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I) RATE DATA(基本数据):


GSU work class(卸船机工作级别):A8;

Hoist and trolley work class(起升和小车工作级别):M8;

Boom work class(俯仰工作级别):M3-one running circuit time is 6min to 8min


Gantry work class(大车工作级别):M5。

TRANSFORMER AND MOTORS DATA(变压器和电机数据):Main transformer(主变压器):SCB10-2500KV A 6.3KV/0.5KV;η主变=0.995

Aux. transformer(辅变压器):SCB10-315KV A 6.3KV/0.4KV;η辅变=0.99

Hoist motors(起升电机):2X400KW,500V AC;

Close motors(开闭电机):2X400KW,500V AC;

Trolley motor(小车电机):400KW,500V AC;

Boom motor(俯仰电机):110KW,500V AC;

Gantry motors(大车电机):20X11KW,500V AC;

P hoist=1600KW , P trolley =400KW

II) Reel flexible HV cable电缆卷盘高压电缆3X120mm2

HV supply current上机高压电缆电流计算:

I HV = P AUX /(1.732*U0)/cosφ/η辅变+ P mot/(1.732*U)/η1/η2/η3/η4/η主变




Enable current of the reel flexible HV cable : I z=K t* K f* K g*I q

卷盘电缆允许载流量计算公式:I z=K t* K f* K g*I q

Correction factor for ambient air temperature(环境温度修正系数):K t=0.82:

Parallel Correction facto r(多根电缆并列铺设校正系数):K f=1:

Reel type correction factor(不同形式卷盘电缆的修正系数):K g=0.85:

Base current for Reel flexible HV cable(卷盘电缆的基准载流量):I q=346A

I z=K t* K f* K g*I q=0.82*1*0.85*329=241.16A

SO: Reel flexible HV cable is OK that 3X120mm2 (6/10KV) is selected!所以上机高压卷盘电缆选择3X120 mm2是满足的。

II) Calculation of The LV CABLE of AUX.transformer


AUX transformer capacity are 315KV A(辅助变压器容量:315KVA);

The use factor of AUX. transformer is 0.8(辅助变压器负载系数:0.8)P0=0.8*315=252KW;

The total power factor of AUX. transformer is 0.85(辅助变压器总功率因数:0.85);

The calculate current of LV aux transformer(辅助变压器二次侧工作电流计算):

I LV = P0 /(1.732*U)/cosφ




the LV cables of which from aux.transformer to MCC panel are one CEFR 1X150mm2 (0.6/1KV) for every phase and PEN phase is CEFR 1X95mm2 (0.6/1KV), which’s current rating capacity I q= 475A at 45℃ambient temperature.


(0.6/1KV),PEN 线选1根CEFR 95mm2 (0.6/1KV),CEFR 150 mm2 (0.6/1KV)电缆在环境温度

45℃的基准载流容量I q= 475A。

When the max ambient temperature is 50℃, the current carrying capacity correction factor K t= 0.94.

电缆在环境温度50℃时,电缆载流量的降容系数K t= 0.94.

K j=1(重复短时工作制的接电持续率校正系数);

parallel Correction factor K f=1 ;多根电缆并列铺设校正系数K f=1

the current carrying capacity I z=K t*K j*K f*I q=475X0.94X1X1=446A ;

电缆实际允许载流容量I z=K t*K j*K f*I q=475X0.94X1X1=446A;

SO: one CEFR 1X150mm2 (0.6/1KV) for every phase and one CEFR 1X95mm2 for PEN phase is OK! the capacity of LV cable from AUX transformer to MCC PANEL is OK

III) Calculation of The LV cable of main transformer

The main transformer capacity are 2500KV A. cyclic load operation (60%)

η1-the total power factor of the ISU power supply unit is 0.98;

η2-the efficiency of the ISU power supply unit is 0.98;

η3-the efficiency of the ACS800 multi driver is 0.97;

η4-the motor machine factor is 0.96;

η5-the 20% capacity of Transformer should be reserved。

The calculate current of main transformer:

I LV =( P hoist+ 0.8*P trolley )/(1.732*U)/η1/η2/η3/η 4




the LV cables of which from main transformer to MCC panel are Six parallel CEFR 1X150mm2 (0.6/1KV)every phase, which’s current rating capacity I q= 6X475A at 45℃ambient temperature.

When the max ambient temperature is 50℃, the current carrying capacity correction factor K t= 0.94.

K j=1.22;

Six parallel Correction factor K f=0.8
