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chicken and mushroom stew 辽宁省:小鸡炖蘑菇
2. Liaoning province:
chicken and mushroom stew
The cuisine: The Liaoning people are known for being extremely straightforward and generous, and their cuisine reflects these traits.
The cuisine: Sichuan is one of the most influential regional cuisines in today’s China.
It’s known for the strong flavor and bright color and is heavily seasoned with chili pepper, Sichuan pepper, black pepper and fresh ginger.
8. Tianjin:
baked corn bread combined with fish
The tofu is tender, the minced beef crispy, the scallions fresh. The sauce hits its “ma” (numb) and “la” (spicy) notes with aplomb.
7.四川省:麻婆豆腐 烹饪风格:现如今,川菜是中国最 具有影响力的地方菜色之一。 川菜以其色艳味浓闻名,由红辣椒, 川椒,黑胡椒和生姜调制的佐料更 是令人赞不绝口。
The local style of cooking lamb is to boil it in plain water, which brings out the maximum tenderness of the meat. The meat is then eaten by hand, with diners grabbing and pulling pieces of the meat off the bone.
From hairy crab to hongshaorou, you'll find sweetness on most local plates.
The dish: Undeniably the symbol of Shanghainese cuisine, hongshaorou is rich in flavor and heavy in sauce. It's a dream for pork lovers.
烹饪风格:辽宁菜风格正反映 了辽宁人享有盛名的直爽和豪 迈性格。
菜肴:在中国寒冷的北方, 人们喜欢围聚在炕上, 分享由炖鸡、蘑菇和苕 粉混合制成的大杂烩来 抵御严寒的冬季。
3. Ningxia Hui autonomous region:
sheep entrails soup 宁夏回族自治区:羊杂碎汤
After hours of braising, the lean meat of the pork belly becomes extremely juicy, thanks to layers of fat.
烹饪风格:由于深受周边城市苏 州的影响,上海人偏爱甜食。
不管是大闸蟹还是红烧肉,你会 发现绝大部分的上海菜都是甜的。
菜肴:将手卷面团加煮到鲜 红的,油鰲制的肉汤里。 然后将这样的肉汤里 加上臊子——五花肉末, 素鸡(豆干),木耳, 百合和海带的杂烩。
6. Shanghai:
red braised pork belly 上海:红烧肉
6. Shanghai:
red braised pork belly
The cuisine: Largely influenced by its neighbor Suzhou, Shanghainese love their food sweet.
Not as delicate as the culinary culture of the south, Liaoning dishes are known for strong, rich flavors and hearty portions.
The dish: In the cold of northeast China, families huddle together on a heated bed to share a dish of stewed chicken, hazel mushroom and potato noodles to help pass the harsh winters.
菜肴:毋庸置疑, 红烧肉乃是上海 菜肴的标志。味 全汁多的猪肉, 乃是食肉一族的 大爱呀。
用文火炖煮几小 时后,五花肉的 精肉部分再淋上 鲜美浓香的肉汁 (肥肉炖煮之后 形成)。
7. Sichuan province:
mapo Tofu 四川省:麻婆豆腐
7. Sichuan province:
mapo Tofu
The dish: A steaming bowl of sheep entrails soup is garnished with spicy red chili oil and fragrant coriander -the best treat for a Ningxia shepherd after a day of herding.
Shanxi cuisine is often sour and spicy, with strong garlic and coriander flavors.
The dish: These soup noodles feature hand-rolled dough cooked in a red oil-based broth.
3.宁夏回族自治区: 羊杂碎汤
烹饪风格:此地区的游牧民 族和信仰伊斯兰教的回族人 青睐简单的烹饪手法,如果 没有牛羊肉,他们是无法生 存的(不吃猪肉)。
的辣子油和香气扑鼻 的香菜——是当地牧 羊人牧羊回家享受的 最好一道菜。
4. Qinghai province:
The dish: Mapo doufu is named after its creator, a freckle-face woman ("mapo" in Chinese) from Chengdu who lived during the Qing Dynasty. No Sichuan meal is complete without it.
The cuisine: Jiangsu food is famous for its cut and shape.
The provincial capital of Nanjing produces the best salted duck in the country, while Suzhou in the south is renowned for its desserts and rice cakes.
Delicious Moment
The chef: 姚薇莹 The cook: 张晓燕 赵亚宁
赵国栋 张忠榕
1.Jiangsu province:
squirrel-like mandarin fish 江苏省:松鼠桂鱼
1.Jiangsu province: squirrel-like mandarin fish
The region's cuisine is heavily influenced by Hui Muslim and Tibetan cooking traditions.
The dish: As a province with a large Islamic population, Qinghai contains a great variety of halal food.
hand-grabbed lamb 青海省:手抓羊肉
4. Qinghai province:
hand-grabbed lamb
The cuisine: Qinghai’s vast expanse of grassland produces some of the country’s finest mutton and beef. While cooking, locals combine spice with twists of sweetness.
The dish: Carved into the shape of a squirrel (sort of), the mandarin fish is deep-fried until golden brown, then smothered with a sweet-and-sour glaze, which, when poured sizzling over the fish, results in a squeak that sound like an actual squirrel (thus the name of the dish).
The broth is topped with saozi, a stirfried mixture of diced pork belly, dried tofu, wooden ear mushrooms, day lilies and seaweed.
烹饪风格:中国西北部的菜肴 材料都非常简单,比如猪肉, 羊肉和面条。 陕西菜味道酸辣,配有大量的 大蒜和香菜作辅料。
5. Shanxi province:
qishan noodles 陕西省:岐山臊来自百度文库面
5. Shanxi province:
qishan noodles
The cuisine: The northwestern province makes use of simple ingredients, such as pork, lamb and noodles.
烹饪风格:青海辽阔的草原培 育出了全国最上等的牛羊肉。 当地人喜爱将香料中加一丝甜 味来做这道菜。
这个地区的烹饪手法深受回族 和藏族的烹饪传统影响。
菜肴:青海省的居民大都信 仰伊斯兰教,因此当地有 大量的清真食品。
烹饪羊羔的正宗方法应该是: 将其放入白开水里煮,才 能使羊肉的鲜美最大限度 得发挥出来。之后应该有 手抓羊肉,将肉撕扯着吃, 直至看见骨头。
3. Ningxia Hui autonomous region: sheep entrails soup
The cuisine: Favoring simple cooking methods, the nomads and Muslim Hui of this autonomous region can’t live without their boiled beef and mutton.
菜肴:麻婆豆腐是由这道菜的发起 人——一个满脸雀斑的女人 (汉语:麻婆)而命名的。她 来自成都,居住在清朝时期。 没有麻婆豆腐川菜就不完整。 嫩豆腐,碎牛肉和鲜葱是这道 菜的主要材料。其调料巧妙地 实现了”麻“和”辣“的平衡
8. Tianjin:
baked corn bread combined with fish 天津: 贴饽饽熬小鱼
烹饪风格:江苏菜以其刀 功和菜形而出名。
全国最正宗的盐水鸭来自 于江苏首府——南京,而 南部的苏州市以其甜点和 年糕驰名。
菜肴:将桂鱼切成类似一只松鼠 的形状,下锅烤至金黄色 (淡棕色),调糖醋料加以 勾勒后焖煮,倒上滚热的水 直至发出像松鼠叫的吱吱声 (这也是菜名的由来)。
2. Liaoning province:
2. Liaoning province:
chicken and mushroom stew
The cuisine: The Liaoning people are known for being extremely straightforward and generous, and their cuisine reflects these traits.
The cuisine: Sichuan is one of the most influential regional cuisines in today’s China.
It’s known for the strong flavor and bright color and is heavily seasoned with chili pepper, Sichuan pepper, black pepper and fresh ginger.
8. Tianjin:
baked corn bread combined with fish
The tofu is tender, the minced beef crispy, the scallions fresh. The sauce hits its “ma” (numb) and “la” (spicy) notes with aplomb.
7.四川省:麻婆豆腐 烹饪风格:现如今,川菜是中国最 具有影响力的地方菜色之一。 川菜以其色艳味浓闻名,由红辣椒, 川椒,黑胡椒和生姜调制的佐料更 是令人赞不绝口。
The local style of cooking lamb is to boil it in plain water, which brings out the maximum tenderness of the meat. The meat is then eaten by hand, with diners grabbing and pulling pieces of the meat off the bone.
From hairy crab to hongshaorou, you'll find sweetness on most local plates.
The dish: Undeniably the symbol of Shanghainese cuisine, hongshaorou is rich in flavor and heavy in sauce. It's a dream for pork lovers.
烹饪风格:辽宁菜风格正反映 了辽宁人享有盛名的直爽和豪 迈性格。
菜肴:在中国寒冷的北方, 人们喜欢围聚在炕上, 分享由炖鸡、蘑菇和苕 粉混合制成的大杂烩来 抵御严寒的冬季。
3. Ningxia Hui autonomous region:
sheep entrails soup 宁夏回族自治区:羊杂碎汤
After hours of braising, the lean meat of the pork belly becomes extremely juicy, thanks to layers of fat.
烹饪风格:由于深受周边城市苏 州的影响,上海人偏爱甜食。
不管是大闸蟹还是红烧肉,你会 发现绝大部分的上海菜都是甜的。
菜肴:将手卷面团加煮到鲜 红的,油鰲制的肉汤里。 然后将这样的肉汤里 加上臊子——五花肉末, 素鸡(豆干),木耳, 百合和海带的杂烩。
6. Shanghai:
red braised pork belly 上海:红烧肉
6. Shanghai:
red braised pork belly
The cuisine: Largely influenced by its neighbor Suzhou, Shanghainese love their food sweet.
Not as delicate as the culinary culture of the south, Liaoning dishes are known for strong, rich flavors and hearty portions.
The dish: In the cold of northeast China, families huddle together on a heated bed to share a dish of stewed chicken, hazel mushroom and potato noodles to help pass the harsh winters.
菜肴:毋庸置疑, 红烧肉乃是上海 菜肴的标志。味 全汁多的猪肉, 乃是食肉一族的 大爱呀。
用文火炖煮几小 时后,五花肉的 精肉部分再淋上 鲜美浓香的肉汁 (肥肉炖煮之后 形成)。
7. Sichuan province:
mapo Tofu 四川省:麻婆豆腐
7. Sichuan province:
mapo Tofu
The dish: A steaming bowl of sheep entrails soup is garnished with spicy red chili oil and fragrant coriander -the best treat for a Ningxia shepherd after a day of herding.
Shanxi cuisine is often sour and spicy, with strong garlic and coriander flavors.
The dish: These soup noodles feature hand-rolled dough cooked in a red oil-based broth.
3.宁夏回族自治区: 羊杂碎汤
烹饪风格:此地区的游牧民 族和信仰伊斯兰教的回族人 青睐简单的烹饪手法,如果 没有牛羊肉,他们是无法生 存的(不吃猪肉)。
的辣子油和香气扑鼻 的香菜——是当地牧 羊人牧羊回家享受的 最好一道菜。
4. Qinghai province:
The dish: Mapo doufu is named after its creator, a freckle-face woman ("mapo" in Chinese) from Chengdu who lived during the Qing Dynasty. No Sichuan meal is complete without it.
The cuisine: Jiangsu food is famous for its cut and shape.
The provincial capital of Nanjing produces the best salted duck in the country, while Suzhou in the south is renowned for its desserts and rice cakes.
Delicious Moment
The chef: 姚薇莹 The cook: 张晓燕 赵亚宁
赵国栋 张忠榕
1.Jiangsu province:
squirrel-like mandarin fish 江苏省:松鼠桂鱼
1.Jiangsu province: squirrel-like mandarin fish
The region's cuisine is heavily influenced by Hui Muslim and Tibetan cooking traditions.
The dish: As a province with a large Islamic population, Qinghai contains a great variety of halal food.
hand-grabbed lamb 青海省:手抓羊肉
4. Qinghai province:
hand-grabbed lamb
The cuisine: Qinghai’s vast expanse of grassland produces some of the country’s finest mutton and beef. While cooking, locals combine spice with twists of sweetness.
The dish: Carved into the shape of a squirrel (sort of), the mandarin fish is deep-fried until golden brown, then smothered with a sweet-and-sour glaze, which, when poured sizzling over the fish, results in a squeak that sound like an actual squirrel (thus the name of the dish).
The broth is topped with saozi, a stirfried mixture of diced pork belly, dried tofu, wooden ear mushrooms, day lilies and seaweed.
烹饪风格:中国西北部的菜肴 材料都非常简单,比如猪肉, 羊肉和面条。 陕西菜味道酸辣,配有大量的 大蒜和香菜作辅料。
5. Shanxi province:
qishan noodles 陕西省:岐山臊来自百度文库面
5. Shanxi province:
qishan noodles
The cuisine: The northwestern province makes use of simple ingredients, such as pork, lamb and noodles.
烹饪风格:青海辽阔的草原培 育出了全国最上等的牛羊肉。 当地人喜爱将香料中加一丝甜 味来做这道菜。
这个地区的烹饪手法深受回族 和藏族的烹饪传统影响。
菜肴:青海省的居民大都信 仰伊斯兰教,因此当地有 大量的清真食品。
烹饪羊羔的正宗方法应该是: 将其放入白开水里煮,才 能使羊肉的鲜美最大限度 得发挥出来。之后应该有 手抓羊肉,将肉撕扯着吃, 直至看见骨头。
3. Ningxia Hui autonomous region: sheep entrails soup
The cuisine: Favoring simple cooking methods, the nomads and Muslim Hui of this autonomous region can’t live without their boiled beef and mutton.
菜肴:麻婆豆腐是由这道菜的发起 人——一个满脸雀斑的女人 (汉语:麻婆)而命名的。她 来自成都,居住在清朝时期。 没有麻婆豆腐川菜就不完整。 嫩豆腐,碎牛肉和鲜葱是这道 菜的主要材料。其调料巧妙地 实现了”麻“和”辣“的平衡
8. Tianjin:
baked corn bread combined with fish 天津: 贴饽饽熬小鱼
烹饪风格:江苏菜以其刀 功和菜形而出名。
全国最正宗的盐水鸭来自 于江苏首府——南京,而 南部的苏州市以其甜点和 年糕驰名。
菜肴:将桂鱼切成类似一只松鼠 的形状,下锅烤至金黄色 (淡棕色),调糖醋料加以 勾勒后焖煮,倒上滚热的水 直至发出像松鼠叫的吱吱声 (这也是菜名的由来)。
2. Liaoning province: