛奶的时候,突然我落下的瓶子,并且它掉了下来。此处表示我正在努力去牛奶的时候,恰好这时另一件事发生了,主句用过去将来时,主语是I,be动词用was,故填was trying。 (3)句意:他说“妈妈,我正在考虑怎样向你解释整个这件事。”consider考虑,动词,他妈妈金厨房时,他正在考虑怎样向妈妈解释,直接引语用现在进行时,其结构为be+现在分词,主语是I,be动词用am,consider的现在分词是considering,故填am considering。(4)句意:没有惩罚他,她说。“罗伯特,你搞得多么乱啊!我以前没有看见如此多的牛奶。根据常识,一般弄掉了牛奶,应该会受到惩罚,但是主人公的母亲并没有惩罚他,punish惩罚,动词,instead of后接动名词,punish的动名词是punishing,故填punishing。


词汇专练 一、根据句意及首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词 1. The trade war between China and the US will have influence on our country, but our government c________says that we have the ability to deal with it. 2. Jack went to school without breakfast, so he is h________now. 3. My bike is broken. My father is r________it. 4. Class begins! Listen carefully and a________my questions. 5. Growing vegetables looks easy, but a________it takes a lot of learning. 6. G________speaking, different countries have different table manners. 7. Your glass is e________, but mine is full. 8. He likes all kinds of jokes because he has a great sense of h________. 9. Mr. Wang asked me to i________myself when I first came to the class. 10. I’m looking f________to our summer vacation. 11. The Russian soup s________very nice. I can’t wait to drink it. 12. Leo is an honest boy. He never tells a l________. 13. Thank you for i________me to your birthday party. 14. David studies hard. I am sure he can pass the English e________. 15. Zhang Peng didn’t go home u________he finished his homework yesterday. 二、根据句意及汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词 1. The thieves________(偷) many things from the supermarket and were put into prison. 2. It is very relaxing for me to________(躺) on a soft sofa after a long time study. 3. The children were________(惩罚) for telling lies. 4. There is a big park________(在旁边) the supermarket. I prefer to take a walk there. 5. Does the radio say the expressway is closed in both________(方向) because of the heavy fog? 6. Very few people can________(发音) my name correctly.


九年级英语句型转换专项 I.单复数相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。 1. The woman is a nurse.(改为复数句) The _________ _________ _________. 2. There are some old cars behind the house.(改为单数句) There _________ _________ old _________ behind the house. 3. He has a new book.(改为复数句) _________ _________ new _________. 4. Are these your English-Chinese dictionaries? (改为单数句) _______ _______ your English-Chinese _______? 5. Is there a sheep on the hill?(改为复数句) ________ there ________ ________ on the hill? II. 陈述句与疑问句相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。 6. Mr Hu taught her maths last year.(改为一般疑问句) ________ Mr Hu ________ her maths last year? 7. The foreign visitor comes from Russia.(用Australia完成选择疑问句)_________ the foreign visitor come from Russia _________ _________? 8. Tom has lunch at school every day. (改为一般疑问句) _________ Tom _________ lunch at school every day? 9. That dictionary cost him twenty yuan. (改为一般疑问句) _________ that dictionary _________ him twenty yuan?

九年级英语重点句型、句式 归纳总结

九年级英语重点句型、句式 Unit 1 1. by + doing通过……方式如:by studying with a group by 还可以表示:“在…旁”、“靠近”、“在…期间”、“用”、“经过”、“乘车”等 如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o’clock. The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus. 2.too…to 太…而不能常用的句型too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:I’m too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说。 3.be / get excited about sth.=== be / get excited about doing sth. = be excited to do sth. 对…感兴奋 如:I am / get excited about going to Beijing.= I am excited to go to Beijing. 我对去北京感到兴奋。 4. ①end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事 如:he party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束。 ②end up with sth. 以…结束 如:The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。 5.one of +(the+ 形容词比较级)+名词复数形式…其中之一 如:She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受欢迎的教师之一。 6. It’s +形容词+(for sb. ) to do sth. (对于某人来说)做某事… 如:It’s difficult (for me ) to study English. 对于我来说学习英语太难了。 句中的it 是形式主语,真正的主语是to study English 7.unless 假如不,除非引导条件状语从句 如:You will fail unless you work hard..假如你不努力你会失败。 I won’t write unless he writes first. 除非他先写要不我不写 8.see sb. / sth. doing看见某人正在做某事强调正在发生 see sb. / sth. do看见某人在做某事如: 如:She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom.她看见他正在教室里画画。Unit 2 1.used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 否定形式:didn’t use to do sth. / used not to do sth. 如:He used to play football after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。 Did he use to play football? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. He didn’t use to smoke. 他过去不吸烟。 2. 反意疑问句(中考不考,可作了解) ①肯定陈述句+否定提问如:Lily is a student, isn’t she? Lily will go to China, won’t she? ②否定陈述句+肯定提问如:She doesn’t come from China, does she? You haven’t finished homework, have you? ③提问部分用代词而不用名词 Lily is a student, isn’t she? ④陈述句中含有否定意义的词 如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问句用肯定式。


初三英语语法专练(并列连词) 第七章并列连词 1 ( ) 1 My aunt asks whether I like a woolen sweater ___ a cotton one. A. but B. or C. and D. not ( ) 2 Either Mary ___ Lucy told him to come to see us. A. or B. and C. with D. nor ( ) 3 Hurry up, ____ we'll be late for the film. A. and B. but C. so D. or ( ) 4 Be quick, ____ we'll be late. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( ) 5 We ran to the trees, ___ we couldn't see any more monkeys. A. but B. so C. and D. for 2 ( ) 1 ___ Li Ping ___ Wu Fang ___ League members. A. Neither; nor; are B. Either; nor; is C. Both; and; are D. Neither; or; is ( ) 2 You can ____ stay at home ____ go out to play. A. either; or B. so; that C. neither; and D. both; and ( ) 3 ____ Wei Hua ___. Ann____ very busy. A. Both; and; is B. So; and; is C. Either; or; is D. So; that; are ( ) 4 ___ Monday___ Tuesday is OK, I will be free then. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. So; that D. Both; and ( ) 5 ___ my brother____ sister are doctors. A. Not; but B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Either; or 3 ( ) 1 The teacher, as well as his students___football. A. like B. likes C. enjoy D. play ( ) 2 The doctor, along with these nurses____ sent to the country. A. are B. were C. have D. was ( ) 3 My sister, together with her classmates____ interested in the new book. A. are B. were C. is D. have 4 ( ) 1 ___ she ___ I know his telephone number, because it has been changed. A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Not only; but also ' D. Neither; nor ( ) 2 ___ Jack ____ Tom watched TV yesterday evening because they were busy with their lessons. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Not; but D. Neither; nor ( ) 3 You may sit___ this end___ that end of the boat. A. neither; nor B. both; and C. either; or D. between; and ( ) 4 None of the shoes are the right size. They are ___ too big ____ too small. A. or; or B. either; or C. neither; or D. both; and

初中英语 人教新目标九年级Unit 8—词汇专练

人教新目标九年级Unit 8—词汇专练 Name_________ Grade_________ 第一节词汇。 根据首字母及汉语意思补全单词,并将单词的正确形式完整地填写在横线上(每空一词) 1. In the USA,men in offices usually wear s________ and ties. 2. The plane l________ safely half an hour ago. 3. He ran slowly and soon he was c________ up. 4. There are a lot of birds flying in the s________. 5. My father bought me a c________ as a birthday gift last year. 6. The kids stood in a c________ to listen to the old man. 7. The new hospital bought some m________ instruments last week. 8. We should discuss all the problems with our team l________. 9. Williams knew that he had missed his chance of v________. 10. After the competition,Chris couldn't even raise the e________ for a smile. 11. I don't know how to e________ my thanks to you for your help. 12. It's very cold outside. Please put on your c________ when you go out. 13. Some students are having physics class in the l________. 14. In ancient China,people can tell the time from the p________ of the sun. 15. People in the city held a great party to celebrate their v________. 16. Forests can help prevent water from ________(run) away,so drought doesn't often happen in this area. 17. There are many ________(wolf) in the zoo. 18. Scientists didn't find anything ________(value) in this area last year. 19. Mike can't find his watch. It can ________(steal). 20. The boy is so ________(sleep) that he falls asleep during the class. 21. She said she sent me a letter last week, but I haven't r________ it. 22. The p________ of the meeting is to choose a new president. 23. The work must be finished within a two-week p________. 24. The map may help you find the p________ of the train station quickly.


九年级上册英语句式句型语法1.Theygoasfastastheycan. as…assb.(one)can=as…aspossible尽可能地…… as…as中间加原级的形容词或副词。例:IwillworkashardasIcan.我将尽可能努力工作。Heranasfastashecould.他拼命地跑。Pleasecomehereassoonasyoucan.请尽快来这里。 2.WecallthefirstOlympicGamestheancientOlympics.

我们把早期的运动会叫做古代奥运会。 callsb./sth.+n.称呼某人/某物……,后面的名词作宾语补足语。例:WecalltheboyDaMao.我们称呼那个男孩大毛。 类似于这种可以用名词或名词短语作宾语补足语的动词有: name/call/make/choose/find/think等。例:Wechosehimourmonitoratyesterday'sclassmeeting. 昨天班会我们选他当我们的班长。 Ifindhimacleverboy.我觉得他是个聪明的孩子。

3.ItseemedthatZhuangYongandJennyThompson,anAmericanswimmer, hadfinishedatthesametime. 看上去好像庄泳和美国游泳选手詹尼•汤姆森同时游完全程。 以下几种方式可以表示看起来……,似乎…… Itseemsthat+从句 seemtobe+adj. seem+adj. 例:Dannyseemedexcited.(Dannyseemedtobeexcited.) 丹尼似乎很激动。


Unit1 How can we become good learners? 一.重点短语 1. ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助be patient 耐心点儿 2.improve one’ s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力 3. spoken English=oral English英语口语 4. make word cards 制作单词卡片 5. listen to tapes 听磁带 6. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀窍 7. be afraid to do sth.不敢'做某事 8. fall in love with.. . 爱上 9. body language 肢体语言10. take notes 记笔记make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误learning habits 学习习惯13. have sth. in common 有...共同点14. pay attention to 注意15. connect…with…把....与....联系起来16. write down key words 摘抄重点词17. in class 在课堂上after class 课后18. be interested in… 对.......感兴趣19. do sth. on one’s own 独立做某事20. worry about 为...而担忧21. depend on=rely on 依赖;取决于二.重点句型 1. What about doing sth ? 例:What about listening to tapes? 2. by的用法a. 介词prep. (指交通等)乘;例:The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。They went to Shanghai by plane. 他们坐飞机去上海。b. 表示做某事的方式、方法结构:by+V-ing I study 3. 现在完成时态结构:have done例:Have you ever studied with a group? 5. It’s +adj+ (for sb) to do sth It’s too hard (for me) to understand spoken English.


初三英语语法练习题 一、根据所给名词的适当形式填空: 1. There are a lot of ___________ ( leaf ) on the tree. 2. Uncle Li bought two ____________ ( watch ) yesterday. 3. There are many ______________ ( child) in the classroom. 4. We have a lot of nice ____________ ( tomato ) here. 5. There are lots of ____________ ( sheep ) in the hill. 6. There are about eighty __________________( man doctor) in the hospital. 7. I have a lot of ______________ ( information ) to tell you. 8. The baby has two ______________ ( tooth ). 9. There are 13 ____________( Japanese) and 30 ____________( German) here. 二、根据所给的动词的适当形式填空: 1. It took us two hours ______________ ( finish ) the work. 2. I heard someone _______________ (go) upstairs at 12:00 last night. 3. I asked him _______________ ( not make ) much noise there. 4. Why not _____________ ( have ) a drink? It is too hot. 5. Please remember ____________ (turn) off the light before you go to bed. 6. Thank you for _____________ ( help ) me with English. 7. I am interested in ________________ ( play ) soccer. 8. It is time for us _______________ ( play ) baseball. 9. They both take turns ______________ ( look after ) the old man. 10. My uncle often goes _______________ ( shop ) on weekends. 三、用所给的动词以适当的时态形式填空: 1. The teacher told us that the earth _____________ ( go ) around the sun. 2. We won't go to the park if it _____________ ( rain )tomorrow. 3. Mike usually ____________ ( take ) a walk after supper. 4. Jack ___________ ( visit ) her uncle last week. 5. I will tell you as soon as he ____________ ( come back). 6. He often ____________ ( watch ) TV at night. 7. Jenny ______________ ( read ) a book when her mother came home. 8. Look! The children _______________ ( swim ) in the river. 9. My uncle ______________ ( leave ) for Shanghai next week. 10. Mary __ ____________( have ) lunch at noon yesterday. 11. Tom _____________ ( come ) back from Australia in a week. 12. Mom ______________ ( cook ) when the bell rang. 13. The boys ________________ ( play ) football on the playground now. 14. Hurry up, or you _______________ (miss) the train. 15. Listen. Someone ______________ ( knock ) at the door. 16. Be quiet. My father _____________ ( sleep ) in the bedroom. 17. I _____________ ( go ) hiking with my friends last Monday. 18. My mother ___________ ( stay ) at home yesterday. 19. I _____________ ( mend ) my broken bike at 9:30 yesterday morning. 20. I ____________ ( feed) my dogs the day before yesterday.
