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Comparison of welfare between women and children in China and Britain

劳动与社会保障1441 熊凯斌 1420811102

Women's welfare in China:

1. Fertility benefits

Give birth allowances to women. When a female worker is pregnant, the examination fee, birth fee, operation fee, hospitalization expenses and expenses for the medicine shall be borne by the unit in charge of the examination and delivery of the medical institution or the designated medical institution of the unit. During maternity leave, wages are paid as usual. If the female worker is unable to work due to physical reasons after the holidays, when the medical department proves that the treatment exceeds the period of maternity leave, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the worker's illness.

2. Women's labor protection and welfare

In order to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of female workers, to reduce and solve the special difficulties caused by female workers in their work and work, and to protect their health, the State Council formulated the regulations on labor protection for female workers.

3. Women's health benefits

In our country the "maternal infant health care law" provisions "and" female worker health care, health care system of female workers made provisions: all levels of maternal and child health care institutions at or above the county level, all units responsible for the management within the scope of business guidance. The medical and health departments of each unit shall be responsible for the health care of female workers in their units. The number of female workers in 1000 following factories should be no part-time women health care personnel; the number of female workers in more than 1000 factories, workers in the obstetrics and gynecology hospital or maternity and child should be specifically responsible for the Baojian Railway Station in the health care work of female workers.

4. Welfare facilities and welfare services for women

For women's welfare facilities and welfare services, involving many aspects of women's lives and health, such as maternal and child health hospital, maternity hospital, women's activity center, service center, fitness center, women shop etc.. Some women's enterprises and institutions also set up women's irrigation equipment, which are available to women during special periods.

The present situation of children's welfare in China:

1. Child health

The health of children includes three aspects: first, the newborn and greatly reduce the mortality of children under 5 years old; second, the vaccination rate and high; third, the nutritional status of children through the "outline Chinese child development (2003-2012)" the implementation of the mid-term evaluation report shows that Chinese children with moderate to severe malnutrition prevalence rate declined steadily from 0 to 6 months of breastfeeding rate in 2012 more than 85% of the target children program in 2010.

2. Education

First, compulsory education. School-age children in China have the obligation to receive education.

Second, preschool education. At present, most cities in China have fully realized their children's enrollment. Early childhood education has been strengthened in 0~3, and has gradually extended to the age of three.

Third, family education. Family education has attracted much attention and the number of parents and schools has increased. By 2012, 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and 723 townships had set up family education institutions.

3. Legal protection

First, increase the "counter turn" efforts, especially for minor crimes.
