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Korean War 1950-1953
1945 - Korea divided at 38th parallel
1945 –朝鲜从38线被一分为二。
1947 - elections in south created Republic of Korea (ROK), president Syngman Rhee - north became People's Democratic Republic of Korea, president Kim Il Sung
1947 –朝鲜半岛南部举行选举,产生了“大韩民国”,总统为李承晚。
1948 - Russians withdrew troops
1948 –苏联从朝鲜半岛撤军。
1949 - US began to withdraw troops in June
1949 –美国于6月开始撤军。
1949/12 - Mao arrived in Moscow for 2-month visit with Stalin, resulting in Feb. 1950 Sino-Soviet alliance; Stalin invited Ho Chi Minh to join Mao in Moscow in Feb. 1950: "Let's add to China's population of 475 million, the populations of India, Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines."
1949/12 –毛泽东到莫斯科,进行为期两个月的访问,会晤斯大林,结果于1950年2月产生中苏联盟。
1950/03/10 - CIA predicted NK attack in June - Charles Willoughby, G-2 in Asia, filed 1195 reports to MacArthur in 12 months after June 1949, reported massive buildup of NK troops on border, large numbers Chinese troops of Korean descent entered NK, but MacArthur ignored the reports, said May 1950: "I don't believe a shooting war is imminent"
1950/03/10 –美国中央情报局预测北朝鲜要于6月发动进攻–负责亚洲情报与安全的查尔斯-威勒比于1949年6月开始连续一年时间,给麦克阿瑟写了1195份报告书,向他汇报说北朝鲜军队在边境大量集结,中国军队里大批朝鲜族人已进入北朝鲜。
1950/04 - Stalin met with Kim Il-sung in Moscow but would not support Kim's plan to invade SK unless Mao agreed to help: "If you should get kicked in the teeth, I shall not lift a finger. You have to ask Mao for all the help." Ki m visited Mao in Beijing and assured Mao as he had assured Stalin that the U.S. would not respond. Mao gave his approval because Mao was planning to invade Formosa and wanted Stalin's help. Stalin began to send Soviet supplies to NK and to plan the invasion, using the cover story that it would be a "counterattack" provoked by an alleged attack by SK. Mao was preoccupied with planning the Formosa attack and was surprised when the sudden invasion began in June.
1950/04 –斯大林在莫斯科会见了金日成,但对金入侵南朝鲜的计划不予支持,除非毛泽东同意帮忙:“即使你的牙齿被人给踢了,我都不会动一动手指头。
1950/05/30 - Syngman Rhee lost elections, about to lose control of SK government.The war was planned and initiated by Stalin and Kim.
1950/05/30 –李承晚输掉了选举,也即将失去对南朝鲜政府的掌控权力。
1950/06/24 - (U.S. time = Saturday, June 24) (Korea ti me= Sunday, June 25) at 4 am NK invaded SK with 90,000 troops equipped with Soviet weapons and Soviet T-34 tanks, quickly overran SK defenses, captured Uijongbu highway center 20 mi. north of Seoul in 2 days, captured Seoul by June 28 as ROK fled south blowing up Han River bridges, killing refugees, trapping 44,000 own men north of river
1950/06/24 – (美国时间= 6月24日,周六)(朝鲜时间= 6月25日,周日)凌晨4点正,北朝鲜9万名士兵,携带苏制武器和苏联T-34型坦克,入侵南朝鲜。
1950/06/25 - Sunday, Tru man returned to Blair House from Independence, and met with NSC - ordered U.S. Navy and AF into SK to stop invasion (but not Army ground troops)
1950/06/25 –周日。
1950/06/26 - Monday, Tru man asked and received support fro m UN - Russia was absent because boycotting Security Council until seat given to Communist China
1950/06/26 –周一。
1950/06/27 - Tuesday, 2nd UN meeting approved use of ground troops; Truman ordered the 7th Fleet to the Taiwan Strai t to protect Formosa. - 11 days later, a 3rd meeting authorized a UN command under Gen. Douglas MacArthur - 15 nations would contribute 40,000 troops, plus 300,000
fro m the U.S. and 500,000 fro m ROK
1950/06/27 –周二。
- 11天后,联合国第三次会议授权联合国军队指挥权交美军的道格拉斯-麦克阿瑟上将。
1950/06/29 - Thursday, MacArthur went to the front, saw disintegration of ROK army, co mmitted 13,000 U.S. troops of 24th Division, but wer e outnumbered 20 to 1, many surrendered or captured
1950/06/29 –周四。
1950/07/07 - MacArthur proposes his plan to "compose and united" all Korea in a great counterattack, but Truman delayed approval until NK attack was stopped.
1950/07/07 –麦克阿瑟提出计划,提出“联合”整个朝鲜,以进行猛烈反攻,但此计划遭杜鲁门耽搁,直到北朝鲜的进攻行动被阻止。
1950/07/19 - Truman speech before Congress requested $10b for the "police action" and made radio speech to the American people that was va gue and ambiguous - no mobilization for co mplete victory as in WWII
1950/07/19 –杜鲁门在国会发表讲话,为这场“警察行动”申请100亿美元经费,并向全美国发表了广播讲话。
1950/07 - "July debate" over strategy - MacArthur supported by John Allison that U.S. should liberate and unite Korea - but Omar Bradley supported by George Kennan that U.S. should only restore boundary of 38th parallel and seek a political settlement rather tha n a military solution. 1950/07 –因战略问题发生“七月争论”。
1950/07/23 - MacArthur gives JCS the details of his Inchon plan
1950/07/23 - 麦克阿瑟向参谋长联席会议呈递了详细的仁川登陆计划。
1950/07/26 - MacArthur orders Gen Walton "Johnnie" Walker to "stand or die" at Taegu - Pusan defense force increased to 92,000 U.S. with
91,500 ROK and 1500 Brit vs. 98,000 NK
1950/07/26 –麦克阿瑟命令瓦顿(外号叫“威尔士名酒”的)将军在太谷“死守”。
1950/08/07 - MacArthur begins counterattack fro m Pusan and stops NK attack
1950/08/07 –麦克阿瑟从釜山开始反击,并阻挡住了北朝鲜的进攻。
1950/08/28 - JCS approve Inchon plan - no order fro m Tru man; only JCS reco mmendation "let action determine the matter"
1950/08/28 –美国参谋长联席会议批准了仁川计划–这一命令并不是来自杜鲁门;而是由参谋长联席会议建议道“让行动决定一切”。
1950/09/01 - NSC papers support Inchon plan, but only with UN support, with an offer o f peace terms, and with only ROK forces to be used in northern border with China
1950/09/01 –国家安全委员会文件支持仁川计划,但附加条件是须先得到联合国支持,并提出和平条款,而且要求在与中国接壤的北部边界,只能部署南朝鲜军队。
1950/09/12 - "bomb at the Waldorf" - Acheson meeting with Brit and French to expand NATO troops with 10 German divisions and 4 U.S. Divisions
1950/09/12 - “沃多夫豪华宾馆里的炸弹”- 美国务卿艾奇逊在这里会晤了英国和法国领导人,讨论增派北约组织里的军事力量。
1950/09/15 - Inchon landing at high tide
1950/09/15 –潮涨最高时,开始仁川登陆。
1950/09/30 - public warning from China's Chou En-lai to stay away from the Yalu border - called by MacArthur "diplomatic blackmail" - but G-2 reported massive buildup of Co mmunist China Forces (CCF) along northern side of Yalu
1950/09/30 –中国的周恩来公开警告(联合国军),不要贴近鸭绿江的中朝边界。
1950/10/08 - MacArthur crossed 38th line into NK at 3:14 am., 12 hours before UN passed resolution calling for a "unified, independent, democratic Korea" and instructing MacArthur to "insure conditions of stability throughout Korea"; Kim Philby passed to the Russians and the Chinese secret information about MacArthur's troop movements; on this same day, U.S. jets attack Soviet air base near Vladivo stok as part of the "Secret Air War" between Russia and the U.S. on both sides of the Yalu.
1950/10/08 –麦克阿瑟于凌晨3点14分,提前12小时跨过三八线,进入北朝鲜。
1950/10/15 - MacArthur and Truman meet privately on Wake Island
1950/10/15 –麦克阿瑟与杜鲁门在维克岛秘密会晤。
1950/10/25 - 1st CCF attack across Yalu with 250,000 troops and Russian MIG-15 jets - but after two weeks, retreat back into China
1950/10/25 –共产党中国军队共25万人,在苏联米格15飞机的掩护下,进行了第一次进攻。
1950/11/24 - MacArthur starts final offensive toward Yalu, at the same ti me as Chinese delegates arrive at UN to begin peace negotiations
1950/11/24 –麦克阿瑟朝鸭绿江开始了最后进攻。
1950/11/25 - 2nd CCF attack against MacArthur's weakened center line - UN and ROK forces retreat back into SK
1950/11/25 –共产党中国军队开始第二次进攻,削弱了麦克阿瑟的中心防线–联合国军和南朝鲜军全部撤回到南朝鲜。
1950/12/25 - CCF stopped at 38th; UN sought armistice but not MacArthur who urged all-out war against China
1950/12/25 - 共产党中国军队在三八线停了下来;联合国寻求停火,但麦克阿瑟却不同意,他敦促发动对付中国的全面战争
1951/01 - "great debate" by 82nd Congress over Truman's Dec. 19 declaration of national emergency, wartime controls, increase in U.S. t roops for NATO to 6 divisions with Ike in command, $50b defense budget, doubled air groups to 95, increase Army to 3.5m troops, Japanese peace treaty, admit Greece and Turkey to NATO and add new bases in Libya, Saudi Arabia, Spain
1951/01 - 美国国会就杜鲁门12月9日发表的国家紧急状态声明,战时控制,和由艾克指挥的美国为北约组织增兵6个师,5百亿国防预算,空军集团军增至95个,增加步兵到350万人兵力,日本和平协议,允许希腊和土耳其进入北约组织,在利比亚,沙特和西班牙增设军事基地等问题,进行第82次“大辩论”。
1951/02/11 - 3rd CCF attack pushed UN forces back to Han River
1951/02/11 - 共产党中国军队发动第三次进攻,将联合国军击退到汉江。
1951/02/21 - Matthew Ridgeway's "Killer" counterattack pushed CCF back to 38th line by Apri l 21
1951/02/21 - 到4月21日,马修-李奇威的“屠夫”反攻计划将共产党中国军队再次逼退回三八线。
1951/04/11 - Truman fires MacArthur
1951/04/11 –杜鲁门解除麦克阿瑟总指挥职务。
1951/04/22 - 4th CCF attack - CCF co mmander Peng Teh-huai ordered by Mao "win a quick victory if you can; if you can't, win a slo w one." - drove Ridgeway back to Seoul by May
1951/04/22 - 共产党中国军队发动第四次进攻。
1951/05/02 - Malik speech hints at possible settlement
1951/05/02 –前苏联驻联合国代表马利克发表讲话,暗示有可能解决冲突。
1951/06/01 - Ridgeway's "Ripper" counterattack pushed CCF 40 miles north of the 38th line
1951/06/01 –李奇威的“撕裂者”反攻行动再将共产党中国军队推回到了三八线以北40英里处。
1951/06/05 - Malik began talks with Kennan about possible settlement
1951/06/05 - 前苏联驻联合国代表马利克与美国代表坎南开始谈判,讨论可能的解决方案。
1951/07/10 - Panmunjon talks began, but settlement delayed by Stalin (until Stalin's death March 5, 1953)
1951/07/10 –开始板门店和谈。
1953/06/26 - armistice signed
1953/06/26 –签署停战协议。