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1970年国际工业设计协会ICSID(International Council of Societies of Industrial Design) 为工业设计下了一个完整的定义: "工业设计,是一种
根据产业状况以决定制作物品之适应特质的创造活动。适应物品特质, 不单指物品的结构, 而是兼顾使用者和生产者双方的观点, 使抽象的概念系统化, 完成统一而具体化的物品形象, 意即著眼于根本的结构与机能间的相互关系, 其根据工业生产的条件扩大了人类环境的局面。" 1980年,国际工业设计协会理事会(ICSID)给工业设计又作了如下的定义:“就批量生产的工业产品而言,凭借训练、技术知识、经验及视觉感受,而赋予材料、结构、构造、形态、色彩、表面加工、装饰以新的品质和规格,叫做工业设计。根据当时的具体情况,工业设计师应当在上述工业产品全部侧面或其中几个方面进行工作,而且,当需要工业设计师对包装、宣传、展示、市场开发等问题的解决付出自己的技术知识和经验以及视觉评价能力时,这也属于工业设计的范畴。”以下是世界上一些著名设计师对“设计”的看法,“设计”是什么?设计就是创新。如果缺少发明,设计就失去价值;如果缺少创造,产品就失去生命。——刘东利(香港)设计是追求新的可能。——武藏野(日本)设计就是文化纷乱与混沌掩盖着秩序,彷徨与矛盾孕育着机
的。——林衍堂(香港理工大学设计系副主任)设计就是协同作为设计师本身,更重要的是具备自身的素质和知识结构及群体设计意识,也就是用立体知识结构与相邻科学协同设计研究的意识。——俞军海(蜻蜓工业设计公司总经理)工业设计是满足人类物质需求和心理欲望的富于想象力的开发活动。设计不是个人的表现,设计师的任务不是保持现状,而是设法改变它。——亚瑟. 普洛斯(ICSID前主席) "If I could compare the process of design to publishing a novel, design would be the story and language which could not stand alone without pages, print or binding to make it whole and useable. Danielle Steele, Defoe or Descartes . . . your choice."——Darrel. Staley, FIDSA, Manager of Corporate Industrial Design, Ampex Corp."Industrial design is the process of developing an elegant and functional improvement to the physical interface between man and machine-made products."——Robert Glenn Smith, FIDSA."Design thinking is what separates humans from animals! Designers are trained to make things work and look better. They team with manufacturers, marketers, advertisers and end-users toturn unspoken desires into consumer demand with a rare blend of beauty and utility that improve our lives."——Tucker Viemeister, IDSA, Vice President of Smart Design."The process of designing products is a multi-faceted balancing act. It requires a synthesis of disciplines and a reconciliation of constraints. This requires
creative pragmatism. The end result is a completed product that looks great, operates as the user wants and expects and is manufactured for the right price."——Malcolm S. Smith, IDSA, Vice President of Palo Alto"Designers are not highly paid cake decorators. They are gurus of cross-functional problem solving. Great design solutions are a seamless blend of technical, financial, emotional and brand naming issues. Industrial designers can marry the disparate points of view that effect a product's performance in the marketplace and create solutions to exceed expectations -- corporate and consumer."——Spencer Murrell, Vice President, Fitch Inc."The design process, at its best, integrates the aspirations of art, science and culture."——Jeff Smith, IDSA, President of Lunar DesignID Define(工业设计定
义)Industrial design is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer.Industrial designers develop these concepts and specifications through collection, analysis and synthesis of data guided by the special requirements of the client or manufacturer. They are trained to prepare clear and concise recommendations through drawings, models and verbal descriptions. Industrial design services are often provided within the context of cooperative working relationships with other members of a development group. Typical groups include management, marketing, engineering and manufacturing specialists. The Industrial designer expresses concepts that embody all relevant design criteria determined by the group. The industrial designer's unique contribution places emphasis on those aspects of the product or system that relate most directly to human characteristics, needs and interests. This contribution requires specialized understanding of visual, tactile, safety and convenience criteria, with concern for the user. Education and experience in anticipating psychological, physiological and sociological factors that influence and are perceived by the user are essential industrial design resources. Industrial designers also maintain a practical concern for technical processes and requirements for manufacture; marketing opportunities and economic constraints; and distribution sales and servicing